They have no culture or historical achievements worth mentioning
Why is Northern Germany so poor and useless?
>historical achievements worth mentioning
Muh Hanseatic Trade League..
But yes, you are absolutely right.
In every other country on earth you can find awesome cities along the coastline. Sometimes hotbeds of Degeneracy but nonetheless, outstanding cities worth a travel for many reasons.
Meanwhile in Germany: Hamburg
>Muh Hanseatic Trade League..
Which had to be formed beacuse the baltic shit sea was too savage and undeveloped to ensure safe travels for merchants.
That the prime achievement of the hanseatic league was that they managed to cuck Denmark really tells you something lol
Overlay that map with East Germany.
Mecklenburg-Vopommern is the most underrated Bundesland in Germany by far, I love Schwerin and Rostock, lots of white people, lots of cute girls especially on the Ostsee. Western Germany has money but it also has fucktons of migrants, turks, and retarded antifa leftists.
It is the poorest bundesland in all of Germany, Merkel also came fromt there.
As a general rule, if it got a coast in the baltic sea it is a shithole, the exception being Poland.
If you don't want it. You can always give Schleswig and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern back to us. Well make it great again.
They had one called Königsberg which was taken by the Russians and destroyed.
Prussia was never ethnically north German, they where just germanized balts and slavs
right, it is the poorest, but also underrated, full of white people, and home to beautiful medium sized cities and small villages, forest, beach, farmland etc. i love mecklenburg-vopommern, much more than i enjoy whatever shitty part of turk filled germany you live in.
East germany was communist not too long ago
>full of white people
Who cares when the white people who live there are suhuman?
Id rather live among turks than with northern Germans (or any other kind of Germanic really)
>Who cares when the white people who live there are suhuman? Id rather live among turks than with northern Germans (or any other kind of Germanic really)
t. shitskin
I would rather live among subhumans of my own kind than subhumans of an alien culture with gross hairy brown women.
Compare the achievements and historical relevancy of northern Germany with that of Turkey and you will see who is truly subhuman
well maybe they should stay in turkey then if its so great
>developing a sea in Antiquity
Paki tier education
also most of the greatest achievements of "turkey" were done by greeks that have since been genocided in those areas.
Both Turks and Greeks are mediteranean people you subhuman snowmonkey. They have more in common with each other than Greeks do with other "whites".
>hanseatic league
We are talking about the late medieval age here and to please your autism I meant the land around the baltic sea.
The countries around the baltic have always (and still are) been a civilizational backwater, with the exception of Poland ofc.
yes but muslim turks who replaced the greeks have been cousin fuckers for something like 40 generations making them significantly lower in terms of IQ, turks aren't really meds either, they are central asians who migrated from the steppes. your historical knowledge seems lacking compadre.
Turkey is still heavily greek in the west you retard, the central asians never had much genetic impact, sort of like with the germanic tribes in southern europe, except the Turks actually managed to pass on their name and language.
i thought you expelled most of the remaining anatolian greeks following WW1, the ones who hadn't fled already over the preceding centuries of Ottoman oppression.