How much fucking longer are we going to tolerate Antifa?

How much fucking longer are we going to tolerate Antifa?

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How many cocks do you have to suck to get that knife.

At least 25

76 bbc and 300 hours of pegging

I haven't heard much of what they've been up to. But in all seriousness, we need to wipe them out. They're just causing problems.

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Antifa will die out by 2021. By then, all of those jobless fuckers will have worn out their welcome at their parent's and they will be introduced to the real world, having to get a job and be a normal citizen. Or, they'll just an hero because they couldn't take it any longer.

I'm moving out to a different flat next month
My new roommates are all gonna be legit black bloc antifa art students
Pray for me

Oh they're around. Still sperging out and larping demonstrating their bourgeoisie upbringing and sensibilities

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>The Rose City Antifa scheduled a counter-protest for 4 p.m. "to show Patriot Prayer, just as we showed them last year, that their violence and hatred has no place in Portland."
>"violence and hatred has no place in Portland."
>proceeds to commit violence against people they hate

absolute pottery

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That's not a knife.

>15 dollar OTF chink shit on Amazon

I'd be embarrassed to have it

Is that leafy?

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THIS is a knife.

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Why the fuck are you living with the enemy user?

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Chickens eat eggs

Whats so bad about pegging.

>Pray for me
No need for that
>art students
Just man up Jean.

Enjoy your rekt rectum!

It's gay.

Antifa got wrecked in Portland. Don't let anyone tell you any different.

Just be gentle.

Whats a Jow Forums approved knife for fighting lefties? No switchblades please, I have male genitalia.

It's done by a woman though, no?

ech, looking for the cheapest rent basically, they're friends of friends

Hoping to dispense a bunch of redpills along the way

Hi Mr. FBI agent, you're glowing in the dark
Jow Forums is a board of peace

Tell your friends and family how much you like women sticking dildos up your ass and see how well they react.

Or else? Gonna throw out of the window?

Until total victory. They're incredibly useful.

>being afraid of some twink

Get a kizer pocket knife, really good quality, I use one at work every day

What you gonna do faggot

In other news user will end up dead

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How is anyone going to take you self-proclaimed tough guy nazis seriously when you're scared of some college kids with bats? Oh that's right, no one takes you guys seriously.

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Serepick Ban Tang/fruit knives. Fairbarn-Sykes type daggers, but small so you ca conceal them. And generally smaller straight edge stabby ones with no serration. Check Ed's Manifesto on the internets, learn Libre.

Tell your family details of your sex life. See how they react.

Didn't know that knifes could be gay

Trump should just brand them a terrorist organization already and raid their structures using patriot act

fuck off shill ass bitch

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It looks like a potato peeler

I have a thing for telescopic batons. They never see it coming. They will snap after a few blows though.

When our patience runs out

It's not running out fast they are very entertaining

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forgot about the "well, Jow Forums?"

Now you know.

Nobody cares about Antifa. They attack garbage cans. That's about it.

This is a slide thread to distract from the Tucson happening.

liking your god and country is NAZI REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

college kids implies they have a future, this is more junkies and art school dropouts with nothing to lose that makes them dangerous vs the tough guy nazis on Jow Forums that have careers and a future

I think I know that girl

imo they're just as legitamate as "nazis"

>fags marching around in all black to promote diversity
>fags marching around in white shirts and khakis to promote white superiority

same bowl of shit, different turds

>the tough guy nazis on Jow Forums that have careers and a future
A future of impotent rage over things that aren't real and/or don't mean anything.

>Soros stops funding them

>muh centrism
Can this meme die already? No one cares about your cowardice-turned-political.

>redpilling antifa members
Are you actually retarded? They'll smash the fash the second they know that you aren't in their cult

>not falling for edgy natsoc memes makes you a centrist

>didn't said anything about natsoc
Not only you are a pussy, you are also fucking dumb.

Think of it this way.

All the foreign Soros money flowing into the US Economy from his attempts to social engineer, which is cheaply and efficiently countered by Jow Forums. Antifa is a Golden Goose user.

I don't get why you city folk just don't grab one, and humiliate and expose the IRL-Jew to everyone.

Strip em naked and expose the nose and the pecker, then tar and feather while digging out said jew with a blade.
Men just aren't Men anymore.

You know why we didn't have ghettos in the past or why we didn't have too much of a homeless problem?
Because Men used to burn out the bad neighborhoods with Gasoline, same can be said about homeless camps.

Pussies all of you.

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It's summer alright.

2020 after the second inauguration, Trump'll start putting these faggots away for 20 years each and sign a federal law to ban masks at protests.

damn man, where'd you learn to dance? Danced around the subject so quick you might have whiplash

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I tell them that I have sex with my wife for the purpose of procreation and fun.

They say, "No shit, user. We're married too and know how it works."

Yeah, I can say exactly same thing. Procreation and fun. Which is not exactly the same as depicting them specific sexual techniques, fetishes and preferences, isn't it user. Why can't you stop shitting in your own mouth so much. Are you aware that I'm mostly just quoting you?

I've personally buttfucked antifa women. They are weak and the men are even weaker.

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Its not even otf, its a spring-assisted flipper, and its $7. I've owned a few Tac-Force and M-Tech knives, they're all basically the same in that the fit and finish is atrocious and they all fall apart in a few weeks (if they work at all) and the blade is made out of some sort of soft cheese.

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Nah, they are like little pets for people to laugh at

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you do realize neo nazis and white supremacists are the minority?

>fighting them with fists
>not just grabbing them one by one, removing their masks, taking their picture, uploading it to the internets, and the release them back into the crowd

If you kill one you will get on the news.

A gun.

>lookitmeee!!! notice meeeee!!! i'm relevant!!!
here's a (You), little fella

He is correct though. Antifa is dying out rapidly, all over the Europe and I can't imagine their whole gig in US is now more than last stint before death. They are literally non-existant in the Eastern Europe and their previous fortress, Germany and Austria is basically in such decline, that most older nationalists can't even believe it. I remember the time they were pretty fucking radical and that was more than 10 years ago.

you do realize you're a faggot and a disappointment to your parents?

the real deal is pretty spiffy but out of production and tainted by the cringe of being a superhero movie prop, which also means the price is absurdly inflated by basedboi collectors (beyond what it would be by run-of-the-mill knife collecting basedboys who buy knives with names like "commando" and "militia")

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I wonder if their head still pops like a watermelon after a round of 5.56 penetrates that fake ballistic helmet

gas them

every radical movement is minority as normies cant be bothered by anything

How many of them?
>Take your old shoes you want to throw away
>Use them like your regular shoes
>Wait until the most obnoxious antifaggot get drunk. He is art-student so it shouldn't take long
>Shit in their shoes and into your old ones as well
>Do not shit in shoes of the most obnoxious antifaggot
>Watch the whole thing unfold as it will be pretty much obvious who is the perp
>Rinse and repeat, become shoe-shitting phantom until you are living alone

this certain look in their eyes.

somehow has something of prey, do they actually want to get hunted?

This is very intuitive of you

She's cute. Could I dick her back to sanity?

I see you've played knifey spooney before. Well, g'day.

Betting my canuck bucks on Antifa being a false flag op.

They should have called it "a joke"

Simpsons is trash. Also I'm like 85% sure that's not a spoon.

Unfortunately I live in a state where they wouldn't dare show their cowardly faces. I can't bash any commies.

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go on.

Buck 110 or 119

Antifa are a spook. Focus on jewish billionaires, not their pets.

God, I wanna fuck that thing in the OP picture so badly, regardless of whether or not it is a male or a female. I live in Portland, too. I am making this happen.

>I haven't heard much of what they've been up to
I think I know why, but you may not believe me.
former art student here. seriously. what are you worried about. you might actually have to interact with another human like an adult.
somehow this thread isnt about this fucking guy.
probably the right response.
welcome to the knife discussion thread, for years I loved Cold Steel, but since they moved their factory to South Africa, I find the quality has slightly dropped off. but for day to day functionality and folding CRKT or SOG is endlessly reliable.
not if its a real one and not some fantasy sword store bullshit with a camo pattern or something.
but yeah, a collapsible baton is brutally effective
tough guy over here. reading shit like this is actually cringe for me.
riiiiight, we all do.
>vs the tough guy nazis on Jow Forums that have careers and a future
>Guys, I WANT to fight the Antifa, I just cant FIND them!...or did we win already?

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I've got my gun ready. I cant wait to join antifa and gun you fascist unamerican fucks down like the pigs you are.

Thanks, doc.

I’ve got my cum gun ready to pipe antifa sisises and twinks

>join antifa
first you must complete the five-foot bong hit. then after ritualist hackey-sacking men in black robes carry you to a couch were you watch Schindlers List and drink kombucha. will be one of us.

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Antifa, like the Modern Left is mostly a Corporatist front full of many dupes who think they are fighting actual fascism. Keep your eyes on Unite The Right 2, coming this August 12th to see if Antifa is being reigned by their (((Masters.)))

There is a limited about of trouble they can cause before the Working Class Left and Business Class Right will find some common ground and start fighting them. Beware of anyone who attack random targets. Beware of people who attack symbolic targets but never preach the cause. (If a man believes in no government, he needs to demonstrate peaceful interaction with his fellow man.)

Anyone who advocates for things like Free Speech, Weapon Rights, Search and Seizure rights, etc. to be reduced for the people while allowing a regulatory force to remain above them, is not serving the people.

I thought Antifa disbanded, nobody has mentioned them al, year so far. I guess they gave up.

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That sounds breddy fun desu

>How much fucking longer are we going to tolerate Antifa?
>testing to see how many shills are aware that antifa is run by police and most antifa agents are police larpers.
well shills? how knowledgeable are you about police covert ops?

Antifa is a bunch of 120 pound male feminist and some 300 pound bull Dykes . They're not really a problem ...


>and the blade is made out of some sort of soft cheese.

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