How did Texas get so red pulled on the Pitbull question?
Elijah Jackson
Brody Thompson
Why are faggots so afraid of a dog?
Daniel Ward
>why are faggots afraid of an animal that kills people
Huh, tough question.
Samuel Foster
>guns are dangerous and kill people
Fuck off with your gay shit, quite apparent you are just a giant pussy.
Jaxon Hill
Virtue signalling
Jason Jackson
>guns are animate
Ask me how I know you’re retarded.
Connor Kelly
Guns aren't sentient you fucking brainlet
Daniel Gutierrez
You're a shitty human. I hope you get bit by every fucking dog whose path you cross, right in your shitty face.
Joseph Flores
Noah Wilson
Wew did I rustle you fucking homos?
Being scared of any dog is for muslims and niggers, which ones are you guys?