What the fuck is wrong with him?

What the fuck is wrong with him?

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Where is he wrong?
Other than Op's butthurt.

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Problem, OP?

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>Witch hunt
His time is coming

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The bognald rules with 10 iron fists

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What the fuck is wrong with you?

Absolutely nothing, I'm pleased as punch to call this guy my president


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nice fake Goebbels quote fren

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He's the best


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Hail Caesar!

He knows what's coming. He's trying to get his base used to the idea that he will attempt to pardon himself when he's inevitably charged.

>Trump like Mcdicks Filet O Fish too

>like ugh how dare he point out simple logical fallacies being used to subvert our legal system and parts of government. like, just, like, ugh:(


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Small dick


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eating a cheeseburger on a bed in the whitehouse?
goddamn, that's some fucking American living right there.

So it's fair. If Hilary won she could also pardon herself.

What's worrisome is that Trump actually researched the matter. Perhaps he has some CP someone else knows about?

Doubtful, he's not Trudy.

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he eats food, we must impeach him NOW

When I was in college and worked at McDonald's, I often ate 3 or 4 cheese burgers in bed, because I was taking 21 semester units and working 40 hours a week (I had another job at the U as well).
Very tasty when you're unable to afford anything else.

You mean Roy Moore?

>Okay with the Deep state protecting itself for a pedophile ring and taking bribes to start wars.
>REEEEE!!! Trump can pardon himself from Mueller's frame up job.
Well, yes. Believe it or not, the Founding Fathers were aware of your Jewish shit even in 1790.

You don't eat all your cheeseburgers in bed?

>pedophile ring
You mean fake pizzagate?

You can't have people interrupting burger time. This is well known here in America.

McShit has Malts?????
since when?

Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot communist traitor.

Why would you bother replying if it is fake?

Why should I not? It's well knows that pizzagate is fake news but Jow Forums keep bring it up. Want to know if there's other fake ones around.

Who’s critical thinking skills are this poor?

You mean the thousands of arrests that have happened with multiple rings busted all over the world, which you know nothing about because you are a sick disgusting faggot who gets his info from bullshit propaganda rags pretending to be news. Kill yourself you worthless piece of dog shit.

this really funny to me for some reason


>itt: my president can beat your president up!
humans = cattle

why aren't you rich off Bitcoin yet?

Ok I thought you meant the deep state. Yes those arrests are not related to Trump. So does Trump have some CP or possessed CP for which he needs to pardon himself for?

Nothing what’s wrong with you
Oh wait that’s his point

is there any secrets to mcdonalds? whats the best thing you can get per $? healthiest?

>citing constitutional attorneys
What’s wrong with you, OP?

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Does he have that right? Have numerous legal scholars said it? Is it a witch hunt? Has he done nothing wrong?

The answer to every question is no.

Healthiest is probably a salad
Best per dollar is whatever is dollar menu burger and fries

Just don't go there desu

He’s saying all of this to prime the public for when he kills the investigation. Propaganda 101. Step one, say something false. Step two, repeat it as often as possible, to as many people as possible. The reason being, that the more people hear something repeated the more they believe it to be true, regardless of the facts.

The President has absolute pardon powers under the constitution

Lmao libshit

Drumpf cries like a bitch everyday on twatter.

Wouldn't it be sweet if he an heroed before his impeachment?

Well, Trump has been accused of raping an underage model at one of his pal jeffery Epstein’s parties.

"It's me or the burgers!"

"I've been with mcdonadls through three marriages...good luck"

He's just doing it to fuck with the media because he knows they will write articles with headlines "TRUMP ASSERTS HIS RIGHT TO PARDON HIMSELF OMFG"



do you think this old orange faggot has really done anything worse than the career puppets and their sugar daddies who are coming after him? i gave up being liberal because left-wingers became even bigger mouth-breathing establishment shills than conservatives.

shhh, don't bring up epstein. the magafags hate the close association of Duhnald and Jeffrey

>up is down, the post

>liberal projecting

Imagine my shock


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He's a little retarded. But what did he say that was wrong.

Answer: Nothing.

We have a fucking Autist for a President. But he's rarely wrong.

>no argument the post
eye-opening. stay pointless and unread, neet

>1 post by this id

>yfw i'm not a liberal
keep swinging, schlomo

Yeah this is kindof wierd. Most white people that I know, including me, can't be successful go-getters unless they eat clean and work out. Trump definitely does not do that. I guess he's just special.

If I ate all that McDonald's and diet Coke and I'd feel like shit all day

He's a dotard.

you read it, slick. keep making fake anecdotals for the brainlets around here to slurp up.

that seems to be working really well so far

too much drugs and money went to his brain.
also the kikes are slowly devouring him in a whole
i mean iamgine being POTUS and having twitter tantrums like a 12 year old liberal girl
absolutely pathetic

>literally /ptg/ in here

you wish it werent true, yet you say you arent a liberal? calling bullshit. keep replying to me for the attention you crave so badly, aids-ridden faggot. you've gotta be autistic not to think most people spend their formative years as shitlibs because they force this down childrens' throats all through school. projecting your own peabrain. her turn amirite XDDDDD

does it really not bother trumpfaggots that their president has meltdowns on Twitter every single day? I thought you guys liked making fun of people for getting le triggered on the internet

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I thought you had a brain until I saw Europe once you invaded it.


You know trump has never even smoked or drank in his entire life?

You do know he researched this for a reason. He probably has a lot to pardon himself for. But the American people will not be fooled. Once impeached, he won't be the president and can't pardon himself anymore.

The only meltdowns I see are the ones crying about it.

>life through the lens of a thirteen year old, the post.

what is life like where there are only two schools of thought in the world, a land of constant liberal/conservative strife? it is this bullshit us vs them mentality that mental midgets such as yourself has propagated thats turned our country into a laughing stock.

don't worry, I'll kiss your mom goodnight for ya, junior

Extra chromosome + judaism

You're gonna need some proof of high crimes or misdemeanors first. So far it's not looking like there are any

It's a mix of IQ, and high functioning Autism dude. I'm the same way. I can eat and drink whatever I want and my waistline is still 29 at 25. I'm sober though, if Trump started drinking or smoking he never would have made it.

Look in a mirror, nigger faggot

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The final (you) to this dipshit
>does he have that right
It's not clear, the pardon power in the constitution does not have an explicit limit.
>have numerous legal scholar said it
At least several that I know of, one that I know personally.
>Is it a witch hunt
When they finish we will know, but it seems like "YES" since they aren't even looking at Russia related things anymore.
>Has he done nothing wrong
Name it, no crimes uncovered.

of course. Drumpf is as corrupt as the day is long.

his close association with epstein is only an indicator as to how deeply flawed Drumpf is in his very soul.

>"He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life." -Donald Trump

>i have nothing intelligent to say, the post

>us vs them
says the hypocritical faggot coming on here whining about trump. i literally called him an orange faggot my first post. really think i voted for him, moron? funny how you put a colon at the end of your greentext, kinda implies your own post is the 13yo one (and it deffo sounds that way too)

anyway you're getting triggered on behalf of liberals. just because you're a pretentious hipster-liberal who "ditched the label" doesn't mean it's not still applicable to you. clearly it is when you want to get offended on their behalf. i sincerely hope you kill yourself because the hiv has clearly rotted too many holes in your microscopic brain.

The only thing which will happen is a landslide win in 2020, followed by 8 years of Pence. The US is destined to be the last white homeland before the great race war happens.

>i have literally ZERO reading comprehension, the post.

are you having a conversation by your self, sonny-boy?
pics or it didn't happen

you've bitten off more than you can chew, little fella. I'm old enough to be your daddy, but the dog beat me over the fence

how's that crystal ball working out for you nigger?

this is what happens when 80 iq reddit niggers try to get in the loop, lurk more and piss off you massive faggot

i'll give you another chance to reply coherently, retard.
>hurr halo im old!!!!!
dude you're fucking 21 maximum. still talk like a completely self-unaware tween.

>valid opinion

pick one

Thats a good idea

Nothing will ever top the great meltdown of 2016. All projections said Hilary. It was the greatest.

I'm not american enough, apparently.

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look, you lost all credibility when you started strutting around as a special snowflake namefag on an anonymous image board.

i can see your little reality is simply made up on the fly, so i'll let you get your last word in, limpdick

someone assassinate him ffs.

where is he right?

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agreed, the past is unchangeable.

but just as much as the future is unpredictable

>buhhbuhhh its not enough for someone to hate muh duhnud twump dey also gotta suck libcock duhhhhhhhhh
>ummm im not lib, just royally butthurt on their behalf. troled in ur gay butthole (swear im over 18)
this is literally what you sound like.
>saying nothing of value
like the Portuguese said, lurk moar fagit. or preferably gb2leddit