Local Republican Parties

Should we start joining our local republican groups and subverting them? Is it possible to convert braindead boomers?

It's basically just the white people party now, but they refuse to admit that.

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Unironically this, unironically.

Yes, but it's not even about changing their minds
It's about just outnumbering the neo-cohens in their "own party"

That's the point, to swamp out all the pro-israel people from the party and make them feel that it's no longer "their party"

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Are you a jew or one of their useful idiots?

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Keep your autism out of the Republican party.

We win elections while you retards sperg out posting jew memes.

Yes, a "long march" through the GOP is required. They can be brought into the fold for non kosher Nationalism.

Ya I'm a registered republican. We need to make them hate Israel. It's incredible how much these boomers conflate their christianity with these traitorous jews.

Mocking liberals and leftists is incredibly important, but what does it matter if your only choices are zionist drones and BASED black guy that votes like a democrat.

We need to create boomer friendly redpills. Probably something about how mass immigration, legal or not, will eventually cause us to be displaced and lose the right to self-determination.

Much more likely to get actual results than joining some meme-tier party like the TWP or NSM. Subversion, infiltration and entryism is the name of the game.

AMEN, if Jesus were alive today he would have nothing to do with these devil worshiping twats

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Fug off, we can't allow the republican party to become a sanctuary for the synagogue of you know what

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I wonder how many boomers know about the Lavon Affair? It would probably fry their jewish circuits. All we need to do is start sewing seeds of doubt.

The problem is that the history of the Republican party is literally nothing but being gigantic faggots and cucks.

They were the party responsible for alot of the violence in the civil war. After the union won the war, they shot down Johnson's lenient concessions for the confederacy. They initially wanted 10% of the southern state populations to become loyal in order to form a government. This was obviously impossible as most would just say they were "loyal" but just continue to do what they wanted to stifle the north. They realized that if they ever wanted to control the south than they would need votes so they started the drive for the 13th and 14th amendment and soon blacks had voting rights.This is the history of how Republicans began trying to cater to minorities to win votes, because initially it worked to fuck over the south. They used blacks to garner republican votes post-war and have been trying the same thing since.

The whole party needs to be nuked ideologically. Right now it is nothing more than a consumerist jewish lobby. It needs to become the white people party either implicitly or explicitly.

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It's possible to do, but depending on age I would look for local groups/clubs and start there. I became president of my college's young republicans club and was able to (quietly) convert a few norms and increase group membership two fold.You need to seed ideas with these people, but you can't take them all the way. If you are smart enough, you will know how to influence and manipulate others into believing similar to yourself, but can do it in a way that seems genuine to the norms and cuckservatives, thats what will make it genuine and stick.

>Republicans are the party against slavery
THAT will ONLY help us, I don't see how this is a bad thing for image

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Good job user. What points were you able to subvert?

I'm 26 now so I don't know what local groups are around. I imagine young republicans is full of nothing but jews around here.

Fuck Boomers - we should be pushing the GOP in a direction that appeals to the problems and concerns of younger voters - you've got an entire generation of 18-30 year old white men and women who see their lives being overrun with social justice white guilt nonsense, and see old liberals pushing policies that are giving their jobs away to immigrants and pricing them out of homes, families, etc

Capitalizing on that anger and frustration, offering these people the chance to take back what was taken from them, that is the future of the Republican Party

It doesn't really matter. Blacks see the republican party as the party of whitey. It's a waste of time trying to win over blacks on ideals and abstract principles. The only reason they voted republican was because they were antislavery. The only reason the republicans allowed blacks to vote, was because they needed the votes to control the south in some form of faux-democratic.

The big issue is that the foundation of the entire party is based upon principles that will never work. Trump won because he realized he just had to win over a few more whites instead of laboring in vain to win over a few blacks. The republicans need to start playing for their own team and ditch the purity spiraling and abstract idealism. It's not going to work in a multicultural state.

I am trying to do this op. I am active in my young republicans club and will run for secretary next year. My congressman is Kevin McCarthy he was president of the Kern County young Republicans before he ran for a community college trustee deal and then he ran for congress because he was well-known enough in the local party.

You haven't already attempted this?

user, you're in for a treat. Guess what?


This is a good idea that requires more effort than shitting out frog memes, so you can expect this thread to die soon.

Oh trust me. I know it's a fucking wreck. I went to the RNC back when Romney was running. I even got into a box seat. You wouldn't believe what it was like.

You basically had a hoard of boomers down in the pit of the stadium cheering and waving banners. Meanwhile up in the box seats you had literal orthodox jews and saudis watching everything. It's a mess.

I saw newt gingritch run into an elevator to avoid people too.

What's the feeling like among the young people there? Are they redpilled at all?

>that is the future of the Republican Party

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to the second question, yes, and that's why I've become an accelerationist. They are either going to destroy us or we're going to destroy them. Redpilling whites before it's too late is the only hope. The good thing is the (left) got cocky and tipped its hand, so it's pretty obvious now, but you're fighting a lifetime of brainwashing by the best in the business.

>I've become an accelerationist

If it was between another zionist cuck and some turbonegro leftist. I'd probably vote for the latter just to get things rolling.

Immigration is always an excellent starting point, i think i saw another user post similar sentiment. Media bias is another excellent point, thats actually how I started with my parents. Anyone with half a brain can see the propaganda game being played by the media, so all you can do is lead the horse to water and make cuckservatives aware that the majority of (((people))) giving marching orders to democrats are jews. Ask rhetorical questions once they begin to come around that can't be answered without some very interesting (((coincidences)))

all local Republican parties are fag infested shitholes run by corrupt local businessmen so the lolbertarians of pol should fit right in

Boomers are well aware of this.
>t. son of Boomers
Like actual Baby Boom people.
They know what's going on with immigration and they don't like it.
But you can't get a Republicuck to say so because his Paymasters, Businessmen and other faggots, don't let him
The immigration/China problem, the MAIN problem I care about, is CAUSED by Businessmen and women in this shithole whore of a country.
They run the Republicuck Party, and they have successfully quelled opposition by Abortion, 2A, 'Family Values', Christcuckery, and other degenerate faggotry.
Nothing will be done about China/mass immigration because the Republicucks aren't even moving in that direction. Only Trump, whom they hate and fear.

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Haha that's exactly what I just said.

The combo of China and mass immigration is a 1-2 punch. They're colonizing Africa and stealing our tech, while we get zerg rushed with aztecs and can't do anything. Republican party as it is is just a woeful pit of boomers attempting to hang onto their comfort while the world crumbles around them. Their only goal is keeping the status quo until they die.

>It's basically just the white people party now
than why are all the right wing females fucking niggers?


women are incapable of real political thought. They're mental children.

Elections are the only thing you cucks ever win.

It's not about winning over the black vote, it's about making whites feel more comfortable with voting explicitly for their own interests

>Throw in some based black guys
>Based indian guys
And we've got ourselves a party, playing the "were not racists" card is more about winning over whites than non-whites, let that sink in.
It's about convincing whites that "It's okay to vote white", see even based black guys say it's okay

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Now might be an interesting time to try. In the past, all I found were a bunch of aging boomer cucks. Truly obnoxious types. They had their little pecking order, fancied themselves quite la de dah. Weren't interested in accomplishing jack shit. No efforts to get out the vote. They were all just so far up each others' asses it wasn't even funny. They just wanted their little boomer club. They had this weird obsession with recruiting nice young blood, but proceeded to stamp any younger people with potential out, because of sacred pecking order. Fucking pathetic, really. I wish I were concern trolling. Maybe I'm just in a shitty area.