Brother, may I have some oats?

Brother, may I have some oats?

Attached: oatsbrother.jpg (600x472, 29K)

Attached: toamb.png (460x312, 118K)


>lard pork
Commercial farming got rid of lard hogs. Given how much pork we eat, that lard could have been a better way to convert food and food waste into fuel and other oil byproducts.

If only.

Only because of those digits, brother.



Attached: hog.jpg (442x297, 35K)

Are lard hogs extinct or is there some Hipster farm on Saaremaa that still breeds them?

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shit thread

kys nigger

Attached: flandre a cuteeee.png (881x800, 530K)

No comrade

Some animals are more equal than others