Israel is the only western nation with above replacement birth rates

How are they doing it?

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Their religion encourages it and the US keeps pumping money in there.

>how are they doing it?

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Arabs in Israel are still outbreeding them, and kike womem have to be threatened with violence not to sleep with manlier arabs.

>How are they doing it?

they don't use mind control on their own population to stop them from breeding.

Orthodox jews, hated even by most other jews

The Orthodox Jews have like 6 kids per woman.

They are also very patriarchal, unlike mainstream Israeli society. So this "exception" just proves the rule.

the real reason incels aren't reproducing is they can't even get a job. They won't look for a job because they are too prideful to start at the bottom.

>the real reason incels aren't reproducing is they can't even get a job. They won't look for a job because they are too prideful to start at the bottom.

or they are being zersetzung'd

leeching (((money))) of hardworking nations

since they stay at home on parents dime, they got nothing better to do than lock themselves into a prison and watch jewtube videos that provide them with positive encouragement

probably because they are very racially oriented and consider themselfes as gods chosen, so they must procreate.

Why are you trying to imply most white males are incels?

>Gender equality index
I wanna be 3rd world country

I wasn't I was assuming a white male who isn't reproducing is doing so involuntarily. Most white males love sex.

>western nation

Yeah, nah.

>they got nothing better to do

Fight mainstream media propaganda.
Also this

It's because of their Hasidic population. Those guys breed like rabbits.

palestinians multiplying

White males are not the problem its the women they are the real reason the fertility rate dropped. Another problem with breeding is child support, if you got rid of that the fertility rate would explode overnight.

most of the people on child support are single white females. It isn't the female problem it the white males not having a stable job/career. The reason is that their parents had easy income, so millennials stay home and help out their boomer parents. Hard to have kids unless your parents want grandkids.

Arabs. Not jews

Studies would say otherwise.

>you need a job to have kids
This is a serious problem if you want to multiply the white race.

Haredim, nigger Jews and Arabs shit out offspring non-stop.. secular European Jews are slowly being replaced

I swear it fluoride and contaminates causing autism and other problems. I happened to marry a girl with mutated genitals, she literally can't have kids. I actually am learning to enjoy not having offspring. I also fit right in with my single millennial buddies. My best friend works all the time and has millions saved up but he just won't get married. 38 yrs old now.

Yup, Israel is set to become a Mizrahi/Ultra Orthodox/Arab shithole of extremists of both ends. And the ones breeding the most don’t even serve in the military lol

The Jews will suffocate in the mountain of shit they’ve created. Israel has a terrible long-term demographic prognosis. The UN hates them, the alt-right, the American left, they have a very dim future. The world is self-correcting and karma’s a bitch.

They aren't "western" they are anti western. Leaders of Israel met with Merkel on how to demographically change Europe and how to implement. Nationalism for themselves globalism for the goy


I thiink it's mostly religious jews

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>Western nation

So you mean Israel is completely normal beacuse it was always a sandnigger shithole back in biblical times.

They claim to have the most liberal abortion policies in the world as well. However, this doesn't hold up. For a jewess to have an abortion, she has to go before a panel of other jews to request it. Yes, in 99% of cases, the abortion is granted by the panel, however, the humiliation of having to go before a panel is a good deterrent. Sneaky kikes.

Fear and resentment because of the Shoah

and yet despite the fact that you can donate money to planned parenthood and specify that it only go to blacks, they will still overtake us. We just aren't concerned with the desire to raise children, maybe we are selfish.

Orthodox jew that live on welfare (seriously), arab breeding like roach and influx of fresh nigger

Secular jews have pretty high birth rates as well, but not as much as orthodox kikes.

It’s going to regress and become poorer and more divided with the secular Ashkenazi who make all the money in demographic free-fall while the Ultra Orthodox welfare dependent poorfags and Arabs breed like rabbits.

They’re like the ultimate Jews, “oyy veyy, won’t even serve in the military like everyone else, Torah study time, more welfare checks” *hand-rubbing intensifies*

What a surreal timeline this is.

Jewish birthrate is higher than arab birthrate in Israel.

Ultra orthodox Jews are just 8% of the population.

But of course, Jow Forums can't do math.

Yes, the ultra orthodox have more kids, but even secular educated people here have many kids. I'm in an engineering uni and know many couples here in their 20s with 3 kids. This is unheard of in the west

as if any Israel stats can be trusted

Where are Israel's borders though Moshe?

Attached: Palestine Israel fertility rate.png (589x550, 21K)

Most arabs live in Gaza. And Gaza and Judea and samaria arabs aren't even israeli.

Why are Jow Forums such brainlets who don't know geography?

So tell me Shlomo, why haven't Jewish women fell for the empowered childless roastie narcissist meme? I though Israeli some were mostly feminists?

Top. Kek. The intelligent Jews are too busy buttfucking each other in Tel Aviv. Combine this with the rate of out-marriage among secular Jews and it really is starting to look bad for them. Is the NWO simply decaying just like the old aristocracy did?

For the first time since getting redpilled I feel like I'm on the world-historical winning team. Just like when I was a liberal teenager helping "progress" come. Feels good man

It's not just the Orthodox Jews reproducing above replacement. Today even secular Jews are reproducing above replacement. It's the result of pro-family policies of their government.

Even the empowered roasties end up having 2-3 kids alone through sperm banks. It's just the culture here to have kids.

With lots of bags over heads, probably

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This. Fertility treatments are also completely free no matter how much it costs or how many kids you have. My aunt had 2 kids in her mid 40s

so you felt like you were on the winning team, when you were on two different and opposite teams? At least you realize it's just a feeling and not rooted in any objective measure.

why is it a western nation if it's located in the middle east?

>Khazar milkers and infinite sex drive

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I heard that only extremely high IQ Jewish men are allowed to contribute to Israel's sperm bank, is this true?

>why is it a western nation if it's located in the middle east?

because it looks better for them, for public relations.

they were put there

>I heard that only extremely high IQ Jewish men are allowed to contribute to Israel's sperm bank, is this true?

I suppose that would make them try to do the opposite to every other nations sperm banks, right?

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No!!!! Your roasties are supposed to die alone like ours!!

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