Which was the biggest disappointment you had in your life?

>8 yo
>know i want to live in america when older
>thought you only buy a ticket plane and move
>start learning english
>15 yo
>noticed it wasn't that easy
>still learning about america anyway
>19 yo
>notice it is hard af to move and live in america legally
>figured it out that maybe i'll never make it
>feel like everything i did was in vain and i lost a lot of time.
>but even worse, i did feel refused, like a kid that his mother doesn't love him

Now i'm learning italian because i got the citizenship, i'd speak it fluently as fuck if i hadn't wasted all that time.

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Being born.

lol, you could try marrying an American...

not going for the career I dreamed of as a child kills me. I feel like that was my passion and still is and my parents didn't encourage me.

Literally me irl.
English is easy though.


When I was 17 I applied for, interviewed for, and was offered a one year scholarship as a foreign exchange student to germany.

I declined so I could graduate with my friends in 2006 from an Oklahoma High School.

Seeing what Germany is now and just thinking about the experience I could have had....it's pretty disappointing to think about.

Just go through mexico, over the border and claim you vote democrat.

Good fuck off we're full. Don't go shitting up Italy either. Why don't you stay in whatever fucking country is your actual homeland and improve it?? But no we know you want gibs you fucking leach. Migrants and unironically the worst people in the world. It creates a brain drain in 3rd world shitholes and there is no incentive to improve said shitholes because anyone smart enough to flees to white countries.

>we're full
lmao no you're not
Plus you shouldn't say no to white migrants who actually would work hard

This country suck and i'll move to where ever i can dude.

You filter good people who try to get in legally but make it easy for illegals, your country deserve the immigration situation you are in.

i always wanted to be an astronaut with a warp capable ship.

found out the earth is flat.

at least there are like 20 new continents to explore.

Which continents?

atlantis, el dorado, endor, final fantasy, etc


It would be harder, i'm an autistic virgin

Where you from m8?

I'm from France.
I'm completely white.
And got Italian origins (but my Italian predecessors decided not to teach my father their language because they wanted to assimilate and they didn't want to get lynched for being from a country that was part of the Axis)

came to /b/ as a 12 year old and every OP was a faggot

Oh got you, my grandma didn't wanted to teach me italian.

Quit being a whiney faggot. I would give my left testicle to move to europe because its so much better. I fucking hate being american and i hate my ancestors for being too cowardly to stick it out and stay in europe.

>user makes an active effort to try to move here to fulfill his dreams
>hard as fuck to come here through proper channels but mexispics and other central american mongrels get a free ride
It shouldn't have to be this way

Following up on this. America is a culture-less and materialistic shithole. Im ashamed to be american but will never be able to legally move to europe.

At least I've got English.
Probably gonna pass the TOEFL and IELTS so maybe the US will want me more or something

>I would give my left testicle to move to europe because its so much better
I fucking hate being american and i hate my ancestors for being too cowardly to stick it out and stay in europe.

Do all the bureaucracy and get the citizenship, i'm argentinian but the italian government gave me the citizenship after 6 years of papers.

>unironically thinking europe is better
>disliking America

Are you a nigger or a skinny basedboy communist?

Take a look to h1b visa, i'm looking to get sponsored when i finish my master (You just need a degree to apply... and an emprise to sponsor you).

This is the ultimate truth.

just realized s-o-y turns to 'based' now. onions

I'll try, thanks
A degree based on what?
I was forced to drop out of school because bullying

Newflash: Germany has been a shithole for decades. Nothing changed for me expect i see a couple more nigs nowadays.

Just come here and kill a nigger for their identity. You'll have to do some work to fix your credit but we'd welcome the trade.

It wasn't always like that. Really only since we started to get tons of jewish refugees during the war did this country's morale and culture start to degrade

Didn't know moving to top tier country was so hard.
Do what the illegals do. Just stay and hope someone comes along and grants you citizenship.

A degree on whatever... if you find an IT company, but you have a degree on art, you can apply anyway.

Just come here and if you are cute we will marry :-*

Don't have shit though.
It's not like I'm dumb or anything.
Just got bullied in school which made me quit entirely.

The only way I'm gonna get a degree is in the US, if I can get there.

For the record, im a white fucking male who supports trump. Its a fact that Europe is better aside from the muslim invaders. Why the fuck would you think America is better? Dont fall for the hollywood jew propaganda. I despise the puritanical and overly conservative attitude and culture here.

Honestly you’re buying into the meme that burgerland doesn’t have culture. You do. I know this now after having lived in Europe for several years. I used to think like you but USA is distinct regardless of what libshits or anyone else says.

t.expat burger in Europe.

Europe sucks. Almost every European dreams about living in your country

Yup i got you, i was about to leave school for the same reason, i was the most bullied on the classroom because i was very quiet.

Try applying on a community college, then ask for a student visa if you get accepted

If you remove the muslims and negroes, Europe is still shit, user.

There's legitimately nothing better than the US.

>me, a tranny faggot
>applying to get bullied again in a more violent way

not likely to happen
sounds like there's no way to live

I'll an hero if I can't move in the US. I shouldn't have to be forced to remain French

I don’t qualify for any ancestral visas and i dont have a bachelors degree. The only qualification i have is that i’ve been trying to learn french and can speak broken french but not very well. Ive done the research and my ancestors have lived in the US literally since colonial days with the exception of some ancestors on my dads side who moved from poland around the turn of the 20th century.

>Now i'm learning italian because i got the citizenship
What continent are you from?!

being born in this shithole

Kindly fuck off, baltics already have more enough foreign migrants as it is.

go back shitskin

>tranny faggot
>no way to live

that's really tragic, though

having to see niggers is like... yucky

Mine was women.

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The EU is basically jew america though

stay out of the u.s. (especially the great state of new jersey) pierre.
we dont need our suicide statistics to get any worse

>pic related: you

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I'm only considering suicide if I'm forced to stay French. I'd never suicide otherwise

Well... French give you the citizenship if you study and get your degree there... try in that way :)

Vous devriez être fier cette vous etes le français. Vous avez une culture fière

Argentina, i'm on the cellphone.

No we really don't.
"French" culture is arab shit nowadays. There is NOTHING LEFT of the pre-ww2 culture our country had

Learning the entirety of what circumcision is.

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1. Married at 23, waaaaah too early
2. Married a nut with BPD
3. Had kids
4. Divorced

Finally free and rebuilding relationships with my kids

I’m planning on it. I really dislike it here and realize I made a mistake in coming.

I knew I wasn't going to amount to anything since I was 12

Well, ya just had to go and lose the war now didn’t ya?

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I cant feel sorry for you though for being overrun by muslims and 3rd worlders. You never really left africa after you gave independence to your colonies. Your blatant interference is part of the reason why West Africa is such a giant shithole aside from the fact that niggers just cant do anything right. You have continually fucked over Africa for decades. You fucking deserve to be overrun

I chose none of this, user

When I was 8 my parents told me they want to move out of Poland.

I fucking loved skiing throughout my entire life, I loved winter as well. At the age of 12 I realized I'm really attracted to blonde girls. My biggest fucking dream was to live in Sweden. Around the same time I started learning Spanish in my school and I hated it, my teacher was terrible and the language sounded retarded to me (as a slav, I just thought it sounds gay).

And then at the age of 16 we moved out. Look at my fucking flag now. Look at what's going on in Sweden.

At least I'm a nationalist now, so I can come back to my homeland. But still. Fuck.

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>be 23 year old virgin
>meet girl in online game
>have 6 year long distance relationship without meeting
>a month before she comes back to europe she leaves you for someone else
>be 30 year old virgin

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Que garron, todavia te podes mudar a una ciudad o un pueblo de suecia donde los refugiados no llegaron, la mayoria estan en la capital, lo mismo pasa aca, en las ciudades grandes estan inundadas de inmigrantes, pero en los pueblitos aislados estan las chicas rubias y lindas.

Suerte y ojala puedas cumplir tu sueño de vivir en suecia y enamorar a una rubia :)

Thanks user, but at this point I've given up.

I live on canarias and know many Swedes, most of them are some of the stupidest and most gullible people I've met, especially women.

I think I'll just move back to Poland or go to Finland. I don't know any Finns, but from what I've heard they're decent people. The language is hard though.

You have to go back

What about iceland? they seem pretty decent people, cool looking and they don't have immigration at all.



finnish is beautiful and melodic dbi, and the pronounciation is super easy for slavs

The single biggest disappointment for me was how much people who care, like, spend time and even love you can be full of shit.
Being hurt by someone you love after being together for so long is something that shapes a person, it happens to everyone and like the measles the younger you are the easier it is to learn from it.
What people say and what they do and think are very different things.

I never even thought about it. Might consider it. Thanks user.

I'll check out some basic finnish courses and see how it goes.

>Im ashamed to be american

You're a fucking faggot. My dick gets hard when I think about becoming American. I've only got a couple more years and I can take my citizenship test. Fuck you, this is the greatest country on earth.

Where are you from user? and how you make it?

A true American right there

First realizing I'm stupid and not normal

Second realizing I was wrong and everyone else was a 100 iq retard laughing through life with horse blinders, while I overanalyzed everything making them look more certain and decisive

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Panamanian. Have cousin family that sponsored me for green card. Came here for school, got job, have my green card for about three years now. They say I can take my test in about two more years. Green card isn't enough. I want to be able to call myself American.

> at 21 realizing not becoming a chad

God you were really lucky! good for you user, you're reaching the dream.

this thread

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You have to be born there for that. You'll always be Panamanian.

Yes, never be able to thank my cousins enough. If it weren't for them, I'd still be in Panama. This is a dream come true. I probably wouldn't have been even able to come here for education without them. I'm very lucky and I realize that.

>Elementary school
I fucking miss kindergarden lads. Fml

>Which was the biggest disappointment you had in your life?
reading your post

>He expected something from a Jow Forums thread


Argentina, pretty the same.

>but will never be able to legally move to europe.
Don't say never. Maybe if you start praying 5 times a day and invest in some shoe polish, user.

We all lost the fucking war

Fate may have spared you, user. I know a bit about the world. You may learn you have many blessings you didn't yet realize. Language-wise you are pretty well setup with Spanish, Italian and English. This is fantastic for business and social life. If you haven't already, try and come for an extended visit or two. You may learn you you are fortunate in many ways. Or at least you will round out your knowledge of America and Americans and so be able to connect with them even better when you meet them in bus or soc life.

People are very productive here. There is nothing much else to do. It's set up this way. To drain you life and joy for the benefit of a bunch of greedy soulless bastards.

I could list many good things, but you are already hyper aware of those.

This, they're fucking awful.

They're dull, boring and have a high opinion of themselves with little redeeming features.

being a total failure with women ( like bottom 0.01% of men ) yet good at everything else, perfectly fit healthy good looking intelligent

>You filter good people who try to get in legally but make it easy for illegals

A famous quote by a very smart man-
If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.

Guess which direction America chose? We wanted the cheap labor below us, not new leaders who could pose a threat to cunts at the top.

If he truly does love the USA, he’s an American and you can’t take that away.

>burger doesn't like

America being the bad guy. Wasted New Word.

>6 years old in grade 2 (late birthday)
>already able to do basic algebra, did my brothers grade 8 math textbook over the summer for fun
>blast through class, ace everything, teacher can't handle me
>school decides I should go to gifted school and develop my talents
>father is factory worker who makes good money but hates successful and intelligent people
> father finds out I'm gifted becomes violently angry
>refuses to let me go to gifted school says he son will never be one of 'those' assholes
>proceeds to bully and abuse me for the next 10 years
>whenever he saw me doing homework or reading he would attack me verbally and physically
>ran away at 17

Knowing I could be making 6 figures in a STEM field and living happy makes me quite disappointed.

Well, my dad don't want me to go to university because he went and failed... so i'm making money to move to italy and study there.

it sucks when you don't have your family support.

Any anons who do research, posting your greatest disappointments may not be a good idea. They can be used against you psychologically. Stay as ambiguous as possible to the great satanic machine brain until it's crushed.

Yeah you're right in almost everything, i'm glad to have the euro citizenship because it give me a lot of opportunities.