#OperationBackyardBrawl Bloody Knife found in Child Rape Underground Camp Found in Tucson!
Please help share this, there is serious evidence of a massive government coverup of a child sex and trafficking camp that was accidentally uncovered in an abandoned Cemex cement factory right inside of Tucson, Arizona.
lets not forget the NXIVM info dump along with the Rainbow Cultural Garden thread got 404'd but shit gets covered up all the time dig deeper and back shit up
Bump came looking for an update. Did the Congreswoman show up? Any update on the tower campers? It looked to me like the police were investigating despite what the VOP said about interference. Some user posted a map of that route with locations to check. This isn't the only one that exists we just need to find them. We need to push this and the rape tree into the media hard. Even liberals should have a problem with women and children getting raped coming into our country. If they don't come they don't get raped! Someone is doing the raping!