>be eastern euro in England
>fight niggers and pakis while the natives are too cucked to do it
Pic related is what the average bong male looks like.
Anyone that has been to England from anywhere else in Europe can attest to this.
Be eastern euro in England
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Dude why did u eastern euros go there anyway wtf. I bet your ass youre a Romanian
Fellow slav here. Can confirm this is true.
Literally every single slav I met here was less of a cuck than 90% of the brits.
At this point slavs are doing more to defend England than the natives.
>leaving your home country because you are sissy faggot
hope fucks like you never return
top kek they'll actually fight you eventually, the anglos
Animals fighting animals...
Fat beer bellied coward. Hope you get done in.
Dirty Polish larping nigger
I’ve never understood the attraction as to living with 10 other men in a 2 bedroom flat - can you please explain your peoples’ fascination with this?
Tyskie is the only good thing to come out of your country. Even Poles living in Poland view your kind as nigger tier. You are the equivalent of a chav which ordinary English fucking despise.
I'm Latvian. Which factually makes me northern European, but the high school education system here sucks, so I just say eastern European to make it easier for the Brits.