In Biology, racemixing is a well studied cause of extinction

Mixing between different taxa is one of the possible causes of extinction. Is called "genetic pollution" but as a biochemist I prefer to call it "genetic dilution", is more precise.

Attached: maga-based-asians.jpg (640x920, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Southern Europeans More African Than Thought

Asians are whiter than Spaniards.

Attached: Bounce.gif (440x330, 2.81M)

Brazilians are whiter than AMERIMUTTS

"Muh white supremacy!!"

Attached: Mutt supremacist.jpg (672x372, 267K)

>Have huge influx of Chinese in city.
>White women are now with Chinese and blacks instead of whites.
Women just go with whatever exotic invasive group that gets into the country.

Let´s learn portuguese

The reason NWO spams these threads every 45 seconds is because you read it and it's immediately obvious that it's lazy shilling of an agenda, so you go "oh they must just be anti-white Jews trying to destroy the West". The REAL thing to grasp, though, is that they're posting this in anticipation of precisely that reaction; thus making white men chase ghosts re: Jews and brown SJW's and other such "anti-white" figures, when in reality the Anglo-Judeo-Masonic Elite spam similar propaganda against EVERY demographic to keep them all in tribal survival mode fighting each other instead of looking up and realizing it's NWO pushing this from above. The same office building where this poster is working is the same one that produces all the blacked spam, all the WMAF spam, and all the other tribebait

>white whore racemixes with a nigger
hangs on the day of the rope along with her mutts
>white beta racemixes with an asian
BASED. fuck asian men even though my son would be asian

racemixing should be punishable by death. Jow Forums is just satire and not to be taken serious at this point

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