Should the government require 1 year of military service before entering college/workforce?

The lack of masculine guidance in the modern world could be partially solved by this.

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No. Feminism must be purged and all will go back to 1950s glory

Forced to fight wars for the dirty blood-sucking Kikes, no thanks.
The only time I'd support conscription is to fight Jews.

Ya 1 year mandatory service would have you on the frontlines no D O U B T

no, that's a huge waste of time and money

No. But you should have to serve your country/community in order to acquire full citizenship rights, such as the right to vote.

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The problems starts earlier than just before entering college/workforce. It will be too late for a lot of kids by then. Maybe some kind of military aspect to school, mandatory ROTC service for adolescents?

Scouting was originally all about this. Service to the community, taking care of and respect for nature, learning valuable skills, self-reliance, physical exercise. It had it all.

That's why they destroyed it, of course. Don't want annoying indepdentent free-thinkers in your country. Slave mentality cattle only.

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No way. Take your own kids camping if that is what you want. I wouldn’t trust some creepy middle aged guy with my kids

Just incorporate light Basic Training techniques over Junior and Senior year during PhysEd.

This but unironically

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Even better idea, military replacement of traditional college
Doctors and others would still go to college longer, but make mandatory service a three or four year contract for men, while in the service, they receive a job and training for that job. Now they can do a job, and have no debt going into the workforce

yes the government should require all citizens to die for Israel which is what the US military has been doing for decades

This is post Zog Ethnostate thinking

>paying every single fat piece of shit in the country to break things for 1 year


Fitness would be another president in raising children

The military is full of fuck ups though. I'm not sure why people hold it in such high esteem when it's probably the single leading cause of divorce in the 18-25 bracket and car loans with 20% interest. Civil service should be totally separate from the military, lest it's creeping bureaucratic inefficiency and complete inability to manage costs and people infest wholesome activities.

Military school for both men and women separately from age 10 to 19

No, your military will get filled with all sorts of random people and scumbags that have no place in such important institution.

Yes, the government should get 1 year of your life on top of all the shekels they already take from you so they can guide you into a masculine ISRAEL #1 mindset.

Bootlicking, not even once.