Are you pro or anti fat acceptance? Let's be civil

Are you pro or anti fat acceptance? Let's be civil.

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This is peak female performance

prove me wrong

I bet her farts are really stinky and smell kind of like rotten eggs ;)

guns are safer than overeaters

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this is a pro-braphog board

Pro because population reduction.
Anti because waste of what could be hot bodies.
Also anti because it lowers standards among general populace.

etc. etc.

Mostly anti

Is she 8 months pregnant?

Just give me a mining truck and a giant gas chamber the size of a basketball field and give me access to the fatties and I'll clean the mess up for you fellas.
All fatties need to die. That includes YOU READING THIS POST. DIE FAT FUCK

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Fat girls often have wet pussies.

Hard part is finding them beneath all the fat.

True story, ask me know I know.

Men and women can eat whatever the fuck they want, but t doesn't mean other people have to accepted or not.

Why the hell should I be for an unhealthy lifestyle? What's next cigarette acceptance?

I personally enjoy having sex with bigger girls. I like curves, and big tits and ass. I can’t understand the attraction to skinny , flat girls that leave the body of kids. It’s gross

I'd goose her


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I'll accept them for a pump and dump. Is that what you mean?

>tfw no braphog gf

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use flour to find the wet spot.
Fatliners is also a grreaat porn


Being fat is a choice for 95% of people. They will project every reason under the sun why they are fat. but the fact its unless your the very few with a health problems you made yourself fat.

I'm pro not bulling (mocking) anyone.
Criticism with malicious intent and poor delivery is bullying.
Criticism with helpful intent and kind delivery is welcome.
Of course you should be accepting of fat people. Accepting doesn't mean condoning obesity. It means welcoming them.

potential material! you niggers really have no standards!

some girls can get away with it. it's on a case by case basis.

best head I ever got was from a chubby girl

Call it what it is: Female Obesity Acceptance

This is not and never will be aimed at Men. There is no 'fat acceptance' for men. Men are consistently scolded for being overweight, as they should. But attacking a man for his weight is perfectly acceptable and encouraged, as his sexual prowess regardless of his successes.

In all honesty, 'acceptance' isn't what they want. What they want is to claim thin attractive women are on an equal beauty level as obese women. Worse, they want to claim beauty is purely socially constructed and has no basis in biology, fertility or health.

It's nothing more than chaos and confusion designed to cause gender tension and make profit while ignoring the big economic issues almost everyone ignores.

It’s very unhealthy and I resent anyone who gives into there weakness.

I'm not a hypocrite so I don't care if people are fat or not. I don't even care if they are green yellow or red. Well as long as they are not black. Black is usually bad. That and brown. Call me based.

As long as their tits poke out farther then their tummies Im fine with it. They are good for spanking and they are willing to try new things. Skinny hoes act all pretentious.

>Accident (unintentional)

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Fucking disgusting is what it is.

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Well, I find the whole thing a little dubious but my penis is pretty in favor of the movement.

>men are turning into losers women aren't attracted to and women are getting too fat for men to be attracted to them
>both genders left to fight with each others to date/fuck an increasingly smaller subset of the opposite gender they're still attracted to
Oh yeah this is gonna go well.

Day of the treadmill incoming.

>"I'm pro not bulling (mocking) anyone."

Fucking end yourself. I don't even care if you are baiting. Just fucking die.

Fat girls aren't the only ones with big tits and ass, user..

That isn't fat though just chubby which I'm ok with

Honestly even if you want to be a 400 pound beached whale but don't expect everyone to be ok with it and don't whine about being "oppressed"

I think its just female empathy gone wild. Basically a fat girl friends are going to tell her to her face that she is still beautiful but gossip about them. Where as guys will rip on their fat friend to his face.

Its just how women are. I had female roommates and all they ever did was dance around each other "someone hasn't done the dishes?" "well maybe someone should remember who's turn it is?" Where as my male roommates would just do the dished or say "user! do the fucking dishes its your turn."

Another memeflag defending degeneracy. What a surprise.

>skinny , flat girls
Are way more athletic and can do more in bed then some land whale who can hardly roll her fat ass over while on the bed.

>non-existing ass
>peak performance

im pro hate women

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Third memeflag defending degeneracy spotted. Girl in OP's pic is fat. End yourself.

Nice. Why would anyone compile those statistics and not cite the source? Almonds are starting to activate.

>What they want is to claim thin attractive women are on an equal beauty level as obese women.
In a way that's not a bad goal.
Good looks shouldn't make someone more credible, yet it does. That's what leads terrible, but good looking leaders running things.
That's a point everyone's missing with the SJWs.

Ass a plenty.

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Anti because it costs too much (healthcare and all the rest). But I would be pro since I find fat people absolutely hilarious.

For men it's height acceptance that would be needed. But that ain't happening, it will always turn into a big joke. The thing is they really should've have been born girls.

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>island nazi
checks out. too bad you are not rangebanned yet.


No, that is obese, one step from ham planet.

I am fat.

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You'll never find a better woman than one shunned by others. Wanna feel appreciated? Steer clear of Stacy.


Fat women are accepted while fat men are criminalized. This whole movement is just another feminist double standard.

I like plump girls... but only if they're Japanese.

Chad is pro fat.

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tfw 100 lb Thai gf

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Sure I like bigger women, but the whole fat acceptance thing is just an "off the mill" psy-op created by feminist

just for (you)

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EVERYTHING in moderation, including discrimination, racism, sexism, et al
fat people do not belong in certain jobs, positions, places, or situations.
all humans have fat, what we are really talking about are people who are so large in weight and girth that it can adversely effect one thing or another
there are situations where extreme weight and girth have no effect, therefore these type of people are welcome.
the reverse is true as well, therefore these people are not welcome.
that being said, barring extraordinary circumstances or some anomaly, people CAN work toward something.
do you have excess weight and girth and is it keeping you from something you want to do? then find ways to lessen it.
everything in moderation.

Anti. You shouldn't accept / encourage unhealthy decisions.

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Chad is a prostitute...

Saw a cutie like that on Pornhub

tfw stink puss

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He prefers the term "male escort".

>That isn't fat though just chubby
Well, at you didn't just call her THICC.

Wife is very large after having had two children.

She still deserves to be treated with decency and respect

I got up to 196 pounds I've been 175 my whole life so I was he's hungry for a couple months by eating less and lost those extra 20 pounds it's not fucking rocket science

I do not accept it, but I will fuck it.
Best sex of my life was with a fat chick.


>Wife is very large after having had two children.

They always are.






No. You should be physically fit and ready to defend your homeland at a moment's notice.

>Betas slagging off Chad


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this largeness i am talking about is relative as well.
we have to consider the weight with regard to the situation and the person's height.
a 5 foot 200 lb female with an office job? sure
the same as a first responder? no
this is why jobs have weight and fitness standards.
this is why everything in moderation is always the best advice.
a large person doesn't belong everywhere, nor should they be prevented from being everywhere.

Anti, but pro fucking fat chicks. Unless you're a 11/10 alpha genetics independently wealthy nordic phenotype, you won't know the sheer worship and absolute power that fucking a girl who is much less attractive than you brings.

I have made a fat girl make out with the inside of a toilet bowl just to get permission to masturbate while thinking of me.

fuck you boaty

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I've dropped 30 since the start of the year. Now I'm onto toning up. People think losing weight is hard. Every fat person says, well you need to eat, it's not healthy blah blah blah. I'll keep losing weight while they stuff their faces because they "have" to eat

Not enough muscle.
Women with a solid foundation of muscle with some pudge on top is the hottest thing in the universe.
It keeps the curves shapely even as they put on the pounds.

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She is hot AF doesn't need a male prostitute.

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Honestly maybe the gays have a point

Let people do whatever they want when it comes to eating, but dont expect people to not make fun of you

Lol chads don't have standards sometimes either


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Not at all attracted to A-cup skinny girls with a 12 year old boy's ass. That's pedo shit.
I like real women with broad hips, nice tear drop ass, and sizable tits (no super sag, nipples point forward not at the ground), skinny waist, No stomach-intestine protrusion. The stomach can't be bigger than the ass. In other words if she has fat, it has to be properly proportioned. Unless they are tall amazons over 6' tall, 180 pounds is the limit.
The problem with grossly fat broads is they generally have a lack of discipline (spend everything on QVC) and a boat load of health issues on the way. If you're unlucky enough to hook up with one you'll be spending LOTS on medical bills on the miserable thing, and you'll be hating life.

Why is that guy wearing a bikini ?

He's pushing her internals back in - gross

It's all a test. real men don't fret over things they can't change.

why does there have to be any cases of murder by gun at all?

No, she's a girl who gained weight intentionally as part of an online softcore side dedicated to fat girls and weight gain fetishes.

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Being fat is fucking terrible for your mental health. It's not a surprise that ham planets lash out and crave "acceptance" It's 99% personal choice and will power. I started at 5'10" 325 and I'm down to 239 as of this morning. Everyday it's a struggle, but less of a struggle than yesterday.

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I think it's some kind of forced cross-dressing thing like in hentai.

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Where's the ass

>"Fat is a feminist issue"
I think we can all agree on that

>fridge mode activated

Uh...dude. That's a dude, dude.

reminder that this is just a fetish, normal men would not mate with a fat woman, since she would be considered pregnant in our instinct driven ape brains. but I still let fat acceptance move on and hope all the fat people die away due to lazyness and sickness

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If you like stuffing your face 24/7, don't expect others to accomodate your lack of control.
I'm a fat fuck who likes eating to fill the void and i am anti-fat acceptance.

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Are you one of those little Asian dudes that gets smothered by Japanese BBWs on pornhub

There is a fine line between delightfully plump and heart attack obese

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There is no way any sane person can be pro-fat acceptance. Being fat is just now healthy, fat acceptance is literally trying to masquerade lack of health concern as some sort of struggle againt discrimination. Disgusting.


fucking chubby chasers