Generation X

Why are they always left out of the generational debate. Boomers are said to have ruined everything and then it skips to Millennials but the generation that is infamous for apathy is glossed over.

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Gen X is too busy working to complain about their parents.

Because they’re just empty husks of society. There’s nothing to talk about than the fact that they don’t contribute anything out of what’s required
T. Has gen x parents

meh, who cares?


They are the byproduct of an unquestioning generation. The brain washing was working so well until the internet was given to the masses.

And what do YOU contribute to society, punk?


>Why are they always left out of the generational debate.
>Boomers are said to have ruined everything and then it skips to Millennials but the generation that is infamous for apathy is glossed over.
Also ninjas.

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Who else thought the goth was hotter before they turned her into a barbie doll?

No one cares. No one ever did.

Gen X are practically boomers.

Every generation blames all of the problems of the world on the previous generation. Your children will blame you for every injustice soon enough.

obviously they didn't contribute anything when they had your worthless ungrateful ass

Gen X are good people (unlike boomers or millennials) but shitty parents (hence why millennials are so fucking shit)

We're trying our hardest to prevent that.

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Gen X was too busy being left behind and ignored by Boomers to do anything culturally significant.
But they were a huge part of the population that brought the tech that made web 2.0 possible.
Now, they just get blamed for what the Boomers did by whiny Millenials who think they have been overlooked.

Not when there's 30 years between them, do you feel yourself to be the same as people 30 years older and 30 years younger ?

It’s a fucking psy-op, user.
They want us all divided

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Not really. Boomers didn't grow up with uncertainty about their future at all, but we did. We hated boomers back then too, but real boomers, this is the ones who shat on everyone's prospects of a livable future. You guys just despise anyone over 30.

>Every generation blames all of the problems of the world on the previous generation
Not really true, it didn't even enter my mind to blame anything on a whole generation.


Fuck off Satan, you're just mad you had to switch from metal bands to boy bands to make your profit.

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Gen X were that generation that could mostly live like millenials and still find success by doing what they were told, they're the "everything is going to be fine"-generation that always trusts in politics, authorities and mainstream media and gets annoyed by any shaking of their personal status quo. At least boomers and millenials have opinions, they got very few.

I’m an Xer, I feel like I can answer this.
It’s because we’ve been steadily cleaning up the boomerfag messes since birth that we’re exhausted.
We aren’t compliant or even complacent, we’re just so turned off by the antics of screeching and projecting by boomers that we (for the most part, there’s always a few exceptions) just quietly go about the business of kicking ass and taking names without the need for spotlights or hoopla.
Basically boomers have made us what we are; hard working, determined, focused, and driven. We lived through one of the greatest presidents in current history (Reagan, of course) have seen incredible prosperity and survived the Obama presidency (barely) that was ONLY in office because of the faggotry known as boomers.

As an Xer, I shall now demand to be referred to as Ninja.
I approve.

You're right OP, it's amazing that the generation which complains about boomers doesn't also complain about itself. What a mystery.

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That’s simply not true.
(((We))) never went about smearing boomerfags, we let them implicate themselves, which they gleefully do at almost every turn.
Growing up (graduated in ‘84) we never pissed and moaned about their generation- we all knew how retarded they were/are, there was no point in drawing further attention to it.
They were our parents (some of us anyhow) teachers, authority figures, etc., so it did us no good to pout. We just learned from their stupidity (always on full display) and did better.

>le middle management generation
It's because nobody cares what some 46 year old dude making $45k thinks

Most members of any generation are just very minor deviation from the generations that come before. People tend to make extreme exaggerations of these minor differences. The gen X'ers will become even more like the Boomers as they age and the Millennials will become even more like the gen X'ers, then the Boomers as they age.

I have 3 kids, all 3 loathe the tag of millennial. They’re all hard-working, college graduates (2 engineers and a nurse practitioner) that paid their own way, all now own their own homes, and take their civic duty seriously.
Not all millennials are retarded- it’s just the very vocal, very small group that ruin it for everyone else.

Gen X here and I concur. Who do you think started building the internet and these websites?

>daddy never bought me a xbox
the post

get back to herding niggers at white castle, kenny

In fact we did everything we could to shock or fuck with the Boomers our whole lives (but IRL).

My understanding was the reason ninjas got popular during the 80s was two-fold. The first was the obvious influx of VHS tapes of Kung-fu films kicked off (lol) by Bruce Lee back in the Green Hornet days.
The second was a Cold War tactic, subtlely implying that the conflict that was apparently supposed to happen in the year 2000 would be more clandestine. Also, be careful using that word, as it is also associated with fans of Insane Clown Posse.

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Yes, but quietly. I don’t recall ever having a rally or a march, but I definitely remember doing shit just to fuck with people. We’re way better at subversive, sly tactics.

>We’re way better at subversive, sly tactics.
they didn't work

>Also, be careful using that word, as it is also associated with fans of Insane Clown Posse.
It's what they call each other instead of "nigga" because they are, of course, fags. I wouldn't worry too much about it.


X here. We grew up quiet and angry at everything. We were the last generation to experience everything that we've now lost. We saw it coming and were told our concerns were nothing more than teenage rebellion. We saw it happen and we intend to fix it.

LOL no we were the opposite. We lived to rebel against authority, we just weren't violent. Go watch some 80's movies, everyone of them was about screwing with the status quo.

At the same time, we had no idea we were under this much propaganda. It would take forever or just be impossible to get this much info back then.

Many GenX no longer have living parents to blame. It makes you grow up fast.

When millenial retards say boomer this, boomer that, they really have Gen X in mind. Most people here have Gen X parents.

Generation X didn't give a fuck

To be honest, you guys seem like an extension of the Boomers. Your most prominent leaders like Paul Ryan just seem like Boomer fucktoys. Gen-X is like Boomers, but without the ambition. I think that's why Boomers were in control of everything by 1998 (when they were the same age as X'ers today), while X'ers haven't really taken control of anything yet. They're content to let the Boomers run things.

cause we dont give a fuck.

Underrated. The ultimate Gen X response.

judd nelson - baby boomer
emilio estevez - baby boomer
ally sheedy - baby boomer
molly ringwald - gen x
anthony michael hall - gen x

Bring back corded phones and brick cell phones and video tapes

Great post, Ninja.

Fucking hilarious that millenials are a generation of whiny little Mr. Vernons

>Go watch some 80's movies, everyone of them was about screwing with the status quo.

Yea man fuck authority we're so cool and rebellious
>finally grows up and becomes your run of the mill wageslave like most 40-50yos today

So revolutionary, such anti-establishment, wow

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That's what happens when you fall for the gf meme. It's a trap. First it's a gf, then she's your wife, then you're a father and if you're lucky you stay married but when the nest is empty the wife leaves because i don't feel the same about you anymore, ie that one guy ive ignored most of my life is successful and still likes me and hasnt married and has money for me to travel to europe so bye

Guy in blue is a white hispanic like me and 30% of latinamericans

A bit before my time, but not that much.
Simple Minds Does A Tribute To /Nasim_Chan : Don't You Forget About Me
I will always love you Nasim.
Never expected to say that about someone I met on /pol.

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Stereotyping me is going to be a bit schizo.

you perpetuate the boomer system and give no fucks as long as you can buy your wife a Ford Edge SEL and yourself a Silverado, and take your little shit kids to Disney world once every couple of years

mindless automatons digging yourselves into an early grave through credit outlays and working overtime for your Jewish boomer boss

I have not ever met a Gen X`er who wasn't a druggy, formally a druggy, a convict, an ex-convict, or generally just a burnout.

u mad that he's telling the truth

>we intend to fix it
>right after we rack up this credit card debt and finish this last assignment for Mr Goldbergstein

Stfu and show me Ringwalds panties

every gem x movie is about coming of age and learning to conform

The answer is in the name Baby Boomer. The Baby Boom generation was huge. When they became adults, their size gave them uncontested political and economic power. Generation X is a comparatively small generation. They're stealth because they'll never hold power on a large scale. Once enough Boomers die off, the Millenials will have taken power, once again due to the sheer size of their generation.
Unless you use a retardedly wide definition of Generation X to include Obama, presidential power will be handed from Boomer presidents to Millenial presidents with very little danger of a Generation X president winning election.

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I feel like we are the generation that had good childhoods (boomers had money to provide that) but kind of shitty adulthoods. This is because we’re the ones who went to college and university en masse (boomers got by with diplomas and the odd degree) but the jobs we were promised turned out to be still occupied by greedy boomers who refuse to retire. When they finally kick the bucket, the jobs will open up but they’ll likely go to younger millenials instead of aging Xers. Raw deal, my niggers.

I think this is why our generation is so apathetic. We all secretly knew all along in the back of our heads that we were never gonna make it. I’m destined for mediocrity in the workplace forever. The thing is, I don’t even care. I don’t even want a house. That’s not to say I don’t have goals or I haven’t achieved anything; my success just doesn’t lie in the realm of financial gain. Again, I don’t even really care.

It’s funny that when the jobs trickle down from the dying boomers, the millenials will get them and wonder why Gen X had such a problem. “I just applied for a sweet job and got it right away. I don’t know why Gen X had such a hard time with this easy shit”

I think it really is only the boomers who have their shit somewhat together.
The rest is a bunch of slackers.

nope. most people here are in their 30's and have enough of a career under their belt to know that the people in alcharge are all boomers who wrecked the fucking country by inventing economic theories to cover for their wholesale selling out of the national interest for a quick buck

40yo virgin is that gen x college nerd that somehow has enough money to have valuable collectibles maybe off some apple stock that's never mentioned and conforms to society's ruthless pursuit of pussy and working a "real job"

It's funny that gen-x sell themselves as these rebelious hard cases but in reality all they are is the goodest of goys

now this is the purest most truthful Gen X post in the entire thread

Fucking flipping burgers used to be a middle class job when the boomers were doing it in their teens. Fucking bullshit how they whine about working "real jobs" when a mcdonalds summer job let them afford a down payment on a house or paying cash for a new camaro


¿Why i am not white in america? I am 100% european too

>Boomers didn’t grow up with uncertainty about their future
>Grew up through the Cold War and constant threat of nuclear anihilation, economic recessions and crises... were drafted into ‘Nam... lived with the constant subversive bombardment of degeneracy by KGB programs as well as the consumerist bombardment of advertising cartels and corporate ninjaism.

The boomers are huge faggots and I hate them because they failed to heed the warning signs but they had to deal with a lot of shit and they were for sure unsuspecting targets of kike subversion...

Plus they had deet or ddt sprayed on them daily as kids breathed in lead exhaust fumes and had lead in their water and homes and fried their brains on drugs when they were gen z's age

who will be the first gen x president?

will HE be after trump's second term?

Pauly shore i hope

>Generation X is a comparatively small generation

about 55,000,000

A generation is 20 years you fucktard

GenX superior, Millennials inferior

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>Millenials .... sheer size of their generation.

about 74,000,000
(or 82,000,000 if you add 2000 and 2001)

>presidential power will be handed from Boomer presidents to Millenial presidents

extremely wrong

>A generation is 20 years you fucktard

no - it's not

I have news for ya punk,the same thing is going to happen to you

This. Actually I blame both.

Hehe... wrong.
Late tier Gen-x here. We had a hell of an easier time than what the goddamn millennials are and will be going through.

Sure there was the crashes of 2000 and 2008... but we were the last generation that could almost guaranteed to get a job out of college that could turn into a career and a home... sure we had it harder than boomers, but not as hard as what is happening now. I’m a tail-end Xer... I graduated in 2004 and was in a legit long term career by 2006 after bouncing around a few other relavent positions. Keep in mind this is post dotcom... pre dotcom Xers were making fortunes on the tech bubble or getting high paying jobs on a Bachelors degree.

Three of my earlier tier Gen X cousins (we all live in Southern California) with basic engineering or business bachelor degrees had purchased a home by their 3rd year of employment. These were guys without an inheritance and with lower middle-class fathers. They paid their own tuition. Contrast that with me... late tier X / early tier millennial: started working in 2006... wasn’t able to afford a home comparable to my cousins until 2014. Most millennials I meet who have been working for a few years could barely afford condos half the size of my house... and they’re in debt.

Xers had it worse than boomers but in a FAR better situation than Gen Y and Z

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you can be blamed for the sin of having the mentality of "I dont fucking care" in everything, including having children. Your generation is the one who should have waged a mgtow war but you just looked at your feet like you always do and said "I dont care".

you will care when you will get punished for it

This is a retarded generalization. We weren’t the woman’s sufferage generation or the Welfare State generation. We were just the generation sorting ourselves out during a time of relative peace and prosperity and to be goddamn honest, we did an ok job. Sure we fucked up dot com... but what came out of that was the Information Age. We were the punks that jumped into the empty void of the internet and made it useful. We knew the world without this ease of communication so we appreciate it... Boomers are too old to appreciate or understand it. Millennials are to jaded by the fact they were born into the world of free information.... it wasn’t until Millennials got old enough to enter the work place that cultural Marxism took over...we don’t give a shit about it! A gen X college campus didn’t give a fuck about outrage culture or PC culture. We were busy reversing the degeneracy of our parents but using just enough rebelliousness to make the internet useful.

Not an argument. Who do you think will win in 2024 when Millenial voters are the biggest voting block? Rand Paul? Ted Cruz? No, it'll be some young progressive type and the Millenials will vote for their candidate in huge numbers.
Give me a name of a Generation X candidate that can get Millenials to vote for them over a "one of us" Millenial candidate.

I hated the fucking self-centered boomers growing up in the 80s. I think I hate the faggot self-centered millennials more.

hey that's me. We could fix it, but nobody ever asks us anything.

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Boomers still run everything and millenials can't get off the ground floor. We don't call genX "genX" we call them SJWs

Every 40+ year old Satan worshipping kid touching blm megaphone shouting middle management save the whales tumblr furry communist clickbait op-ed 10 years late to the meme party soft rock thick rimmed glasses limp dicked my dad had an atari corporate virtue whore is genX. That's where it comes from and that's the bottleneck to anything meaningful getting done or changing.

Its them.

spare me with the boomer tier speeches honorary boomer.

Don't count on it, kid. My ex-wife and the divorce/child support industry destroyed my will to care. Nothing you can do to me in this life can be worse than what they did to me. Bring the pain, I welcome it.

I'd say their biggest use was paving the way for the internet and their fascination with tech. If it weren't for them, the autistic millenials wouldn't have had a place online to sperg.

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>infamous for apathy
Whine about us all that you want to. We won't care.

Both of those numbers are much larger than 55 million. Also Millennials have a strong tribal identity that Generation X lacks. Millennials will vote in their own generation the first chance they get just as the Boomers did with members of their generation.

Says the basement dweller generation... living off the creations of the Information Age never having to leave his fucking basement to survive.

t. boomer lite

kys unironically

toll paid, wait till your gen is half as weak and old as the boomers in a collapsed world mumbling "b-but only 4 years for muh retirement". Its like in a collapse you will be as weak as your karma dictates lol.