Anonymity is a 'mööt' point

Attached: moot.png (638x359, 231K)


jesus fuck out of here newfag


It's a meme that people would reply "who?" since moot left.

It quickly id's the newfags who respond.

Who is this? A new alt right YouTuber or something?

phew, I thought he was about to turn on us... still our guy. pls come back ;_; FUCK YOU GOOGLE

>respondong to shitty b8
umm your the newfags

Anyone unironically think he's pretty good looking? If he worked out and maybe got a better wardrobe and hair he'd have women all over him.

Attached: 1521929881893.png (2688x2688, 173K)

He doesn't go for the ladies m8


I doubt he holds the same opinion. He joined Goldman Sachs group and attempted to create a user based meme site, which failed miserably. He notoriously hated the news section of Jow Forums and banned it twice because we took it over. Now we're the second most popular board and the reason why this site remains relevant.

He must hate this site now.

just beat me to it, this is the old moot, before he got totally pozzed out, cucked out, sold out, and became the luggage lad of Jow Forums harbl infamy

>He must hate this site now.
Well yeah. GamerGate and the US election served as the killing blows to a site which had been on a downward trajectory since Chanology. Jow Forums attracted boomers and underages to this site like a magnet during the Trump campaign and there's no denying it. You have to look at it from his perspective, he created Jow Forums, he was there all the way from 2003 up until he left. The things he was a part of, the internet culture he was involved in, everything was different. When you say "we took it over", that's exactly the issue. /news/ became Jow Forums and eventually morphed into /nu-pol/ thanks to a culmination of things which hijacked Jow Forums and turned it into something he never intended it to be, it's gotten to the point where the discussion here is indistinguishable from Reddit or Tumblr. That's because Jow Forums has become Reddit and Tumblr simultaneously. You could literally check a Twitter timeline and find the same memes regurgitated over here, once upon a time that was shunned hard.

Oldfags are in literal hiding now, the summerfags really did take over for good.

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everything changes you stupid fuck

To be fair, I hate this site now. nu-Jow Forums is complete cancer.

Things changed for the worse you stupid fuck. If you were here for longer than a year and a half you would have seen that very process unfold before your eyes.

I don't want to be mean but he's one of the ugliest people I ever saw. Really annoying fucking face. Goes beyond "punchable face" into "curb-stompable" face area. Anyone else thinks so?

nu-Jow Forums hates being called out.

Ehl oh ehl tell that to the shareholders of blackrock

You mean Reddit and Tumblr became Jow Forums simultaneously.
>Dozens of plebbit subs infiltrated/co-opted/subverted by Jow Forumsacks (either by blackmailing plebbit mods, redpilling them, or putting a Jow Forumsack as a mod), and Tumblr became target practice for fledgling trolls

Compromise, it goes both ways. But it doesn't change the fact that Jow Forums got its hands dirty and didn't know what to do with the mess left behind from r/the_donald.

moot looks like a lesbian woman who contracted AIDS from having one of her gay friends try and inseminate her withered up womb

>and turned it into something he never intended it to be

It is exactly as it was intended: an anonymous forum. We dominated through ideas and uncensored conversation. I came here as a marxist progressive ten years ago. Arguing and debating changed me as it did to almost ever person on here.

We dominated because there was no censorship. Anonymous posting created us, it was an inevitability.

>Oldfags are in literal hiding now, the summerfags really did take over for good.

This has been said for ten years. It has never been true. It has always been like this in different forms. Do you think the Ron Paul campaign was any different? It was the same.

Let the newfags come. They will succumb to truth like the rest of us.

Moot sounds and looks like a jew?

'moot' is Mark Zuckerburg's pseudonym for when he founded 2ch

>To be fair, I hate this site now. nu-Jow Forums is complete cancer.

I was on 4ch(4o4)n /new/, the golden age of political shitposting and Jow Forums replaced it. Jow Forums will always be inferior to the days when there were 75 posters on a single board. 4ch(4o4)n alone created incels with r9k and pushed the happy merchant meme. Every new group claims the older days were better, they aren't. This isn't that much different.