Is mgotow my last option

i was dating a Mediterranean girl (turkish) for a while everything was going great until she left me out of nowhere for no reason.whats the point of investing your feelings,effort and time into women?

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stop falling for Jow Forums memes and stop race mixing like this board tells you to
go for white women or become a monk

>assuming OP is white

>loving a turk

>whats the point of investing your feelings,effort and time into women?
if you're doing it right, you don't.
It's more of a deal, an agreement; sex, support, children, home. Love is a meme.

wtf are you talking about, Jow Forums memes are to never ever race mix. If you think Jow Forums tells people to race mix, then you are a newfag.

Never put pussy on a pedestal. It is replaceable. If you are well dressed, well spoken, can sling dick, and have money in your pocket, you can fuck all the 18 to 23 year olds you want. Guys their age are into weed and vidya, and are mostly losers living at home. Get out there and fuck.

Chink girls for bed toys
White girls for kids

>is mgotow my last option

It's a gay recruiting scheme so it depends on how much you like dick and how much you love talking about how you don't need women and hate them.

> everything was going great until she left me

You're a man, you improve and chase women or you don't. What's the point of whining about your lack of success? Aboobloohoo I tried lifting weights 3 times and I'm not buff like Arnold.

test post

Throughout history men went out to be a provider and often ended up dead from a wild game attack, or on the battlefield. Women are self serving little cunts and didn’t wait around long until they were getting stuffed again by a lesser man. That’s life. Spread your seed far and wide, user. You’re a warrior.

>>dated on before
>>insanely crazy, possessive and controlling
>>westernized and fascinated with instagram and modeling...ass and tits out 24 7 like a whore.
>>glad this is in the past now


Yea couse niggers now go to pol

excuse me test post

why are you dating a fucking roach
unironically kill yourself

also why is everybody test posting?
you guys got errors too?

Italians aren't white

depends on what part of italy

Have you seen the Jow Forums meetup pics? Mostly non-white

God made the Alps to keep guito niggers in their containment zone

If you get depressed when you're alone then no, if not then go and be MGTOW. I used to think it would be best for guys, but I realized that most men simply can't function when alone...

>Dating a cockroach
Wait how did you think that was going to end?

Date an Asian you retard, or try to find the extremely rare non-degenerate white girl.

The point of investing in women will depend on what you're looking for. Of you're looking to settle down bud maybe you might have to lower your standards a little. I have found that pretty girls sometimes take longer to mature, most just want to be dicked down by strange regularly. Find someone who is grounded, family orientated, can cook, clean, and isnt lazy. Good luck.

>You will never work the fields to survive the oncoming winter from the day you're able to walk then marry the qt3.14 across the hill who has never seen a man her age before.

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>don't listen to Jow Forums
>don't racemix
which one is it, leaf?

MGTOW is the wise decision if you have other priorities that require you to live in the West. Nevertheless, men enjoy the company of women, so you should consider emigrating to a country that is more conservative. You will have a much better time and will want to come back to your home country less and less.

But the stats on this are quite clear. Even after making vows that they will stick with you through sickness and in health, for better or worse, until death parts you...women still initiate about 80% of all the divorces and only about 50% of married couples stay together.

And you think a woman who has invested what...nothing other than a few months into a relationships, that she's going to stay around?

MGTOW is just men who have realised that objectively this is a bad deal and have voluntarily turned it down. How you weigh up these factors is completely up to you, no one can tell you to go your own way, that's something you'll either reason yourself too, or not.

But at least know the facts, don't be ignorant of what modern dating is like.

Don't forget about suicide faggot!

retards. this board has race mixing threads on a bi-hourly basis, even casual posters in non-related threads will brag about race mixing.
he shouldn't listen to Jow Forums, he should either get a white woman or become a monk that simple

OP you faggot, listen to the crusader.

How long is "a while?"

yes, blame others for your shortcomings. shit happens, quit being a little bitch about it. you have the "they [women] don't like me now?" mentality going on. "she" doesn't like you anymore, "she" doesn't represent all women. keep being a little bitch about it and you will zap any self confidence you have. They can sense self loathing from non-chads. there's nothing attracting them towards getting fucked by Eeyore.

> Mediterranean

Pick one nigger

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Pick one and only one.

OP is turbovirgin

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>. I have found that pretty girls sometimes take longer to mature, most just want to be dicked down by strange regularly.
Bruh girls don't mature much past their teenage years, also who'd want a woman who has had multiple dicks in her...

Your first mistake was dating a massively inbred homonculus.

Your second mistake was investing emotionally in a woman.

Come to MGTOW brother. It will save you.

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If you had money she would never leave you until she steals if from you via the courts, but even then its not exactly as bad as people here make it.

Why even ask Jow Forums? If you're not new here you already know what the gynocentrists on here will tell you. "It's your duty to the white race to marry and have kids no matter what" "x is a Jewish psyop. I have no proof of this, but it's the truth because it fits my narrative" "NAWALT".