State enforced brain scan to weed out the psychopath / sociopaths

They are ruining our society with their greed and lack of empathy, kill them all if they're found out.

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Find a cure. Killing is not to be done lightly. Infact, I see no reason as to why anyone should ever be killed. Rethink it, OP. But just so you know - you made the world a little bit worse today. Congratulations.

Also DNA testing of business owners and office holders

stop relying on the state. Be the exterminator yourself.

lmao pussy, faggots like you are breakfest

Eventually there will be prenatal testing for sociopathy, just like there is for Down's Syndrome

Sociopaths run the state. This destroys the sociopaths how?

>I see no reason as to why anyone should ever be killed.
Do you know where you are?

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When this nightmare fueled hellscape of a country finally drives me mad I'll make sure my spree starts with OP.

Is your mom proud of you yet?

>(((They))) are ruining our society with their greed and lack of empathy, kill them all if they're found out.

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>i want the government to do everything for me
hey retard, anything that is state enforced means more government programs which means more taxes, which means bigger government, which means less freedom

Nice try MR sociopath, come gettie your brainie scan.

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nice projecting faggot, come to my house im fully loaded with full metal jackets im ready for your bitch ass

What is that MG? look like a 240 made to look like a pkm or something

Do we even have the technology to do this yet? The best freaks are the ones that can convince themselves that they are good people and everyone else is the problem. They genuinely believe their own logic.
If you scan brain waves, you'll find that the freaks are indistinguishable from everyone else, since self-convincing is something they have mastered.

Well the main reason why it's beneficial to just kill people is that it saves a massive amount of resources instead of just helping people develop.

But it's unlikely the government will ever do that in a *gun rich* state.

>State-enforced brain scans to find psychopaths
but of course the Senators and other high-ranking politicians will exempt themselves from said tests...

>weed out the psychopath / sociopaths
That's not what they'd be scanning for and you know it.

You're a fucking idiot. Who do you think is calling the shots at the top? Psychopaths and sociopaths. Not the president either you emotional brainlet. The CfR. The Bilderberg group. The UN. The ruling councils you don't even know the names of. You know what it takes to beat a psychopath or sociopath? Another. Quit being a brainlet. Quit subsisting on emotional bs. Conquer it. RISE ABOVE IT.

What do you think that thing you posted is?
Here's a hint, it's not human.

Well, that'd be one way to get rid of the kikes but there's a single massive flaw in your plan.

>Sociopathy is detectable via brain scan or psychology

Lol nope

It is and I can tell just with a picture

>What is that MG? look like a 240 made to look like a pkm or something
>looks nothing like a 240
It's just a PKM..

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It isn't, and no you cannot.

>You need to be DNA tested to be a business owner
>in the United Fucking States

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Uh O

And who decides the criteria for a sociopath or psychopath? Clearly not the AMA or APA.

fuck no
we need more psychos
our problem are the normies
the sheep that just comply and give taxes to psychos
beat them and weed them out

It's very easy to discern if someone has a human spirit through a picture.

Sweatie don't post on this site if you're retarded :))

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Just need to know the secret test...
Only real humans are capable of preforming the test

You would quickly find this test to be both antisemitic and racist. I am all for it.

You can't cure missing brain function, retard. You can only prevent people with ASPD being born in the first place.

To prevent family conspiracies

I’m a sociopath and I haven’t done shit to you people fuck off

make them talk about why they are a piece of shit

MDMA doesn't work on them

omg the flag

whos the girl in the pic

Tbh I was just shitposting in some commie thread & forgot to change my flag

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I dont know how to tell you this...

thats stupid and dumb bro

stop parasiting incoming generations with your failed mind set

>human spirit
Nice source, brainlet.

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fuck I wish I had a gf like her :/

whats her name


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Maybe technology will fix some of the human psyche neurological wires , not saying domesticate humans but upgrade human mind .
Well the human mind is constantly learning , single one of us beings

yep this labirint is weird labyrinth

well at least dump all pics you have of her here

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>What's that? You don't go with the flow we "society" force on you?!
>Your a crazy sociopath into the mass grave with you!
This is the future you choose

that would make me an off-topic shitposter so no

also i just realized OP is looking for a minority report style dystopia. dumb fucking retard.

This would mean 80% of the Boomers would be purged...

... I’m in.

Oof, hmm. what if you dump em... here?

there is no we society, it's survival of the fittest
you are not sensed as a being but as a human,
a prey as anybody else , many people are not even heard of and they had the most awful life.

My point is, if you are blaming society over all you are blaming yourself too
Actions make society

this would resolve most of the problems, actually

or deport them to their own separated antisocial country-- antartica

>systematically identifying antisocials
technology has advanced. it can be automated.

it would be a multi-staged process of weeding out:

-brain scans, genetic analysis would be 1st stage to identify antisocials

-administer psychological tests like Stanley Milgram Experiment to the youngins, for early detection

-apply hoarding vs sharing experiments in school/workplace to identify the antisocials

-identify bullies in schools, workplace

-analyse family history

-criminalise greed, hoarding, bullying, intimidation and all antosocial behavior

the antisocials/culprits would join other antisocials in their own society/country separated geographically from prosocials

>state enforced
The state is RUN by psychopaths and sociopaths, you absolute fucking moron. Congrats on giving them license to kill whoever they fucking want.

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>criminalise greed, hoarding, bullying, intimidation and all antosocial behavior

Woah there big boy thats a slippery slope

we have 2 differently evolving human groups: sociopaths and socialists

does this mean that humanity should separate under pathologies?

antisocials live in a separate antisocial society, populated with only antisocials (sociopaths, psychopaths). only anti-socials are allowed to exist in this society. all sociopaths get to realize their biological potential by living in the society that their biology is fit for.

prosocials live in a separate society from antisocials, with antisocials being deported to their respective sociopathic society. prosocials finally achieve prosocial reality programmed in their prosocial genetics and biology

Subservients like you are a far greater threat to society.

>find a cure for a genetic frontal lobe deformity
You guys are so fucking retarded.

Why should humanity tolerate antiosocials (sociopaths, psychopaths, and assorted meanies)?
Why should society accept and protect those who proudly reject, exploit, and destroy it?

why should prosocials be forced to go along with antisocials who are always exploiting and destroying prosocials?

I don't care about punishment or rehabilitation. Only about keeping them away from the rest of us. deport antisocials to a separated antisocial country achieves that goal.

socio/Psychopaths are an anonmaly. Intra-species predators. We should research methods to identify them accuratly and then deport every last one.

you humans are a threat

Oh look its sociopath tries to mimic normal people to start mass purges :^)

Sociopaths are chameleons even greater than jews, someone you know could be one and you never realize it because their chameleon act is that good.

Greed's not bad or even related to psychopathy, btw.
But I wouldn't be opposed to killing psychopathic inmates, since psychopathy's a cognitive illness that can't be repaired after childhood. Their are high-functioning people who lack empathy, though, so you'd be wasting money killing innocent sociopaths and psychopaths who pay taxes / work jobs / support families.

The only problem with psychos is for some reason every single one of them are addicted to sadism they love making anything suffer or feel pain over anything else thats why they are cancer. A psycho would stab you in the face for no reason because he thinks its funny you cant trust fuckers like that period.

>identify bullies in schools, workplace
>bullies are sociopaths and psychopaths
>I'm not a bully bullies are bad
>let's ostracize and intimidate loners because they're the bad part of society
The amerimutt brain at work.

Seriously who is this dude and where are his feet pix?

Psychos are cancer the black race is one of the only psychopath majority human races on earth and look at its state. Jews are another more intelligent psychopath majority race. Jews are living proof that psychos are absolute cancer to mankind.

Do we need sociopaths? Of course not but we do need humans with low empathy NOT ZERO EMPATHY to make tough decisions for us.

Because you dumb fag they're still human. What if you had a kid who was deemed antisocial?
How do you define a reasonable threshold for antisocial behaivor exceeding "safe" levels?
Not all antisocials want to "exploit and destroy prosocials

Given most of them have an mental illness, its not terribly difficult to treat them with meds. For a percentage of that crowd its effective and it keeps them as useful contributors to society. Not to mention the so called "antisocials" end up doing a lot more work than the average person in terms of contributions to society. Ironically deporting to an isolated country or a country of their own might make the less psychotic people more successful than ever.


>lack of empathy
>kill them all

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Its not a dude my dude, reverse image search gives bobs

>"If you let people who want to kill you fuck your wife, you win!" ~t. average Leafistani citizen

she goes by belle delphine or something right now

Typical psycho behavior using the empathy of us normals to not get rid of you monsters.

Criminally underrated

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lol what the fuck does that even mean you faggot, you sound like an incoherent woman

Sociopathy rises as a persons socioeconomic status rises. Altruism is for the ditch diggers. That's the reason they have a "cremation of care" ceremony at bohemian grove, a ritual to remove human empathy from the class whose actions can damn millions of people.

>kill them all if they're found out.
noun: sociopath; plural noun: sociopaths

a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Goodbye user.

>mocking people and belittling them
More typical psycho behavior nice to see you serpents shed your skin when you are anonymous.


Brain scans have shown that psychopaths amygdalas are under developed or damaged in some way.

>I have nothing of value to say and cannot dress your argument so I'll insult your flag
Classic amerimutt move.

>wanting a society of effeminate faggots who can't control their emotions
It is feelfags like yourself who will be removed from the gene pool. You don't have the stomach to wipe us out.

Hang on, you have a meme flag too! Ironic you want a collectivist system in place to weed out bad apples. Shit we should start with people like you trying to cause mayhem in society.

>people with ASD have non-functioning cerebellums

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Altruism is why we dont live like niggers right now, you sociopaths are the niggers of the white race.

You can't "cure" a neurological disorder like Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). It's just how genetics works. But you are right in that we can't just kill them. In fact, I think the only kind of person who would think "just kill 'em" probably has ASPD themselves. Which leaves us with a moral quandary. These are the people who cause basically all of the problems in society, but we can't have a world where we're allowed to just execute people for something they haven't done yet (they're just biologically inclined to do it).

>starts pointing fingers to avoid accountability
Keep it up monster.

You can cure but you can treat symptoms to a reasonable degree

you sound like a emotional vampire

Shut up psychopath.

>Provides no meaningful response to my earlier points
>Proceeds to dodge
>Dodge successful

You dont even want to talk about your flag?

Antisocial Personality Disorder is typically given the initialism ASPD instead of ASD, so as not to be confused with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

I'm not a psychopath, I'm an autist.