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Other urls found in this thread:


you forgot to take off your memeflag larper

>tfw my real flag is the real meme flag


That awkward feeling when the leaf rakes itself.

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OP is faggot. We're going after the Civil Rights Act next.

Fags don't need cakes. They have enough fudge to feed an army.

not so fast bigots

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>tfw Gay
>tfw glad at the outcome
>tfw glad the lgbtt26)!&@ community got some shit

This is good news. Hopefully he didn't lose his business. Haha fags.

thank god not everything is lost
fuck gay, flaming faggots who activly tried to ruin this familys' live for no reason

Good news? Stra*ghts should be our slaves.


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Keep telling yourselves that faggot

Royal wedding

In my home, homosex is illegal and will result in toture

based nork
keep the yankees away

based fatty kim.

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"It is my sincere and profound belief that Donald Trump is the actual Antichrist, therefore I refuse to sell to anyone wearing a MAGA hat".

This is now legal.

Stay frosty kimy dont let the jews in

>Private businesses choosing who they sell to
Oh the humanity

>get BTFO
>In reality though, we're actually winning!

I guess that level of delusion should be no surprise from a group of people that deny the degenerative effects of prolapsing ones ass over time, and that cut off their genitals and leave an open wound so they can larp about having a vagina


I don't go to starbucks anyway.

glass 'em lil' kimmy

>This should be illegal
The right to free enterprise says otherwise.
>lefties owning a buisness

Political views aren’t protected by anti discrimination laws, moron.


Attached: BAKE THE CAKE!.jpg (675x450, 35K)

oof just put the gay flag back on

Wouldn't this set the precedent that you could deny service for any reason and just claim it goes against your religion? Not that I mind, since the idea of forcing people to service people sounds like some form of slavery.

Sounds like a good band name user.

couldn't u just buy a wedding cake without the bakers knowing it was for a gay wedding anyway

Yo Kim why are you working with the pedophile Americans? They just want to rape your kids..

technically that was always the case. the only reason it's such a shitshow nowadays is because the faggots complain nonstop about being discriminated against

Absolutely disgusting.

The ruling isn't quite that strong, but it certainly supports that argument.

Antidiscrimination laws are completely unconstitutional

If you have a right to choose who you buy from it should also mean you have a right to choose who you sell to.


You would probably have to prove it. Although it should be mentioned that you can deny people service for being assholes

discord gg/qFyYBW

add a .

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I am not fatman or enjoy toddler sex. However, I remain firm in that homosex should be met with swift torture followed by factory work for glory of country to the death.


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I think there's a distinction between "refusing to serve," and "refusing to do a custom order that violates my religion."

If a fag just walked in and wanted to buy a loaf of bread he wouldn't have had a case, but they wanted him to make a gay wedding cake with dicks on it or something. It's entirely different.

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stop larping


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>it's legal not to bake a fag cake
>Basedlo: A Onions Wars Story flopped

It's been a bad week for the left. Not at all surprised my social media accounts are full of lefties whining about Trump again this week.

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Labor camps for the homos and Jews.

Yes, like normal people.

of course you can
but nobody stops you from going 10 yards to the next bakery and spend your good cash there

Give the rainbow back to the kids you diseased fudgepackers

Shouldn't you be getting ready for Singapore, Kimmy?

Damn. Don't know if I'd rather be a gay faggot, or a gay leaf faggot.

>tfw you buy every bakery in San Francisco and refuse to sell to gays

yer alright, leaf

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We already have that fucking right you onions-sucking la la boi. "We reserve the right to refuse service for any reason."

Best Korea

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The reason is because faggots are disgusting.

Kim tell these niggers that nukes aren't real.

Wait, I don't see a difference did he change flags or not?

Thank you for your gratitude

yes he did. he went from the fag flag to the original fag flag (aka the flag with A FUCKING LEAF)

You're alright, leafbro.
I have come to consider the Rainbow to be Canada's alternate colors, kind of like NHL teams have a third jersey.

I don't believe in the Muh Property Rights bullshit, because this is used as a justification to fire people with unPC views and refuse to hire them. But in this case, the gay couple could have easily found another baker who would have made the cake for them. So in this case, refusing business to someone did not cause the "victim" much personal hardship.

>...and that's a good thing!
Golems. So many of you are just golems. White, black, yellow, red, brown, semite, fake semite -- still doesn't matter. Golems the same.

Based supreme leader. Keep it up!

To the tune of: No Sleep Till Brooklyn
No Cake for HOMOS!
No Cakes for
Cakes on the plate
Never ever fags are mental
Flamers flamin hotter than a big oven
My job isn’t bakin
So some gays can have a good time
City to City I’m delivern my cakes
On location
Christians around the nations
If Queers don’t like it then they can go on vacation
itchy diseased and unstable
I bake what I bake
Because of Caine didn’t marry Able
Ain’t for flakin
Your money I’m not takin
Going coast to coast watching all the girlies who love my bakin
While your getting a hand job
This Baker’s at a real wedding
Cold stone bakin it live

You run a business, you get to decide who you serve. If your service sucks, or you piss off enough customers, you will go out of business. Do you even Free Market, faggot?

The thing is, this got decided on the state not trying the case in a fair manner, not that either side was right according to the Court.

Whether it's legit to tell gay people to fuck off no cake for you actually wasn't decided, only that you can't treat a case with massive bias like it was fair.

>Picks a Jew song to sing about faggots.

based kim jong un

what's your endgame, Kim?

You're wrong. SCOTUS already ruled on this in 1883 when they ruled the Civil Rights Act of 1875 as unconstitutional.

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Keep crying, faggots. Your tears fuel me.

It's a private business. The owner is allowed to refuse service to anyone. It's called capitalism.

This. Businesses either have the right to refuse service for any reason or they don't. Picking and choosing those reasons is a tool the left uses to discriminate against whites while protecting their precious minorities.

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Nice larping, faggot, now fuck off.

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absolutely BASED

Oof. That poor bastard.

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Same here, when Gays are bitching over cake, literally. Even I want to call them faggots. jfc, just vote with your pocket book and not cry about it like a pussy.

you are now aware that "hide my ass pro" lets you vpn from north korea. Also, this faggot had a purchase Jow Forums gold to post from a vpn. that is all.

Include me in the screencap

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Ok now can my freedom of association with not wanting to be near niggers be protected next?

looks like a onions boomer lol

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So is the baker going to resume selling wedding cakes? I assume he was not up until this point. Did the court specifically weigh in on whether he is allowed to sell cakes just to straight couples seeking a wedding cake?

Taking their cues from their king in the north i see

is north korea dare i say /ourcommies/ ?

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yup western Jow Forumsacks need to form a religion around white identity

It was more an artist, whether it's a baker, or a more classical example like an illustrator, has the right to choose what they make. They sided with a baker, because he would have gladly sold them a generic cake, even if they were gay, he just wouldn't create a cake that celebrated their homosexualness, because he did not want to create an art piece that would be against his morals.

I can't wait until more muslims own businesses and deny jews service.

When I found out (((she))) was one of the two votes I wasn’t even suprised

holy fucking shit, kim you are a lad and also i wanna be in the screencap

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Best korea, i bet Norkland is actually a utopia

Thats the left in a nutshell nowadays.

>”our rights should stand above everyone else’s”

Weren't they already forced out of business by protesters years ago?

are you aware that you are a faggot