2+2=5. Trust us, we're the media. Can we get this meme spreading? I don't know why this pisses me off so much. I guess it's the blatant lying. Maybe we can get Snopes to fact check if 7/9 is narrow.
2+2=5. Trust us, we're the media. Can we get this meme spreading? I don't know why this pisses me off so much...
Oops I fucked that up. Let me try again.
Learn what words mean before revealing yourself as a moron
The narrow part refers to the framing of the argument/case, not the resulting vote.
that's not what a narrow ruling means you retard
Like you knew before today you stupid favela hut
Okay Satan. Do you think literally any average joe reading a headline will pick that up? It’s deceptive, and purposefully so
I completely agree with you its disingenuous for that to be the headline, but you could throw a dart at a newspaper any day of the week and find one.
Of course it's deceptive. But they have an out for it, like most other times
hey, plenty of us actually paid attention. this nigga 3 stamps short of an idea.
it's doublespeak, and intentionally so.
>unironically being this retarded
Try reading about things before making threads on them
>Trump with narrow election win
>what is being intentionally deceptive
You're being such good goy by playing along. Yes, that is TOTALLY what they were referencing and what they expect the average reader to take from the headline.
Yep, but the Headlines should'nt have been as uniformly retarded as they obviously were. Satan.
It's literally the correct term tho
There's nothing like being lectured on the meaning of words by a libfaggot who believes "gender" doesn't mean "sex."
two faggot kike judges deserve to be hanged. The aids isn't working fast enough.
>moron says dumb things
I'm a retard, no seriously I am a legitimate stupid cunt with no understanding of law whatsoever, what does narrow ruling actually mean?
Yes please tell, for all I know it could be a shilling attempt
>but you could throw a dart at a newspaper any day of the week and find one
and that's a good thing
The decision of the case only pertains to that particular case. It is not a general ruling it is a narrow ruling. This means another gay forced service case could come up and this won't apply to it.
It means they're letting this cunt off based on the facts of the case, but not that it should be precedent for business everywhere in the US to start discriminating against poofs in general.
If you're gonna fight the kikes at their own games you had best learn how to play
This op is a brainlet
Luckily I aren't a big fat cunt so couldnt give a fuck about eating cake.
So poison all of it I say.
We could rid the world of poofters, fat chicks and child molesters all in one fell swoop
it was narrow you ass clown if it was 4-4 the vote wouldnt have mattered and the court the ruled in favor of the gay couple would have won
learn your shit before making usless threads, he won thats all that matter