>jews doing what they do best thread
Jews doing what they do best thread
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Daily reminder that the Jews are not the cause of your pathetic lives. Want to know the cause? Here's a hint.. go look in a mirror and you'll figure it out.
t. kikemaster shekelberg
Im Jewish & I can fully say it is our fault
it's not.. the loser white trash here just want to blame everyone and everything for their own inability to adapt. They are basically obsolete now and just spew hatred and evil in their final dying gasps.
ok fren
No one can look at the data and fail to see that jews are obviously trying to kill or enslave us all.
why you gotta ruin le big nose tribe thread
Same fucking generic response to everything. Whites blame X group of people for “their own failures” or “their own pathetic lives”. I’ll make ~200k this year and live in a nice 90% white city. This isn’t about me or about anyone’s failures, it’s about the future, primarily securing an existence for our people and a future for white children. Fuck off kike
>fellow White people
It's not true man.. you have been reading the wrong news. They are just normal people tryingto make it like we are.
>the first born children of Satan didn't do anything !
The Jews were 78% owners in the slave trade. Go figure.
Is drinking the blood of gentile infants normal for you?
You're right. It starts with taking responsibility for our complacency in jewish supremacism.
I hope any of you fags with a twitter are blasting those kikes on a regular basis. Call them out on their kikery. Kikes hate that.
then why is it so taboo to just point out someone's jewish?! No one bats an eye if you point out some wealthy CEO is black or polish, but mention they're jewish, in the most neutral way you can, and it's another shoah!
Jay-z says that jews are rich, which is a compliment coming from rappers, and he gets called anti-semitic!
>stop noticing patterns goyim, just go look in the mirror
I actually do think there are a lot of jews who aren’t subversives, who are right wing, who are genuinely concerned about their kids and grandkids not growing up in a country overrun by hostile Mexicans and Somalians, but people like Tim (((Wise))) must be exposed for their utter hatred of all White Gentiles. This is what this thread is for
Wrong Juden
Does it hurt to type that?
but they're still going to side with their fellow jews because they're share their wealth and opportunities within their group. It's very advantageous to be on the inside.
found the spic
I was going to attack your claims head-on, but I must classify this your post as satire at this point.
But just to demonstrate how stupid you are, this logic can be applied to any problem in any given society. Any individual who complains about legitimate grievances in such society can be told it is all his fault. Of course, if there is significant evidence that backs the claims of his grievances, then this notion is not correct.
Oy Veyyyyy, you filthy Goyim.
Until all Jews apologize for killing Jesus, I will never trust nor like any jew, ever. Only good jew is a dead jew.
if you just dismiss their claims of being white, what they say is really vitriolic and horrible. No klan member ever said this about black people.
I live a very successful and fulfilling life, but that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the kikes are destroying this nation and this planet.
Doubt my flawless jawline is the cause, must be the juden.
t. Tony Goldmarksteinberg
This. The rhetoric from people that the media paints as being neo-Nazis or White supremacists worthy of the electric chair isn’t even close to what we see coming from jews in actual positions of authority
how is that fat kike not banned from Disney World yet?
If not for their influence in my country I would have my whole dick and no dealings with mongrels. Go fuck yourself.