How come suicide is illegal? Dont people have a right to die they way they wish?

how come suicide is illegal? Dont people have a right to die they way they wish?

Attached: jumpin.png (1920x1080, 1.94M)

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Not sure if troll or just retarded, but suicide is illegal to give cops an excuse to arrest you and get you help. They can't detain you otherwise.

Nor should they be allowed to.

My life, my body, my choice.

show tits roastie

The guy in the vid is an attention seeking asshole. It's one thing to off yourself, it's a completely different story when you risk other people's lives as well.

No because if people are allowed to kill themselves it will be easier to commit murder.

how? people can kill themselves basically any time. how does suicide related to more murder?

Why not just make suicide booths like in Futurama.

are you fucking stupid? You think the jews are going to allow a taxpaying slave to kill himself?


no they throw you in a jail for three days and put you on drugs, and then charge you for that, too

of course its illegal, you cant damage goverment propperty

leafs are retarded.

Attached: leaf_memeball.jpg (1024x853, 65K)

no. a person's first loyalty is to their countrymen and their nation. thats why we discourage things like suicide and taking drugs until you die. if we let everyone do what they want, you get the current state of the west.

the dead dont pay tax

>Dont people have a right to die they way they wish?

of course. you can't force someone to live unless you're going to keep them gagged and in a straight jacket for the rest of their lives.

What are they going to fucking do? Arrest you?

This is actually a very interesting questions and you should look at philosophy and law books instead of this board fill with autistic neck beards
I came here to shit post not to discuss serious thing

We don't have the technology to instantly vaporize people.

phahaha, OP thinks he's the owner of himself.

dude wake up, you're a slave to the country you live in.
And murdering someone else's slave is of course illegal.
(((THEY))) own you and this is why you can't even decide about your own life and how to end it.

Not even can you not make decisions about your own life, but also of your children.
Like homeschooling? Often illegal.
Vaccination? Mandatory.

You arenot allowed to make your own life decisions outside of the boundaries they have set up for you.

You are a slave

if someone is determined to kill themselves they will
anyone else is just looking for attention

but we have other technology.

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It creates a deterrent


but we want to help user

Bodily autonomy is the core freedom.

Assisted suicide

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cuz you could sign a contract saying "I'm committing suicide", and get paid to take lethally dangerous risks. There was a Sci Fi author who did a whole vein of stories with this premise.

no because if you kill yourself then you can't be forced to work hard so the kikes can gather more shekels.

Attached: theyjew.gif (500x270, 997K)

You're free to leave anytime. No one wants you if you're going to be a detriment to them.

Suicide is not the problem. That others have to clean up the fucking mess you've made is the problem.

If you're going to kill yourself then at least have the common decency to call law enforcement beforehand and to do it somewhere where you aren't going to disrupt other people's lives.

No jumping off bridges/buildings. No running in traffic. No shooting yourself in public or residential places. Don't hang yourself somewhere and let it rot and stink for weeks before someone eventually finds it.

At the very least kill yourself quietly in a bath tub filled with ice after calling the police to let them know where and when to pick you up. Don't let your friends or family find you. Pick a day when you know you will not be disturbed until police arrive. For extra points let your organs be used to help people who want to live. You may have been worthless in life but you don't have to be worthless in death. Don't burden the family you're already forsaking with caskets and funeral bullshit.

Have a some respect for others and fucking conscience you giant faggots.