Oi, 'ave you got your invasive species killin' loicence?

Okay, pol. I know you make fun of us, for needing TV licences, and Gun licences, and fishing licences, ect. But Think this one through.

>this little guy is the American signal crayfish
>he is an invasive species
>the environment agency has declared this, and wants them all destroyed to stop them destroying our rivers.
>you need a license for specifically catching this invasive species
>if you catch and kill them without a licence, you're breaking the maw
>if you don't use the exact right type of net, you're breaking the law
>if you catch them in one lake or river, but your licence is for a different river or lake, you're breaking the law
>it takes months for your licence to arrive
>after you pay for it

Do they even want us to catch these fuckers or not?

Yes, this thread is politics related, it discusses government policy on licences.

Attached: American-Signal-Cr_2504959c.jpg (460x287, 33K)

American crabs in your rivers and lakes,

American crabs in your royal family

>crawfish invasion
You lucky bongs, crawdaddys are top tier.

Anyone got that meme with a bobby that says "Do you have a licence for that permit?" and "Do you have a permit for that licence?" and it just goes round and round?

It's basically UK licencing law in a nutshell.

Our most successful export! Hope you guys enjoy them. They're quite tasty, actually.

Attached: Oregon crayfish.jpg (984x1460, 283K)

Good work leaf

How come you get delicious invasive species and we just get shit like Zebra mussels and watermilfoil?

You mean this one?

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This. Fucking love the things. Hopefully they become too widespread to deal with so bongs can enjoy them too.

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I just want to remind you, that technically speaking, they're your royal family too.

>invasive species
Great thread

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Fun story Brit, my dad used to take those little fuckers to every lake and river he could find and dump them in by the thousands so he could come back later and trap them, they are not as invasive as people think, probably people in your country doing the same thing.

Nah it has the feels guy all dressed up.

You will be spared from the rake

We have our own native species, its also good to eat.

>>this little guy is the American signal crayfish
>>he is an invasive species
I thought diversity is a strength

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Tell em to fuck off and eat them to extiction


God tier tossed with garlic,butter,lemon, and Cajun spice.

lol the guy in the white jacket with glasses looks a bit out of place.

You people legitimately belong in a rubber room. You don't even qualify as people at this point.

Why do we keep giving you chimps free reign?

Oi the queen's got a right nasty case o' the mudbugs!

That's a little strange. Thank god I don't live on that island.

Yea, jews are mental.

Apparently getting illegally into Europe is the one thing you don't need a licence for. Even crustaceans are refugees now.

we mostly just get grey squirrels and knotweed

I was hiking innawoods last week and i found this 5 inch long crayfish sitting there in the in the middle of the trail pretty far form water my best guess is a bird dropped him there

>bird dropped him there

This is actually very likely. When we had crayfish on our farm we would find them flippin everywhere, I always assumed it was birds doing it.

Snibiti snab X——D

I prefer Dungeness crabs, but mudbugs are pretty tasty too.

Attached: calipercrab.jpg (600x430, 89K)

we got those, they don't do anything. you sure you guys have your identify invasive species licenses?