Why do leftists hate liberals so much? Shouldn't they use liberalism as a vehicle to get their foot in the door?

Why do leftists hate liberals so much? Shouldn't they use liberalism as a vehicle to get their foot in the door?

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>why do collectivists hate individuals

>yfw liberals are even to stupid and delusional for stupid and delusional commies

Same reason the alt-reich is too dumb to use conservativism to advance their agenda

Instead they fall into the lefts trap, become the pathetic piece of trash the left says they are, and then shit all over everything.

>why do communists have a low IQ

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The left is literally becoming intolerant of how tolerant they are.

They don't. Today's leftists are corporatists in practice. They only have rhetoric - their actual conduct does nothing but strengthen the neoliberal corporate order.

Liberals don't care about the same things leftists do, and the entire basis of liberalism is just surrendering control to the corporatist state for good feefees and extremely poorly mismanaged welfare programs. It's like comparing Mitt Romney conservatism to Hitler.

This is why I feel so bad for the anarchists involved. They band together with communists for numbers to achieve a common goal, but should the glorious revolution ever come, they'll be lined up on the edge of a pit and shot.

>why do leftist dislike people who support capitalism and capitalist politicians (funded by big business and "donors")

Can someone explain to me why we shouldn't regard liberals as the enemy? At most we try to recruit them, but that recruitment has to involve urging them to abandon capitalism and liberal "democracy".

>Shouldn't they use liberalism as a vehicle to get their foot in the door
They already did. Now comes the time when the useful idiots have outlived their usefulness.

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Yeah explain to me why communists keep trying to bash working class right wingers who want to kill the system dead.

Fascism must be opposed, because it wants to pit workers against each other, create a dictatorship of one segment of the capitalist class, and throw anyone pushing for greater change than replacing the (((bourgeoisie))) with a white-only bourgeoisie in concentration camps or out of helicopters.

But antifa are crypto-lib retards who waste their time brawling with irrelevant street gangs and protest marches while doing nothing about politicians and their financiers.

I just want foreigners out i don't give a fuck what class of capitalist they are.

daily reminder the neoliberal establishment openly foiled the most recent democratic socialist movement since the 60s, and you still haven't elected a new SocDem candidate into the house all while literal national socialists are running for office

they serve a different lord

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If we could engineer a crack between the SJW's who think they're liberals & leftists, we could finally bust open this nutcracker like balls on a table and a hammer,

>use conservativism to advance their agenda
You can't advance anything if you're trying to conserve it, dummy.

>muh workers
But you tards support open borders, which kills wages for the working-class.

I actually take dissident lefties like you over SWJ liberals/cuckservatives any day since you're at least not hypocritical over wanting to change the system but then sucking up to every multicultural supporting politican/corporation.
I'm actually curious, what is your take on immigration? Because it always surprised me how so many apparent socialists who showcase themselves with the hammer and sickle seem to be pro mass immigration when all it does is create more competition amongst workers and decreases their income.

Soccer mums who like gays arent radical enough for antifa fags

Why do so many people (especially untermensch) larp about starting back up a failed political party?

Communists are fucking pathetic.
>its so hard to be better than average wahhhhh I want to destroy civilization
Face it you fucking mouthbreathers, anyone who is below average deserves to live a below average lifestyle. if you want a better life work for it you lazy scum, better yet go take some fucking basic economics classes that show why the market (the crowd) is better at its job than policy makers (individuals at the top)

Reminder: Communists are all jealous middleclass faggots who actually hold the poor in disgust but use them for their own ends because their hatred of the rich is so strong.

They have no answer for this, a "true world communism" would involve a massive wealth redistribution from the first world to the third which would prompt the greatest world-wide depression known to man. The communists will never understand it is culture not money, that dictates lifestyle
Look at every african country that nationalized all European property upon decolonialization, did they maintain their luxurious tourist areas and use it as a basis to jump start their economies? No they looted it all and let it fall into disrepair and their economies died. This is what communism always does, eventually the money runs out and everything falls to shit.

Because liberalism is antithetical to their goals. Liberalism and leftism both value the same construct, equality, just applied at different points. Liberals believe in equality of opportunity as virtuous, and leftists believe in equality of outcome as virtuous. Both of which are completely incoherent and impossible to manifest in reality, but they both value this concept. Liberalism, however is antithetical to Marxist-leftism in many ways. Equality of opportunity by necessity will produce massive disparities in outcome as the biological capabilities of people will distribute themselves along a bell curve. Equality of outcome will by necessity require massive inequities in opportunity, as to artificially manifest this spectre of equal outcomes, those who are incapable must be artificially supported and those who are capable must be artificially limited. They are by definition incongruous and impossible to fully join ideologies.

Well stated.

Don't get me wrong I sill think that communism is retarded.
I just respect actual communists over libcucks and those university marxists since they always larp about their revolutions but then suck up to companies like Google because they are pro diversity.
At least tankies aren't hypocritical over their dislike of the establishment even though their solution is misguided and wrong.

What's the difference?

I'm out here effort-posting and the chad ancap comes with the Hans "Physically remove them so to speak" Herman Hoppe people's elbow from outer space.

You are a germ. It does not matter what you think.

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Im confused... arent the leftys liberals larping as commies?

wtf is happening on this timeline?

I know a few actual leftists and they fucking hate liberals as much as we do and for pretty much the same reasons.

Very few actual leftists though. I wouldn't say they are /ourguys/ but it would be worth cooperating with them to smash globalism and the corporate cuck mind prison we currently live in.

No, the ultra lefties are buttmad the lefties arnt left enough. Of course when your so loony that a white male making 6 figures as an engineer existing even existing is "literal oppression" everything is gonna make you buttmad.

Saved for when I'm losing a debate against a socialist. Thanks!

I'm actually asking what the difference is. I thought liberals and leftists were the same thing. Could you explain the difference for me?

Colloquially right now liberals is used to describe center-left people/positions while leftist is used to describe left-wing extremists.

Liberals have been hoodwinked into supporting jewish tricks and scams, thinking they are leftists but end up only supporting international capital and globalism, they are the epitome of doublethink.

Real leftists are very hard to find because the movement has been coopted. But they know the real enemy is the financiers and (((them))), even if they refuse to admit it. The real difference between them and us is what their vision of the end goal of the revolution is. They are utopian and believe in global worker solidarity, we believe in nationalism.

At the end of the day globalism and international capital is the enemy of humanity and needs to be destroyed. Stop supporting the capitalism meme, realize that capitalism is not synonymous with free market.

The intellectual leftist class absolutely do but the lefty footsoldiers are comically retarded which is why they don't get to make decisions.

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But obviously rampant immigration doesn't harm the working class when they find themselves out of work, their kids raped, their houses robbed, their traditions dead, and their stomach open.
Makes sense senpai. Guess I'm a commie now.


Liberals import collectivist shitskins who vote for Marxist candidates.

>But you tards support open borders

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>Why do leftists hate liberals so much?
who doesnt hate liberals at this point ?

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whoops ment to post

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>everyone gets the bullet
sure is communism

Because working within the system will never work. We need a workers revolution. By simply replacing those in power with "leftist" people, they will be corrupted. We need a new system from the ground up.

Liberals are a plague.


Yeah, let's just join (((AIPAC))).

Except not, because anarchism is the ultimate goal of most leftists.

I'm pretty sure they are talking about actually liberals. Who are socially conservative and economically liberal.

Why don't we just be allies temprorarily to destroy the neoliberals/Feds, then go seperate ways?

Commies can have Mexifornia and Jew York, and white nationalists can have the MidWest and Confederacy.

I don't think you interact with very many ACTUAL leftists.

Because anybody right of Mao is a "nazi".

Only because those paying out wages are constantly seeking ways to pay people less or not at all.

>Reminder: Communists are all jealous middleclass faggots who actually hold the poor in disgust but use them for their own ends because their hatred of the rich is so strong.

I'm a commie. My family has millions of dollars in assets. Even have multiple buildings with families name on them.

I'm fairly well off.

leftists call classical liberals "liberals"
That said all commies deserve death

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They already did. This is the next phase

American conservatives are classical liberals in the Eurocentric sense. American “liberals” today are socialists.

because they sold this country out.

I would never join hands with a fucking Fascist.

This basically saying they're going to an hero. Liberals ARE leftists.

Liberals are not leftists. lmao. Stop

Liberals are pro corporation and pro capitalism.

macks parr

Thanks for pointing this out. It's something that most people don't realize.

Commies want to essentially "democratize all production". Think about what that means for a second. Whites are 10% of the global population. That means that under a global commie system, our resources and products and very lives would virtually be dominated by Africans, Pajeets, and Chinks.

>no whitey, you don't really need a sewer system in this district, just shit in the street you bourgeois scum!

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Essentially what the graffiti means is "We agree on social issues, but you're still bourgeois capitalists, therefore we oppose you." It's not that hard.
Also, while I'm a mere Third Positioner and not a commie, I'd like to note that the last truly nationalist governments are/were socialist/communist. DDR, Gaddafi, North Korea, and so on.

What about a Strasserist or NazBol?

because all or nothing

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except what you're basically saying is

>no blackey, you don't really need a sewer system in this district, just shit in the street you poor scum!"

What you're saying is like a white conservative saying he isn't a white nationalist. Liberals are fucking leftist scum.

Don't forget they also support basic liberties.

Leftcom here.

It's because every time we've extended and had partnerships with liberals, they've stabbed us in the fucking back to appease "moderate conservatives". Also liberals take the credit for all the work the far-left has done over the decades while for those decades, opposing the work the left has done. look at LGBTQ rights, it was the sole domain of the far-right until the 2000s and then liberals only really came on board with political support in 2013 a solid decade after the general public was already pro-LGBTQ rights.
Look at healthcare and how the liberals are always willing to bend over for the right with bullshit "market solutions" to healthcare, while fighting Single Payer, while Single Payer literally polls better than bullshit "market solutions" even in red areas.

Liberals are also massively pro-imperialism and pro-war. It wasn't conservatives pushing for war in Syria, it was liberals and their press. Look at the shitshow that is Libya, another "liberal" intervention that turned a country with a high HDI into a place where literal open slave markets exist.

Liberals in reality are conservatives in the truest sense, they will do anything to preserve the general status quo and will fight against social change until the overwhelming mass of public opinion is against them. They will then implement that social change (but coopt it for liberal purposes) and then go back to opposing the next mass movement.

Conservatives in reality are reactionaries, wanting to go back to a past that never existed.


Centrist liberals are also the most authoritarian of any political movement.

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you cannot be a for-worker movement and be racist and sexist or align yourself with people who are

You're so incredibly dedicated to being wrong.

Liberals are somewhat on the left, yes. But they aren't Leftists

Wouldn't expect you too what with you hating the working class of your country so much.

Thank you for talking for me because I'm too lazy to actually type anything out.

Sorry that most of the middle america working class has been tricked into hating other poor people and immigrants because of "muh jobs" when they should be aiming their giant stock pile of arms at the billionaire bankers and corporations who fuck them and dump chemicals in their water.

>racists whites can't be workers

I don't see your logic here.

Sorry that you're such a dumb cunt that you don't understand why mass immigration and (((diversity))) are inherently harmful to the native working class population.
Why don't you hang yourself you kike lapdog.

No, I said they can't be part of an actual PRO-WORKER movement because workers are of all colours.

I do hate israel but individual jews are fine and they do make a lot of funny movies

The idea behind many social programs is to help equality of opportunity. Access to good education, heathcare, etc. helps equality of opportunity.

Just honestly kill yourself.

>Conservatives in reality are reactionaries, wanting to go back to a past that never existed.

It's not so much about "going back to the past" for me, as it is "preventing shitskins and degenerates from tarnishing white ascendancy". Also, whites literally had less crime and more social cohesion in the past before mass immigration. The 1965 Immigration Act was sold to the public on the notion that it "wouldn't change demographics". It was either a lie or a miscalculation. Multiculturalism is literally forced on conservatives by neoliberals and leftists in positions of power.

>fascism is wrong
>dictatorships are wrong
>dividing the workers is wrong

WEW thats a whole lot of spooks


a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

socialism means nothing other than that. nobody is saying we want every single person to be the exact same on the planet.

people should be in control of the means of production as a community and as a collective, not individuals

Why would leftists be against a trained laborer getting paid a fair wage for their labor?

are you an idiot?

oh you're just literal a stupid white nationalist ok i can completely ignore you now

Because their are people getting paid less than him.

They call them political whores that bend to whatever will get them votes

Why is it my obligation to defend a pajeet on the other side of the globe whom'st I've never met?

Why does it necessarily "benefit" the workers to be open borders and multicultural, when those things are shown to increase crime and reduce social trust?

Are you seriously pro-diversity because it's something you want with a logical basis, or do you just feel "obligated" to support because of an egalitarian philosophy?

Yeah, that's how you improve your knowledge, by blocking your mind to data that triggers you.

Yes, other people should also be getting paid more. The only people who should get paid LESS are the capitalist ruling class.

100K is not the same as a multi-billionaire.

100K is a fine wage for skilled labor.

It's not triggering me. It just means you're not worth talking to.

I'm pro diversity because i've lived in 5 different countries and all peoples are great.

Left and right are outdated denominations.

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Visiting tourist traps where people are paid to smile for you doesn't mean they are representative of those people as a whole.

>5 different countries
>all of them are majority white

lefists hate the clintons...


wtf I love communists now?