Why do leftists hate liberals so much? Shouldn't they use liberalism as a vehicle to get their foot in the door?
Why do leftists hate liberals so much? Shouldn't they use liberalism as a vehicle to get their foot in the door?
Other urls found in this thread:
>why do collectivists hate individuals
>yfw liberals are even to stupid and delusional for stupid and delusional commies
Same reason the alt-reich is too dumb to use conservativism to advance their agenda
Instead they fall into the lefts trap, become the pathetic piece of trash the left says they are, and then shit all over everything.
>why do communists have a low IQ
The left is literally becoming intolerant of how tolerant they are.
They don't. Today's leftists are corporatists in practice. They only have rhetoric - their actual conduct does nothing but strengthen the neoliberal corporate order.
Liberals don't care about the same things leftists do, and the entire basis of liberalism is just surrendering control to the corporatist state for good feefees and extremely poorly mismanaged welfare programs. It's like comparing Mitt Romney conservatism to Hitler.
This is why I feel so bad for the anarchists involved. They band together with communists for numbers to achieve a common goal, but should the glorious revolution ever come, they'll be lined up on the edge of a pit and shot.
>why do leftist dislike people who support capitalism and capitalist politicians (funded by big business and "donors")
Can someone explain to me why we shouldn't regard liberals as the enemy? At most we try to recruit them, but that recruitment has to involve urging them to abandon capitalism and liberal "democracy".