We're at a historic turnaround point in history where an America first anti-zionist candidate is being blacked out by the media but leading 2nd in the polls. Help us get Patrick Little to the front-page of The_Donald to get that extra mile of exposure.
Ignore the shills that call it a waste of time because it's reddit and they're Israel loving fucks, they're sick of the censorship and have the numbers to give Patrick the needed support to win tomorrow.
Make an account and share memes on The_Donald and if you see a Patrick Little post, upvote it. Nothing too edgy you faggots.
Although I hate reddit, this is a very good idea. Bump.
Carter Harris
Sad. Your attempts at mockery are sad.
Christopher Hernandez
Trump opened the floodgates by redpilling America on the (((MEDIA)))
Julian Price
Brayden Bailey
>to the front-page of The_Donald Trump is a Zionist
Aaron Jackson
Patrick Little knows and is fighting against Zionism, do your part and get the word out!! THE_DONALD knows, they're still getting heavily censored and will sympathize with our cause.
Lucas Bell
They just removed him from the polling lol
Leo Bailey
That’s hilarious. He knows the niggers won’t get shit, but fuck it. Since the dems win by promising gibs, why not?
Easton Brown
>THE_DONALD knows, they're still getting heavily censored and will sympathize with our cause.
I don't support israel whatsoever, but Erin Cruz is a hispanic female constitutional conservative. Those words alone are enough to send liberals into a mental fit of cognitive dissonance. At the end of the day, we have a war to win, and by bringing more hispanics to our side, not only allows us to use the left's tactics against them, but also will paint the party in a moderate image. I like patrick, but we need to be realistic and win
Nolan White
Ayden White
How did you determine this?
Isaac Evans
>Those words alone are enough to send liberals into a mental fit of cognitive dissonance. At the end of the day, we have a war to win, and by bringing more hispanics to our side, not only allows us to use the left's tactics against them, but also will paint the party in a moderate image. I like patrick, but we need to be realistic and win
Not all kikes are zionists, but all kikes deserve the gas.
Nolan Rivera
>Not all Jews are Zionist. Just most. The beef these schlomos have with Israel is that they believe Israel shouldn't exist until the Messiah comes. So they're Zionists too, only they want to wait a while longer.
Lucas Ross
Someone else with a reddit account make a dank post so I can upvote that shit.
Okay but how do I create and use reddit. I’ve never created account before only lurked.
>also I don’t understand it
Jordan Watson
When has that ever worked? Playing moderate got us here, and it is also disingenuous.
Noah Russell
Register on the right, very easy, don't think it requires an email but that might of changed. Then go to The_Donald and search for Patrick Little and sort by new and upvote or just make a link to a meme hosted on imgur and include Patrick Little in the title.
jesus christ you click an up arrow on the left of any post.
Michael Johnson
Okay is there a specific board for Californians?
Ayden Diaz
LMAO this is an info war you little bitch, get used to it. You are supporting child rape.
Owen Martin
There is no such thing as jidf pal!
Caleb Flores
Look cock stain I’ve never fucking used reddit before and never noticed an arrow. Which doesn’t make any since they should have made it like a vote cast emblem.
Blake Long
Daniel Davis
He’s polling so low it’s not even registering. It’s over.
His legislation won't make it past the jews in congress. But then those jews have to explain to all the niggers why israel is a better use of the 30 billion than spending it here
Lucas Lewis
good plan, I hope he at least takes the 2nd place and shows up on the debate, that will be fun
Kevin Roberts
Exactly, good luck to them trying to explain how the billions will be better spent on a foreign country than American citizens living in poverty.
William Howard
It keeps saying username taken I’ve tried nearly 50.
>(((To be fair))) I actually support Patrick. I just think r/the_donald is a cancerous hellhole filled with zionist boomers. >muh boomer JIDF psyop >muh having a pro-trump outpost on leftist plebbit sucks, don't you agree fellow white people?
youtube.com/watch?v=XNWF9CeoZdE "Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations anti-semitism are used as a tool to silence goyim who criticise anything related to jews. Focuses a lot on ADL, who controls the censorship happening in Youtube, Twitter and Facebook today. Made by a jew.
That poll was a poll that was literally commissioned and published by the Jewish Daily Forward. I’m not even going to put the echoes around that name. If you think the Jewish Daily Forward is anything but pure Jewish lies then God help you.
I made it but it keeps telling me you’ Doing that to much. All I’m trying to do is send a message how do I create a thread?
Connor Garcia
He is going to nationalize the Jewish monopolies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google and give the money we give to Israel (which is a drop in the bucket compared to the tech company money) to blacks so they can have their Wakanda and then all of them can go to it.
Dylan Lopez
you're too new and will screw it up, just upvote posts related to Patrick Little.
Alexander Murphy
Looking at my voting guide right now.
Patrick Little is such a FUCKING FAGGOT that he didn't bother to write a candidate statement and get his photo in the handbook.
I was going to vote for him, but without having any information in the book low information voters won't pick him which means he won't get enough votes to come anywhere close to knocking out Feinstein.
Sorry, boys! If Pat can't put in the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM and get his information in the voting guide he doesn't deserve anyone's vote.
Jayden Richardson
Erin Cruz is a fucking like and is going into the oven, she’s not going to DC.
Elijah Lopez
What’s karma points can I spend them on threads to give them a mega boost?
Ayden Lopez
this No they don't, see pic related. If anything the reason he got 18% in the first place is because the other Republican candidates didn't get any mention