FBI agent shoots bar agent after executing backflip



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Truly some killer moves







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>Immediately the agent lunges forward to secure the weapon, but as he picks it up the gun went off.
>the gun went off.
The gun didn't go off by itself, that assclown pulled the trigger.
Fucking scumbag (((journalists))).

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>Fucking scumbag (((journalists))).

Every time. Final solution when?

Arnt guns built to prevent this sort of thing?

He accidentally pulled the trigger when he picked it up

>Arnt guns built to prevent this sort of thing?
It's called Glock® Perfection™

Did he pick it up by the trigger?

Finally! Someone with feet that are more fucked up than mine!

>He accidentally pulled the trigger when he picked it up
>He pulled the trigger when he picked it up

Anyone who has more than 5 minutes experience with a gun KNOWS you don't put your finger on the fucking trigger until you're ready to fire.

No wonder liberals are terrified of guns, they're all fucking idiots.

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Yes but there aren't any competent government workers

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I'd be more impressed if it was done on purpose.

nice gun my dude. Check mine.

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>Oops, dropped my gun. Lemme just pick it up by pressing the trigger.
FBI agent confirmed as retarded. That he was so rattled by dropping the gun that he forgot the most basic safety measures tells you all you need to know about the psychological training these retards receive.


should have shot a nigger instead

How do you fight the enemy; when they use chemical warfare to win the hearts and minds of humans?

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Nope, Gowdy said he dindu.

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Bump for laughing at cops, sorry but a free populace is armed. Not sheep dependent on the state.

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>Demon feet

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Made a webm. Shortened up the dancing faggotry in the front.

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He was break dancing with a gun in his pants?

Once again demonstrates the necessity of trigger discipline. The gun doesn't go off on its own when its dropped it goes off when the dumb Fed picks it up by grabbing the trigger.

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Why the fuck was he going so hard lmao

lol Let's add this silliness to the James Comey/Andrew McCabe fiasco.

"The FBI is a joke." -Ted Kaczynski, letter to NYT, April 24, 1995

"It seems that the FBI is good at just one thing, namely, propaganda. It has succeeded in creating an image of itself as the world's most effective law enforcement organization, and, considering the difference between the image and the reality, this constitutes a truly brilliant demonstration of the propagandist's art." -Ted Kaczysnki, Truth vs. Lies, p. 438

Well...looks like someone is vindicated every day!

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I like how he drunkenly walks away with his hands like "I didn't do nuffin, i'm outta here"

Fucking pigs

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>bar agent


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Fucken fbi niggers


>The gun doesn't go off on its own when its dropped it goes off when the dumb Fed picks it up by grabbing the trigger.

BREAKING NEWS: FBI arrests 23 patrons of a Denver bar for the treasonous crime of witnessing FBI stupidity.
>This happens more and more each day, says FBI insider
>"Even white people hired by the government are as dumb as niggers", says local source.

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Cheeky Bootlicker

I got to see a couple of your feds take down some guy hooning a tractor down the street (just about pulled a burnout).

Those two dudes were probably the two most Jow Forums badasses ready to take care of business I saw the the whole time.

lmao, your feds are so cucked.
Our country is cucked, but at least our feds are redpilled.

Watch this video showing our feds in action:
action begins at 2:30

sorry, picked the shittiest video of that

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Did it hit somebody?

>still speaking in moonrunes
Bilbo Baggins looks 10 years younger in a suit.

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It was an accident. It's like the TV show reno 911. Plus the FBI is the most based american intelligence... give the man a break he can do backflips.

he's obnoxious clown before he even accidentally shoots someone, then he pretends it never happened. obvious has serious integrity problems

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No, I'm serious. It was some little town in Minas and all of a sudden this mong shoots off from a red light in his tractor and then a military vehicle is gunning down the street after him. It was one of those priceless bizarre moments you remember when you visit other countries.

>Once again demonstrates the necessity of trigger discipline.
It does but if you take a regular remote for example a TV. Noe stoop down and pick it up as quick as you can. You want to grab it with all fingers but mainly the thump and pointer finger. Now pick up the remote with quickly with your pointer finger extended "trigger discipline". It feels weird.

Based on true crime books I've read he wasn't wrong. It seems like whenever FBI sticks its oar in, it's a shit show of arrogance, bumbling, inattention, and general foolishness. A bull in a china shop type of thing. I can't remember ever having read a book where the FBI came out looking good, and this includes books written by FBI agents themselves who think they're doing a brilliant job.

top kek.

our military police is also based af.

Anybody who responsibly owns a firearm knows alcohol and guns don't mix.

Anybody who works in the LE field knows that department weapons/weapons carried by virtue of your status absofuckinglutely don't mix. If I carried my duty weapon into a bar and a supervisor even found out about it there would be an investigation and I'd be suspended, let alone it falling out and going off and hitting a patron. This guy is a fucking moron.




>It was an accident.
No it wasn't, nigger.
The pistol didn't (((go off))) when it hit the ground.
It (((went off))) when the drunk FBI agent pulled the trigger while picking it up.
If you're too stupid to handle a firearm properly, maybe you shouldn't have been hired as an FBI agent.

>common sense is raciss, sexiss, homophobic, and islamophobic!
This isn't Canada.
That fucktard obviously discharged his weapon by pulling the trigger.

It wasn't an accident.
It wasn't a malfunction.
That cunt pulled the trigger.

The only accident here was caused by the Affirmative Action cunt that hired his useless ass.

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Dr. Pavel, I'm FBI

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fuck is a tlingit?

i wouldn't be surprised


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I laffed

Canadian indian

how did u know

Imagine just getting shot in the leg because some dude had to show off his lame dance

And didn't think he should take his gun off before getting drunk.

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>ow my leg

>Anybody who responsibly owns a firearm knows alcohol and guns don't mix.
I've been drunk a few hundred times.
And I own a few dozen guns.
Not a single one has ever (((went off))).

>let alone it falling out and going off and hitting a patron.
Watch the video.
Yes, it fell out of his pants.
Yes, it hit the floor.
It fired when he pulled the trigger. Not before or after.
It DIDN'T (((just GO OFF))) when it hit the floor, nigger.

That cunt pulled the fucking trigger.
I know Affirmative Action jobs are thicker than water, but you have to stop being a cunt at some point.

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This abomination should haunt your dreams for the next decade.

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You forgot to post your feet with the gun

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This time you forgot the gun

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What’s happening? What’s wrong with feet!

Gun didn't actually fire. Someone doctored the video.

No need to be a jerk.

kek, 'stralia at it again

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Goddamn it carlos

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babe, come over.

Based Kaname poster

o-ok ^_^"

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What exactly are your bona fides, sir?

Well guns with a thumb safety that blocks the firing pin. Unfortunately the gun community is littered with autistic LARPing dumbasses that prefer to carry trigger only safeties. Meaning when they accidentally finger fuck their gun it will go off like in OP video. Thumb safety for concealed, no safety for open carry.

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>>He accidentally pulled the trigger when he picked it up
>>He pulled the trigger when he picked it up
>Anyone who has more than 5 minutes experience with a gun KNOWS you don't put your finger on the fucking trigger until you're ready to fire.
Unless it was a Taurus

This. Seen it before and there was no flash.

>He accidentally pulled the trigger when he picked it up
>He pulled the trigger when he picked it up
>doing something you did not intent to do by mistake isn't an accident
It is literally the definition. I accidentally have stubbed my toe. I didn't ram it into the bed frame on purpose.

Imagine winning the free gibs lottery amirite

>doing something you did not intent to do by mistake isn't an accident
>It is literally the definition. I accidentally have stubbed my toe. I didn't ram it into the bed frame on purpose.

I accidentally your daughter.
Oops, my bad.

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Why didn't he have the safety on?

She'd have to survive the abortion first.

>She'd have to survive the abortion first.
That was the first time.

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Please provide proof.

Inherent problem with striker fired pistols. Some better, some worse, but all are capable of this regardless of quality.

He's going to be temporarily reassigned to a desk job until this blows over, then he'll serve a few more years and retire without any punishment.


If you don't work for the FBI yet, consider applying. I feel like you've got the goods.

It really is safer but I don’t think degenerate trumppanzees need machine guns.
I love keking at you guys.

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That’s the girl who killed that green beret, right? Anyone have that link?

Why would you post that you sick shit

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Dude the film was purged and all photo evidence put into lock down. What that girl did to that man... it is unthinkable. No one should have to see the aftermath.

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