And tell me why please.
CA annon here.. Should I vote Travis Allen or John Cox?
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you dumb piece of shit
Any other vote is treason
Different race you mung. Patrick is senate. John cox etc is governor.
Patrick little nigger.
Cox is pro-wall
Allen......cox is a fucking plant.....
Trump endorsed cox. So the real question is, are you a faggot?
Cox you retard. He has a chance unlike Allen.
Trump doesn't know shit about any of these candidates. I love Trump but when it comes to endorsements the guy is on autopilot. He doesn't do any research and just defers to his "very competent" RINOs.
Allen wants all the illegal spics to gtfo. so I voted for him
Vote for cox retard.
Use your nigger brain and give me a good reason why, faggot.
Not OP but this was the answer I'm looking for. I don't care what the candidates stand for. I just want to vote for the one who has the best chance of winning and making the Democrats lose.
you don't remember the fucking Alabama race?
No YOU MUNG, write in Patrick Little for Governor.
Who is the most pro 2nd Amendment?
Vote Patrick Little you faggot.
That would just draws votes away from other Republicans and give the Dems a better chance of winning
Travis Allen! He's got an A rating by the GOA and he's gone hard against the other candidates in debates so far.
Its california, the dems will win anway, so you might as well vote for him
Vote Little Win Big you kike.
patrick little doesn't want to be an executive he wants to be a legislator.
having someone like Little in the Senate, and more importantly GETTING FEINSTEIN THE FUCK OUT, is more important than having Little be governor.
Governor is pretty much a less important position than Senator too, even though there are only 50 Governors and 100 Senators, it's the Senate that has the largest influence on policy.
Obviously you have to vote Little for Senate, but Governor is a hard one and I wish the CA GOP had more balls to at least try to compete.
Cox and Allen will split the vote and we won't have anyone on the ballot come November. Same will probably happen with the Senate race. If there could be some central messaging on which of the 10 candidates to vote for, we could have a chance against the very divided left.