Redpilled clothing

I want to wear political clothing on my college campus as a gesture of agitprop against the prevailing liberal establishment and its stranglehold on the university system. I have purchased some graphic tees from a custom t-shirt printing website (for example, pic related. excuse the poor quality and wrinkles), and I'm working on some additional designs. Does anyone else on this board create graphic tees with a redpilled message? What have the reactions you've gotten been like?

Attached: IMG_20180315_192012.jpg (957x960, 116K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>snakebite piercings
>low quality cotton
>literally wears the cuck label

yep, this checks out

Nice b8 op. Summerfag (yous) inbound.

Checked. The quality is actually fairly good for the price. Unless you have your own press it would be prohibitively expensive to make one-off shirts like this. I'm not "wearing" the cuck label, I'm mocking the famous streetwear brand Supreme, whose awful clothing is beloved by normie liberals and fetches high prices on the resale market. I'm saying they are the cucks for participating in (((consumerism)))

Attached: Supreme-logo-newyork.png (3147x1086, 67K)

Okay, this is epic


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>I'm not "wearing" the cuck label, I'm mocking the famous streetwear brand Supreme

Most people who see you wearing that t-shirt are going to take the “cuck” label at face value. Those who figure out you’re mocking the clothing brand (which isn’t at all obvious) are still going to think you’re trying too hard.

Try a moonman t shirt instead. Or this
>pic related


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I want to cum in your mouth

The real redpill is anonymity. Why do you think powerful groups seek it out, and sell fame and popularity to the cattle?

Try this OP

Attached: D1DA384E-FAB1-45F7-ACC1-0EFD91C6018E.jpg (630x630, 73K)

>the real redpill is hiding your convictions from the world as it rots
You are pathetic

Agitprop is a two-edged sword: Agitation and Propaganda. The détournement may only be recognized by a few, but the provocative implication of the shirt is clear. Anyway, if you could see my full face and a full body picture, you would immediately recognize that I am not a cuck

How bout you rock this shit, faggot? People might actually mistake you for someone with a genuine personality and a unique perspective on fashion and humor?

Or they take turns pounding your asshole into a manhole

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stop posting this.

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hahahaha wearing a shirt that says cuck on it

You hide intention, but act openly to meet your ends. This is basic shit. Would you hide your punches or broadcast them?

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Why the homophobia?

How to ruin your own life 101

But why?

Attached: 826399BD-3C37-4E88-AD8D-5C1155A683CC.png (600x500, 89K)

What happened?

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I'm interested in creating a platform for redpilled views on campus. By being extreme in my messaging I am opening up space for slightly less extreme views to be discussed and taken seriously. This is called the Overton window, and THIS is basic shit. Why would you not make use of your right to free speech?

Excuse me? Are you assuming my level of wokeness and diversity?

I identify as a post linguistic determinism trans-conservative demi-fag, and i call them like I see them and it takes a village to know one.

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>Agitprop is a two-edged sword: Agitation and Propaganda. The détournement may only be recognized by a few, but the provocative implication of the shirt is clear.

Agitprop only works when you stand a chance of turning the tide. Universities are glorified commie brainwashing centres these days. Attending a liberal university was your first mistake (or any university at all for that matter). It’s like choosing to live in a ghetto and complaining about all the gunshot sounds and litter on the pavement. The culture war was lost a long time ago. We’re now living in the decline and fall of the American empire. Focus on prepping, sustainable agriculture, shooting,that kinda stuff. This federal reserve Ponzi scheme could bottom out any at any minute. By wearing these clothes and piercing your face you’re playing right into (((their))) hands. It’s just another form of degeneracy on the road to Armageddon.

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Here’s your T-shirt, faggot

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>Focus on prepping, sustainable agriculture, shooting,that kinda stuff
You should have kids instead of LARPing like Armageddon is coming.

Because using deconstructive methods to analyze social systems and apply specious theoretical methodologies to alter people's behavior just adds credence to their worldview and negates ours.

Try this- be better at developing relationships with and recognising like minded people . No one wants to hang out with a try hard retard with the word cuck in bold letters on their chest

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if you wanna be a bad ass mother fucker wear shit like this out in public but your ass better be ready to swing at all times you leave your house

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You have cute puffy lips. I bet you give nice sloppy wet blow jobs

Do you have any pictures of when you were 14?

I thought that was a pokeball from the thumbnail

>No one wants to hang out with a try hard retard with the word cuck in bold letters on their chest
This. I was an edgy fag too, once, in my university days. I really regret it. Heed the advice OP. It’s not worth it.

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Ben pls stop posting here ^.^

favourite shirt

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wear a shirt that says race is real and when liberals give you shit call them color blind.

Amping your novelty factor helps with the ladies, but it steals from the soul.
Be cautious.

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Riff raff is at least making some kind of challenge to and commentary of black and popular culture. Dress like that and you might catch the attention of some intelligent and effective people

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I thought that was a scene from the thumbnail

You have a lurid imagination

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