These guys don't masturbate, they actually go up and talk to women

Learn from the Proud Boys.

Attached: proudboys.jpg (1200x900, 373K)

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Also doesn't hurt to wear a nice Fred Perry polo shirt.

What does masturbating having to deal with talking to women?

Those are called cuckservatives.

When you're not relieving yourself through fapping, you're more motivated to pursue women.

I don't see how since they out themselves as Trump supporters making the probability of a physical confrontation with leftists a higher likelihood.

You are expecting me to take medical advice from some no name loser on a chink cartoon imageboard? I wish I knew you IRL so I could scam you for all you and yours for all you are worth.

Perhaps get me another doublewide to rent out.

Most proud boys are CivicNats.

The only non-incel in that pic is the guy with his hat on backwards.

Attached: proud boi.png (292x507, 336K)