Whi is China so bigoted?

Whi is China so bigoted?

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> irrational

Chinese aren’t bigots, look a taboo interracial pairing



Accept the Chinese Century

How the fuck niggers even live there? Are they able to learn chinese?

The Chinese will flash mob and murder these chimps if they push too far with their monkey shines.

Nah, asians never fight back

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Not an irrational fear, the Jew uses the Negro to sow civil strife, if the negro doesn't exist in a country it is one less method for subversion. The Chink has no reason to import them, they provide nothing and are a net loss having to house already an huge number of them in Ghanzou prison for example.

holy shit

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I don't know what those moonrunes say but that smiley emoji speaks that the Chinks are redpilled on the nigger menace.

they're right though

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>irrational fear
I guess the FBI statistics are considered alternative facts?

why do niggers continue to exist? the white man was to lazy to finish them off and wanted a pet. so now there is little the african nations can do to keep their growing populations from trying to ruin the world

why do asians need nigs? they dont. whites dont either but they remind you of a simpler time when you could buy people and sip tea while they labored for no pay. your sentimentality will be your undoing

>March 30, 2017

"Today in Guangzhou a black man raped a female college student…"
"(He) Got caught?"
"An angry mob. Someone chopped his dick off with a blade…"
*Smiley face*

WTF I love china

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Because niggers are universally hated.


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The Chinese are one of the most ethnocentric races on the planet, because they spent centuries getting genocided by Mongols and Turkoids. The ones who were "friendly", "trusting", or "cucky" got killed-off, or weren't allowed to breed by their slave masters.

Hear me, jungle gook. The rest of us will not last long against this pozz. Korea is already beyond redemption. Japan ilhas just cucked. China is, you know, China. You are the last hope of the Yellow Man. Run to the jungle and wait. Wait until the screaming stops and the radiation has died down. Then you come out and rebuild our civilization. You will find horror beyond your imagination once you emerge. Trust in your tenacity and your SKS. You must learn from our mistakes. And remember, don't trust any creature with white skin, black skin, or a hooked nose.

>lists everything that is happening in the west
>irrational fear

Here's more info on Chinese history and how it effects their culture.

Most people don't know this, but the Taiping Rebellion actually had more deaths than WWII.

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It's not gonna happen in China.

>irrational fear of a black invasion
>irrational fear

How is that irrational though?

For China it's pretty irrational.

They lump drugs and crime together with interracial marriage
Either they are saying that its a ridiculous assumption to suggest that interracial marriage would result from blacks immigrating en masse
Or they are saying that drugs and crime are to be expected from mass migration and to get over it

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And /thread.

Pack it up boy's we're done here.

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They will steal anything no matter what.


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Yep, totally irrational, Europe and the USA are thriving thanks to black immigration, there's absolutely no reason for them not to follow our lead.

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Since when?
Many chinese men here have already married the local women.
They have started producing coloured children.
How is this bigoted?

WTF i am communist now.

Wow, based chinks.
Too bad about the whole dictator thing though.
Diff'rnt strokes for diff'rnt folks, I reckon.

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Caught reading 'chocolate city' again, bucko.... we talked about this, you promised you'd stop

>having sex with black women

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fpbp, proven daily

came here to post this


Wtf I love Bill Clinton now

Blacks for all of their failings are actually surprisingly adept at learning new languages. Generally they are good at achieving whatever bare minimum gets them access to places with gibs me dats and or less to no niggers. I think like most scavengers they have a natural sense of when their habitat has reached a saturation point of their kind. Once it's reached it overrides their blaze on the porch and chill protocol. But that's just a theory of mine.

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They don't drink water they drink purple grape drank. Guaranteed those bottles were thrown away when they realised it was water.

Well semi true considering almost all blacks that immigrate to China does so for work opportunities so they are atleast somewhat civilized compared to the majority of Africans in Europe