Lil B why??? : ((

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A nigger is a nigger is a nigger.
Stop listening to jungle music.


based shrek back at it again with his beloved
cringe compilations

based god is no longer based

Race is over, whitey. We moving to your country whitey. Your children will go to school with us, whitey. You don't get to exist, whitey.

just tell him you agree because black people have no culture, only jooz have culture and if he disagrees he is a racist nazi.

lil b is right though
identity politics is fucking cancer


yeah fucking based

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What the fuck did you expect from a nigger
He just wants America to be a global homo capitalist shopping mall with shitty rap playing through the entire country

all politics is identity politics, it's a group of people voting for their own interest, fuck off kike

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but muh awovement

I don't think he means what you think he means

Hes right tho, stop larping.

Why do you listen to the sounds niggers make?

Fuck based God is always right


Yeah why can't everyone just be Civic nationalists lol haha xd

I fucking hate Patrick Little and I don't even know him.

Dead just for Whites of course, everyone else is encouraged to celebrate

Race is dead for whites, but alive for everyone else.
Get fucked you stupid nigger.

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He's always been a materialist. I don't know why you are surprised. He'll be one of the first niggas dressed like the faggots from the Hunger Games. Watch, it'll happen.

A.... nigger man?

He's right though, although racial politics is obviously still an important factor, alt right tards who revolve their entire ideology around it are pure cancer and almost always totally obnoxious faggots

>traditionalism > race

Everyone who is redpilled should first and foremost be anti-social liberalism

why are pirate flags consistently terrible

we have to stop using the word based now. what do we say instead ?

thx for the snap, nerd

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he is a useless nigger tho

>race and culture is dead
>muh 2018
>you are the problem if you don't agree
>whitey still can't say nigger though

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