Using less than 10 words, disprove White Privilege. Go ahead, I'll wait. I can't wait to see what mental gymnastics are formed
Using less than 10 words, disprove White Privilege. Go ahead, I'll wait...
Other urls found in this thread:
Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump
All city people voted for Hillary
You white can have the pink dick.
the burden of proof lies on the one making the claim
so go on and prove that it exists
White countries being overrun by niggers, arabs and other shitskins
Dear Faggot Same OP from other threads: Why do you keep sullying My Hero Academia with your shit opinions in your image post?
Sincerely: Weeb who disagrees with you.
no white privilege is real whites are just superior
Affirmative action
My boss is a black woman.
Asians and Jews do better than whites yet are supposedly oppressed
jews have it better
It exists and we deserve it. Get fucked, niggers.
Using less than 10 words, explain why you still reply to these threads
>disprove this complicated subject in less than 10 words
>what, can't do it? haha guess i win then :^)
Fuck off.
classic low quality burden of proof bait
claiming that something exist, the one who claims has to proof that it exists, not the one denying that exists
otherwise please disprove that there are pink elephants on the backside of the moon.
Oh, before I forget:
1. Jews are white
2. Homeless whites don't count, they have access to more resources than homeless non-whites like the Salvation Army
I have nothing better to do
You deserve a special type of "seasoning"
get a job
ur mom gay
Only a problem in countries deliberately flooded with foreign races
This is fun, can it be the new 14 words?
What are you talking about?
Media bullying and quotas for other races
stop making this thread fucking degenerative son of moron
No one makes good threads
doesn't matter which you reply to
Also don't notice that this is 11 words
for the lulz
Conceptualized racial inequalities rely on a speculative pattern of assumption.
>white priveledge
A master suppression technique. Those who toss around the term white priveledge never define it, meaning it's meaning can constantly change depending on the target they are attacking, a dishonest marxist tactic of silencing anyone who critices a leftist policy. That is the meaning and use of the term white priveledge, also see motte and bailey.
We were on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain.
South Africa
ITT retards
White privilege is real. We have superior genetics.
kek, good take
Circumstantial racial assumptions are inherently ignorant. As are you.
It only materializes when compared to lazy assholes.
Asian people.
In-group bias is not unique to whites nor is it even very prevalent. The biggest racial nepotists are Jews it's literally written in the Talmud to conspire against non-jews.
Over 10 words faggot.
You could too if you tried harder.
Asians are wealthier on average.
B-but we have bigger cocks user, check your privilege.
More blacks and nogs in sports getting paid millions to play.
Bonus three words: Eat a dick
>It's another "following the rules I've outlined for no purpose but to make it impossible, I demand you try to change my mind on something I'm a blind ideologue for" episode
Sage and report as always.
>ITT: Retards who can't count
When society takes from you more than your natural advantages bring you over other, it's a net loss. There is no white privilege despite whites being superior to blacks and mexicans, if anything asians are genetically well-off AND allowed to benefit from it.
Harrison Bergeron.
You don't need to take it so seriously, some people get so worked up over leftist cuckoldry that they forget to have fun.
Enjoy yourself user;relax and save the world another day.
Oh yea, you sure convinced me! I'll just stop paying attention and do like the normies do and just be a self-absorbed logically stunted catalyst to the destruction of society and civilization! Wow! At last I truly see!
Fuck off, kike.
>less than 10 words
>prove me wrong but you can't use this, this and that
fuck off homo
there is not such thing as white people
>Taking Jow Forums memes this seriously.
Good job waking up normies by becoming everything the lefties portray you as!
The biggest red-pill is you are literally pushing ((((their)))) agenda.
Priviledges aren't real. Every right is earned.
God created everyone equal
^ /thread
it doesn't exist outside the west