A fucking owl

>a fucking owl

How did they get away with this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


They just did it and no one gave a shit because they don't know about the reality of the occult underworld, or are apart of it.

A plan

Which occult following exactly?

The owls will have no peace their smoke ascends up forever Amen.

Attached: 6132edbc14e5bb116432d13780a2a27a.png (420x420, 224K)

Nothing wrong with an ancient Greek symbol of Wisdom and Robotics.

Attached: Bubo.png (564x332, 315K)

if you only knew how bad things really are

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The (((owlists)))

I can see Jabba the Hutt here.

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then you haven't been here long enough

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hiding in plain sight

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Attached: minervasowl.jpg (215x299, 51K)

I have. It's just the fact that thinking the jews somehow secretly rule the world is also admitting they outsmart me.

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Why do you think the UK chose a parliament as their name?

willfully disregarding the fact that they do rule the world is letting them outsmart you

Only out smarting you until you admit it, than you’re ready to educate others.

Mfw I was told this is a spider

Why did you have to do this? I’ll never unsee any of this shit

I'll wait for the second coming of Q when the evil jews will finally get dug up and purged. Halleluja!

This is in canberra

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It was a real hoot to see if you can get the joke!

Also check the name of the street the isreali parlement is on

You can make a triangle coming out of new parliament house in any direction. The city center is supposed to be spokes coming off the center of the parliament building which is the center of the wheel.

This is how the logo of a finnish TV station developed over the years. Are they trying to hide it?

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But only one direction has the bridges and eye aligned

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-05-17-48-32.png (720x1280, 238K)

Any owls in the vicinity?

Honestly though that building looks to me like a 12 year olds rendition of occult symbolism in architecture - in the US it seems to have genuine subtlety


Fucking pressed option paste instead of copy paste

Holographic Disclosure

1 youtube.com/watch?v=QWbYne9LyFI

2 youtube.com/watch?v=cl0EwVR9YzE

3 youtube.com/watch?v=keaDk01sZT0

4 youtube.com/watch?v=bTPEkWp7RL4

5 youtube.com/watch?v=xj8DkPmKcJk

6 youtube.com/watch?v=-KqntgsB-co

7 youtube.com/watch?v=3IrxAWetwVw

8 youtube.com/watch?v=k-E03mLKbac

9 youtube.com/watch?v=wOLNgJ8N4pM

10 youtube.com/watch?v=WrnuyUjDyQ8

11 youtube.com/watch?v=_SDGBCo2dJE

12 youtube.com/watch?v=3LRjkjY0R9w

13 youtube.com/watch?v=sUycIhICA9M

14 youtube.com/watch?v=8Cll_yZcaZw

The Unmasking

1 youtube.com/watch?v=DjnHw3pJ_7Y

2 youtube.com/watch?v=ERPAtxMe_cM

3 youtube.com/watch?v=eyYRvJ6WYWY

4 youtube.com/watch?v=mC7hU8v53T4

5 youtube.com/watch?v=z-H73-YqXFE

6 youtube.com/watch?v=WIVmAX1p0Dw

7 youtube.com/watch?v=P2tE3Ak8omk

8 youtube.com/watch?v=FRqZbcMRdoI

>isreali parlemen

Hahaha holy fuck.

>option paste

Maybe they had some strange stuff to incorporate like underground railroad tunnels for child sex trafficing.

It looks more like a plump cartoon rat with fat cheeks.

They clearly know people are onto them. They're trying to completely misdirect the public with their new symbol. Good catch, user!

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its a moth or a pig


Do you think they are watching this thread?

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>rothschilds st

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oy vey fellow white people

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>be the dumbfuck masses
>get brainwashed over decades
>watch cnn
>watch shitlib movies and tv shows
>listen to nigger music
>drink water with fluoride in it
>shower with fluoridated water
>"i don't see nuffin wrong wit the pictures you showed me! you're one of them conspiracy nuts aren'tcha!"

i hate to admit it but the goys really are getting btfo by jews because the jews are winning, and have been winning, for a very long time. most christcucks don't even know about the line in the bible about the synagogue of satan. most christcucks i went to hs/uni with were just as materialistic as non-religious people.

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it just works

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I think I figured out why they do this. Do you guys remember how the illuminati left clues to join the illuminati, and it was really hard so not many people found the path? Well, they are leaving clues now to decide who lives after the apocalypse.

mac bro whats up?

this thought has occured to me. i swear on everything some old (late 60's) guy approached me in a Walmart and talked to me out of the blue and kept jesturing with his hands where he had a big, gold mason ring. It was like he wanted me to ask about it but I'm not down with the buttfucking so I just made a joke and walked away. Did I miss my chance?

A better question is why they made it ALL open space. The side bits at the bottom could be wooded like the left hand side, or even better, for a much nicer place to stay or visit.

Once you think it, it's no longer done "secretly" and part of the power is removed. I don't however think they are in fact a monolith.

yeah maybe, but its like they are doing it on a global scale. not 1 on 1 in a walmart LUL

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Owls are beautiful creatures. We should steal the symbol. Especially since Pepe killed moloch.

we complain about all this pro minority and transqueergayfancy stuff they push on us...

but masons are pro white

what if they are doing this so the majority of population doesnt feel bad when they purge the minoritys and fags?

I wasnt racist and anti gay until this last 2 years! makes sense to me, but idk

yeah i hear ya. like how the denver airport is covered in their bizarre symbology. 99% of the sheep walk right by it

It is the Owl of Minvera.
The same idol that was seen worshiped at the Bohemian Grove when a lonesome water-filter salesman found his way in with a camcorder.

>thinking masons will purge the minoritys and fags
When they actually push them

why the owl:
>bird of prey
>symbol of wisdom
>has big eyes
>occult/illum love big eyes or large single eye

>How did they get away with this?
because the goys are sleepwalking through life, have been doing so ever since the start of each white country. the goy are born into the maze and pressured to chase paper money. they're too busy trying to keep up with living expenses to notice this shit.

who cares

That one seems particularly sinister. Almost like a melding of the owl and the bull.

masons WERE pro white. Our country was founded by masons, there even used to be an anti mason political party in this country before they combined with the whig party. but they were infiltrated by jesuits, kikes, saturn worshippers, etc and now are probably just a group of boomer fags who

If you havent seen this, youd probably like it. towards the end they do a mason readin on the airport mural. they split it in half and impose it on itself.... well worth the watch

forgot to post link


The first time jesus was here, he turned the other cheek and was a beta. It didnt work.

so now its going to be the anti-jesus way, anti christ. Alpha jesus mode.

Yeah but the sheep are still creeped out by it and know its evil I see people talking about it pretty often.

I have several questions
Why would the jew using pagan imagery
Why are they, jews or other group, hiding anything in plain sight when you could just not and arouse 0 suspicion
Why do I feel like these threads are an elaborate larp

i dont think Don is the antichrist

the netherworld order

jews aren't jewish, not the elite ones anyway
they hide shit in plain sight because they employ subliminal messaging. how is this thread a larp when we're discussing things?

i wonder what else they hide that only high-flying planes and satellites can see

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That’s literally what the term illuminati means. It means “one who possesses special knowledge/enlightened ones”.

So yes, that is correct. Prepare your anus for WW3

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They did it in a time when it was incomprehensible that anyone would 1) notice, 2) understand, and 3) care.

It's just like how the holocaust wasn't designed to withstand the level of scrutiny we're capable of these days, so they actually just made it illegal to look into it.

Future-proofing this shit is really difficult.

The internet really BTFO them.
The only thing that could save them is global thermonuclear war with them hiding out in an antartic bunker while the world burns

i posted wrong link, this one is the prediction of ww3 of bank of america murals. Its pretty neat.


This. Bankers bought off or assassinated the upper ranks of Freemasons and replaced them with zionists. Hence why Hitler put masons in concentration camps. They wore little upside down pyramid patches to identify them. Notice how trump has an upside down triangle with 6 trees on each side (6+6+6) outside Trump tower. His penthouse is on floor 66 and his son in law Jared Kushner owns 666 5th Avenue. Trump tower was also heavily featured in the 1996 film Devils Advocate featuring al Pacino

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>holocaust wasn't designed to withstand the level of scrutiny we're capable of these days
yeah they'll just pull 9/11 instead in front of the whole world

Israel is founded and owned by the Rothschilds

Even that fucked up. Building 7, the Pentagon's impossible hole and entry angle, the ditching in the field, the freefall pancake effect.

So which side is Trump on?
Did he change sides,
or did he play nice with them in order to live?

so you think donny boy is in the club? i always pegged him as an outsider which is why the 24/7 media attack. if he's on the team then whats w the constant hate?

I care, user.

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yeah but the average person doesn't care, that is something that will never change in my opinion. there will be many more 9/11's

As if you rule the world.

Its not a secret, its a matter of public record who the billionaires are and who controls monetary policy and the flow of information, so I can guarantee your ridiculous finnish name would never pop up in that list.

fucc user why

Definitely a Mason. He’s not on our side. He’s controlled opposition, same as Churchill. He’s just in it for the money and power. Watch Joel Skousen’s documentary strategic relocation. Masons control the world’s nuclear arsenal and want a more sustainable system of governance and less resource depletion. They’re gonna use NK as a trigger event for WW3. Trump is equivalent of king Cyrus, who’s goal is to usher in the antichrist and golden age for the Jews

If you have ever read revelations or book of enoch, our current times will trip you the shit out. It will change your life entirely. It basically predicts exactly whats happening. It seems trump is good. They have to destroy the world for some reason, but the good will be saved. They are weeding out the bad guys right now. Seems like they are exposing the liberals and hateful people to be purged.

Nick knows what's up.

Trips of truth. They'll fuck up in this age of Wikipedia, Tor, 4k smartphones, social media, etc.

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not to mention acknowledging jews rule the rule doesnt imply they outsmarted you, it just means they have outsmarted enough people around you... the thing i've come to realize is a vast proportion of people want to be ruled

blackpill trips

Controlled opposition. Jews always play both sides. The Hegelian dialectic is at the core of Jewish Talmudic manipulation. Problem, reaction, solution. Soft power is stronger than hard power. They have to convince the goyim to give up their rights willingly. It’s all in the protocols.

they wont get away with it


I'll have to look into that documentary.
>use NK as a trigger for WW3
That's an old argument and it doesn't hold up based on recent events there.

A lot of very entrenched people are being outed/punished by DJT. I find it hard to believe that he would be of them and also be doing this to them.
What I could believe is that there are two factions of Jews who are currently at war, but this really looks like a real war between them and not for show. There's too much going on.

What I can understand is a new golden age for Israel coming, and still globalism for the goyim, but a benevolent globalism that is based on economic prosperity and 'unity'.
If you want me to think otherwise you have to give me something to chew on.

>hurrrr durrr an owl represents moloch
do americans not learn anything in school?

go dull ur knifes before I call the bobbys on you

damn britbongs

How would the aerial view of the whitehouse brainwash anyone. All it could possibly do is alert people that happen to see it.