jews run the w-
Jews run the w-
half-Mexican shabbos
He is taking so much testosterone that his sperm must be fucking boiled lobster red.
He's literally part arab you can tell by his semitic hook nose and thick lips
How is it the previous generation of AnCaps were so knowledgeable, but the current generation knows so little while spouting off at the mouth like libtards? Kikes are everywhere, OP.
I have thicker lips user, yet I'm Greek. Won't I be allowed in the ethnostate? I'm pinkish white!
>top 10 are all rothschild
>jews specifically exclude themselves from "riches" list
>goys eat it up
every time
DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT! They're going to become the new jews, but with even less of a conscience! FUCK! I can already see myself having to deal with this shit in the future. I am going to be one very tired old man at the end of this.
>they've conducted a study to see 'how the Chinese can follow suit and match Jewish success running western institutions."
wow based chinks right?
Becoming a billionaire turns you into Ben Kingsley I guess
Jews are like the langoleers... they usually don't start something big, they take it over once the initial soul and founders of a company die off or get tired of it..
Well they are american so it's a given they are 56% something.
What is wrong with asians? Genuine question. Why are they so cruel and emotionless? Don't tell me it's because of their society and the way they grow up. To do that and feel nothing is a huge deviation from normal human behaviour.
he'll end up being worse than Soros
this 100%
I thought he was a Jew or at least part Jewish?
You don't see Koreans or Japs doing this, at least not as widespread. I am convinced that it is the results of communism and state enforced policies that dictate that if a Chinese citizen gets involved in trying to help another Chinese citizen who has been in an accident and needs medical care, that they will then have to pay for that care. If such policies are instituted, the result is predictable. Outsiders tend to want to think that "My people could never behave that way," but the truth is that long ago, the Chinese probably said the same thing. No one is impervious to constant assaults against the soul in order to survive. No one.
No it’s not you fucking Mong.
You're allowed to put swear words on the internet OP, its time to start being a big boy.
Imagine being this stupid.
You have a very warped and child like view of the world.
what is fake?
your reason for existing? I agree
If you think your life is worth more than shit then disprove this img
nice digits, and it's far worse.
If a chinese citizen tried to help an injured person they become responsible to what happened to that person because only a guilty person would do such a thing. I learned this while in college with Chinese exchange students who didn't want to talk about the kid getting run over a few times and people just ignored it untill it died