Why does every other millenial say they have assbergers or ADHD and why would it fucking matter?
Why so many disabled?
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Victim mentality so they get attention or gibs.
Asperger's makes you superior to all around you
and ADHD... well... why the fuck not?
Because Jews told women babies born in their 30's are as healthy as babies born in their 20's. The denial the left has for basic biology is astounding for a party that supposedly loves and embraces science...just last weekend I fucked a 46 year old who was worried I might knock her up, just like "Seriously?!?"
"Oh you've got a mental illness, I've got some pills you can take for that! $40 a pill goy!"
My oldest was born when his mother was 44. I tell you he will kick your ass and beat you at chess. Fuck off.
>It's not my fault I suck at social interaction, it's a disease.
Plus they think having assburgers automatically makes them a genius, when high functioning autistic just means able to dress themselves.
>Asperger's makes you superior to all around you
yes, that might be true except that it isn't. Reading this article (don't read it, it sucks) I found that Assburgers isn't a real diagnosis anymore since 2013. So what's the fucking problem with these people now?
Psychiatrists gotta push those drugs.
this one... should be titled, "Let go of it, Asshole"
it's this. im unironically autistic and my mother had me when she was 32 or something. it's no secret that the average birthing age has increased, were people really so dumb as to think that wouldn't have consequences?
pic related you dumbass boomer
Vitamin D deficiency
Fuck off boomer, your kids autistic rage and and proclivity to puzzles is hilarious and sad. What's it like knowing your selfish roastie is responsible for that sperg?
>I found that Assburgers isn't a real diagnosis anymore since 2013.
Only in burgerland, faggot.
It's because in your country, EVERYONE is mentally ill.
You're not right but you're not wrong there sideways French flag with wooden shoes...it's because mutts aren't the healthiest stock but guess what else your country leads Europe in? 1/5 couples are now interracial. Source: use google or look outside you lazy fuck
Its their personality, they dont have asspergers, but they have the personality that is so retarded that its like they have assbergers.
Psychiatry is a pseudo science.
because they're parents raised shitty kids and they need this label to show it's not them but the made up (((condition)))
idk is everyone getting sick, our is everyone misdiagnosed? I know some kids that got diagnosed with problems, but there was't really anything wrong with them. this one guy i know got adhd medicine for a while, perfectly normal guy.
cuzz was way more normal than me.
Either way, it means more opportunities for pill pushing.
>Victim mentality so they get attention or gibs.
Maybe, but i wasn't diagnosed at age 2 for gibs, never requested gibs either.
Statistically what you did was a huge risk. You could have had a cripple or a downy child. Would you have aborted it if it was fucked up?
>lifetime supply of amphetamine paid for by insurance
Why not?
the diet that (((they))) push on you is messing with your brain chemistry.
ppl need animal fats, not vegetable fats
note: vegans are insane
That's generation Z.
They suck so they think their excuse is pretending to have some disorder. Well, they have - incompetence
I know a couple people who just sell theirs every month to pay for vidya and shit.
I went and got my diagnosis just so I could much legal amphetamines in junior high
Quit my meds after a while because I realised its not good to be on literal speed everyday
In Britain alot of people claim illnesses at secondary school to extend their exam times for about 50%, so they can have 30 minutes longer for an exam. I also believe alot of NEET's do it for more bennies and free prescriptions.
I also predict alot of people are living such comfy stable lives that their survival instincts are no longer needed, so their brain is trying to come up with it's own challenge to overcome to prevent stagnation and this turns into mental illness, but this is completely my own opinion and I've never researched/looked into it
I was diagnosed with ADHD but I dont think it is a disability since you just learn to re wire how your brain functions and you can end up vastly more intelegent and self controlled than your average normy
>vastly more intelegent
I never claimed I was good at spelling
You have to admit it's funny, though.
reminds me of this
I got diagnosed with assburgers when I was 8, but I think I'm just a reclusive personality. Doesn't stop me from getting along with people when it's necessary. I also think it's useless diagnosis because there is no treatment or medicating it here (no extra gibs either), and by most western standards majority of Finns would propably be considered autistic anyways.
"disabilities" are the new "sexuality" of the past decade. People with shit-level boring ass personalities, no talent, or nothing at all unique about them who want to stand out and feel special like retarded ass pansexual fairykin and shit by getting some meaningless label tacked on their head when in reality most of them have absolutely nothing wrong with them.
Social justice hierarchy. The more negative traits you have, the higher your rank, and therefore the more shit you can get away with.
Example: straight white normal male is low-ranking with high privilege and so must be taxed at 90% of his income to pay for mentally disabled nigger midget transwoman.
Claiming a disability like assburpers or ADHD is a way to reduce perceived privilege and therefore get away with being an assclown
There is a decent amount of overlap between ADHD and dyslexia.