Patrick Little /PLG/ - Stealth Meme Warfare edition

In this FINIAL Push, we need to get Patrick's name out more than ever before!!
Twitter is undoubtedly going to shoah #PatrickLittle etc

>DOMINATE #CaliforniaPrimary
>Reply to high profile #CaliforniaPrimary tweets
>DONT spam the same message (modify it)
>Dont name PL in text
>Dont @ his handle
>Dont link to
>re-upload YT videos of his to generate fresh links. (DONT put his name in description, title or tags.)
>Slightly Edit PL memes (by putting small dot in paint) this changes the hash, also change the file name.

Let the Stealth Meme War BEGIN ;)

>PS: remember twitter likes images in a 2:1 ratio. If you scale meme to max 400px high whole image fits WITHOUT viewer needing to click it.

Attached: vote 2 - Copy.png (550x582, 394K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>literally 0% in polls
just stop, your psyop controlled op was called out and no one cares. KYS shill

>ignoring (((WHO))) controls the polls
>TYT ADMITTED their internal numbers showed 27%

KYS kike

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>0% in a poll he wasn't included in
Your kike narrative is wearing thin Schlomo.

>Wasn't included in the polls

what are popular muslim hashtags?

Attached: patrick no wars for israel.jpg (724x1024, 109K)

Yes, Target Any hashtags you want.
I just listed #CaliforniaPrimary as i think it will be a big one.

Also keep in mind i think too many hashtags in one tweet gets shoah'd too. 3 is probably safe

#Ivoted will probably be another big one

I'm trying to specifically target Muslim voters, we need to know hashtags to reach them

its time to name and kick the jews out of america / europe.... they can thrive in tanzania

Attached: George-Soros-invertir-criptomonedas.jpg (900x450, 81K)

Tanzania is rightful white man's clay

The Jew is shaking in his boots right now
Patrick is the highest ranked republican candidate and will get 2nd place making it on the debate stage and in the national conversation. Shifting the overton window and discussing the JQ openly and as part of the mainstream Republican party platform. IT IS IMPERATIVE TO VOTE PATRICK LITTLE. FOR OUR FUTURE. Make sure you vote.


2018 is the year the JQ goes mainstream.



#RazanNajjar is HUGE right now obviously.



Thanks. I keep looking in the hashtag #LittleRevolution for stuff to retweet. Everyone needs to do the same. Retweet each other.

>Everyone needs to do the same. Retweet each other.

at the VERY LEAST Like every PL tweet.
Thats how twitter decides to move tweets up or down in the replies.

share this videeooo

I am not sure this blatant approach is the best way to win votes. A lot of people still think the Jews are a benevolent force in the world. You guys sure this isn't jumping the gun by a decade?


I've been seeing this 27% figure people are saying is from TYT but where do they mention it?

Attached: bobs of questioning.jpg (500x675, 101K)

You would have needed to follow along with the rest of the events.. he talks about Patrick in relative terms which via context can be extrapolated. The week Pat's own polling which was done above board legit showed 22%

The thing is, real Judaism has never been tried. It's easily the best religion if you understand the teachings.

Attached: zionist_boomer_wetdream.jpg (800x853, 78K)

>The *Previous* week

holy he really polling at 22%?

if that's so, he'll get near 30%.
rooling for 31%

I have deposited a shekel into your account.

Okay that makes sense, it's just that I've seen the 27% number specifically on here a few times. Wondering if TYT ever actually mentioned it somewhere.

What date is the voting match?

Attached: commiiiieeees.jpg (640x640, 68K)

Right now im working my way though replying to ALL the Top tweets under #CaliforniaPrimary

When the people wake up, there should be LOTS of content for them to see

Out of a sample of 50,000 youtube comments they were 80% in favor of Patrick.

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Also, we should wage a negative ad campaign against Feinstein's image it will make her lose votes and Patrick can pick them up.

Print Flyers and Posters that say Feinstein is Israel First, America Last. Stuff like that

Attached: c6xm-square-orig.jpg (1551x1551, 1.26M)

>Also, we should wage a negative ad campaign against (((Feinstein)))'s image

Feinstein voters will NEVER flip to patrick.
We WANT as many Dem votes as possible to go to Feinstein, undermining ALL of Patricks "progressive" competition.

Patrick vs Feinstein is BEST CASE SANARIO.

DONT undermine Feinstein.

Why not undermine all the closest rivals? Patrick has the best policies so should win
The rest all have their agendas and self interest. We should highlight this.

Cenk the faggot explained it best

There is so much ammo patrick can derail fenstine with,
Against a new "progressive" face, that isnt a "nazi" would be harder to beat.
Wont be able to critisize them for all the money they've given to isreal or supporting iraq war etc (because they've never been in office)

Pat will get most the republican votes.
Fenstein will get most the Dem votes
Thats how we want it.

Open to counter argument?

Ive got 3 unique YT links uploaded so far, so i can rotate them and not look like im spamming.
What i did was ad some meme graphics to the end of the videos

Remember to like other PL tweets when you find them. You can altinate between this and posting replies to trop election trends.

Attached: 1526780135544.png (1200x611, 75K)

>Ive got 3 unique YT links uploaded so far, so i can rotate them and not look like im spamming.
What i did was ad some meme graphics to the end of the videos


Its best we have our own unique YT links.
The whole "STEALTH" idea is to evade twitter mass flagging ALL our tweets as spam.

Its really easy to open a YT account
Down load the PL videos you like
Upload some 360p videos (smaller file size)
Then upload again.
I'll probably stop when i have 10 unique links.

Patrick Little is a Zionist


He sure sounds like one


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going off of the Cenk video, he's an order of a magnitude above other republicans AMONG REPUBLICAN VOTERS. The highest republican (Cruz) is polling a 5%, republicans make up about 33% of California, so you get that he's polling around 8%. But those polls had high margins of error, so let's take Cruz's highest ever polling numbers 13%. You would still expect Little to have max where near 27%. I mean still go out an vote but I just don't get why people are pulling this bs number out of their ass.

Q - Zionist

Alex Jones - Zionist

Jerome Corsi - Zionist

Roger Stone - Zionist

PJW - Zionist

Posobiec - Zionist

Bannon - Zionist

Ben Shapiro - Zionist

Jordan Peterson - Zionist

Joe Rogan - Zionist

Sam Harris - Zionist

Richard Spencer - Zionist

Mich Enoch - Zionist

Lauren Southern - Zionist

Faith Goldy - Zionist

Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist

Tommy Robinson - Zionist

Ann Coulter - Zionist

Molyneux - Zionist

Cernovich - Zionist

George Webb - Zionist

Jason Goodman - Zionist

Milo - Zionist

JF - Zionist

Styx - Crypto zionist?

David Duke - Zionist

Patrick Little - Controlled opposition cryptokike

Andrew Anglin - Zionist

Weev - Zionst

Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist

I cant wait to see how hard this makes Ben Shapiro and the daily wire kikes Oy Vey.

>trusting someone who has no access to internal polls because the DCCC hates him

Little niggers are delusional.


Attached: Patrick Little Community Outreach.png (1267x1685, 3.16M)

>prepping the bull

Attached: Patrick Little - Unite Against Jewish Supremacy White Background.png (2255x3190, 1.57M)


Pat Little's platform flyer

Attached: Patrick Little Dossier_Flyer.png (1090x1410, 354K)

Pat Little campaign guide for latecomers

Attached: Patrick Little Explained NORMIE VERSION.png (1090x1090, 306K)

Attached: Patrick Little The Big Fear.png (1304x1834, 423K)

Attached: Patrick Little Placard.png (1271x1798, 587K)

Attached: Patrick Little Jewish Supremacy.png (1644x2326, 905K)

Remember kike faggot,
To Save the suicide hotline to speed dial

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Attached: Patrick Little Bad Hombres.png (1063x1504, 625K)


Attached: Patrick Little - Jewish Supremacists.png (3720x5263, 504K)

Attached: Patrick Little Jewish Supremacists Out.png (5578x7890, 1.78M)

Attached: Patrick Little Give The Boot.png (1488x2105, 785K)

the real thread theme

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Cry more kike :)

Attached: Baked_1.jpg (392x320, 105K)

>gibs for niggers
Fucking dropped. At least the Jews use our money to kill sand people, dindus will just use it to fund their rims, grills, and crime sprees

>everyone is controlled opposition

Attached: 65A79F92-EAFD-4606-8839-ABFD732142BF.png (578x476, 42K)

You're either very short sighted, or a fearful kike.

Attached: Gibs_Nogs_4_Best.png (949x236, 13K)

>returning money
wew lad

Attached: 1526338311722.jpg (550x550, 26K)

They will starve if they don't :)

Attached: Platform.png (465x907, 65K)

If we lose California the dems get the house

>nationalizing corporations
So Jow Forums really is a leftist front when you get down to it.

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Attached: my-vote.jpg (888x136, 23K)


On Patrick Little's intention to nationalize the IT monopolies that censor a great part of their users and spy on all of them. Why do it:

Because they receive BILLIONS is tax payer governmental funds.
The US tax payer is already paying for this companies to exist;

Because they spy on you and sell the data to anyone they want, and those that buy it can have ANY intention.
This violates user’s privacy and anonymity and is being used to censor the more conservative opinions (given that the vast majority of these companies staff are leftists both at the higher and lower levels) as well as censor any kind of legitimate criticism made about Israel and jewish subversive group behavior coming from both left-wing, centrist and right-wing individuals;

Because they are anti-white racist in two ways:
1st they make use of jewish nepotism to fill the top positions with jews, and, 2nd at the lower levels they make use of cultural marxist affirmative action quota systems do drive whites out of those lower positions;

Because in addiction to the blunt censorship tactics, they openly engage in social engineering efforts that seek to spread and normalize the communist, socialist and cultural marxist agenda.

Attached: Jewish_Zionist_Censorship.jpg (3668x3284, 1.08M)


Basically, by keeping these companies private, the American tax payers are paying BILLIONS each and every year for the privilege of being spied on every minute of their lives; of having their data sold to anyone with the money to buy it regardless of the buyers intentions; of being censored for their views if their views are deemed inappropriate by people who are for the most part communists, socialists and cultural marxists (the ones to like to call themselves “progressive”, without realizing the irony of calling themselves that) who for the most part are against the 1st and 2nd Amend and would love nothing better than to take your guns away from you so they could FORCE you to think the way they want you to think; and for having an anti-white racist system of employment in place at these places where both jewish nepotism and cultural marxist affirmative action proactively destroy any kind of merit-based hiring process.

Until these IT monopolies are nationalized, they are a perfect tool for enforcing the jew-supremacist cancer that is killing America and the world from the inside out.

PS: how long until you get censored and have your data used against you if you refuse to agree with the most perverse aspects of the communist and cultural marxist agenda? Today you get banned for refusing to call a mentally ill man who is incited by these cultural marxists to cut his own penis off a woman, how long will it be until you refuse to support the normalization of pedophilia, which is an openly stated goal of the cultural marxists? How long until you get censored and have your data used against you if you refuse to agree with open genocidal physical violence against all whites, like it is happening today on South Africa after they took farmers guns away just before calling for their genocide and torture openly on TV and the pappers?

It's a great solution to a great problem.

Attached: Unit_8200.png (1137x390, 52K)

Good stuff user!


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wtf, those indians don't want a wall?

Those (((indians))) are not what they seem

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Holy shit.
That is a great redpill.
It will help wake goys up to the truth that with jews, you lose.

Have you seen this one yet, very related?
Looks like they don't want us looking at this

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say it with me

Attached: patrick win.png (1280x720, 658K)

If you don't know why zionists are the problem watch/listen to this video it explains it pretty good

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Attached: HANG-TRAITORS.jpg (888x720, 107K)

Any digs on that diamond casino/reservation thing?


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It's the bottomless pit of rabbit holes.
Never seen anything like it.

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Attached: Oh i dont think so.png (500x300, 60K)

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Sounds like a front for pedo shit to me.
Especially because it involves kikes that are pretending to be indians.
Pic related.

Attached: Israel_Pedos.jpg (2047x1582, 507K)