What have you heard about Libya before the civil war
Libya before 2011
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It was a socialist country and had the best living standards in Africa.
Im intrested in what the country had stuff going before the war
it was an authoritarian shithole with a manlet dictator who jailed his people without due process. Yes freedom is hard to get used too but Libya is literally 100 times better than it was under 30 years of tyranny
> manlet
It was a quiet country that was the envy of Africa. It was criticized here and there for bullshit reasons but other than that I heard nothing.
For the minority yes, however the majority lived well.
>Muh freedumz
Checks out
jump to 51 minutes for tl;dr
Now they have slave markets.
Supported left-wing terrorists in many countries, like Britain or Philippines. Also, lost the war to a chadic Chad
I didn't think almost anything of Libya before 2011, except that their leader was kind of a weird looking guy; a stereotypical dictator with eccentric looks and facial hair.
hooray Obongo
Libya before the civil war :
The country with the highest standards of living per capita in the whole of africa, for decades.
A nice sunny country in the south coast of the mediteranean, with lots of oil and gas, a huge desert.
One of the safest countries in Africa/Arab world.
Massive welfare state where libyans are pretty much guaranteed a high standard of living, access to accommodation, property and investments, etc... all thanks to their massive national fund.
A place where black africans would come and work if they didn't want to leave Africa. We saw the flow of refugees to Europe explode just when libya was dismantled, just like Gaddafi had explained.
A place where discrimination between arabs and blacks was strictly punished, but still ruled by tribal law... (libya is made of of tribes and gaddafi ruled over them)
Virtually no crime under Gaddafi (and yes let's face it, it wasn't democratic at all, anybody wanting to make any kind of trouble to the authorities was in big big trouble).
The standards of living were really high, and libyans never felt the need to leave their country to search for a better life in Europe or America (Those of you in Europe maybe have noticed that you can find pretty much every African nationality in Europe, but hardly any Libyans)
A country without external debt, huge gold reserves, not governed by jews, opposed to Israel, very independant from foreign powers.
Used to be a colony of Italy and had recently mended ways with Italy.
Had funded a shitload of revolutionnary movements every fucking where in the world : Black Panthers, the IRA, Nation of Islam, you name it.....
Ruled by a dictator that actually cared for his country
A nice dictator ruled arab country with almost no problems, and strongely opposed to israel
Didn't have the army to back up their agenda
Frankly, a good country that our jewish masters and their lackeys should have left alone
forgot to mention that he was also financially giving massive aid to other african countries....
Libya was a wall between europe and africa which america has destroyed.
One of the 3,000 Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department on New Year’s Eve (where real news is sent to die quietly) has revealed evidence that NATO’s plot to overthrow Gaddafi was fueled by first their desire to quash the gold-backed African currency, and second the Libyan oil reserves.
They supported the IRA
Société Générale just agreed to pay up 250 milions € to stop beeing investigated about the lybian finances of presidential campaign of Sarkozy.
This was yesterday
Typical propaganda, Gaddafi is a socialist and his green book is equivalent to Mao’s little red book, oy vey he must be destroyed ASAP for democracy
The absolute state of Jow Forums stop worshipping a fucking sandniggers islamist. Even jews are whiter than him. He wanted to destroy the west with niggers. Btw Libya was a shithole ynder his reign.
Plenty. He made headlines for at least a decade before the CW. Hell, his name went through three iterations. Khadaffi, Gaddafi, Qaddafi.
He was a total Chad.
Go away Hillary you're drunk!
Have Libtards ever tried to defend Hillary's We came, we saw he died comment? Objectively that was more callous and immature than anything Trump has done.
Show flag cuck
>t. Jew worshipper
He opposed Wahabis if anything.
only the propaganda that was taught or shown. Any Libyans want to give us some real facts.
Have you guys read the Green Book?archive.org
Better to listen to the man himself instead of vomiting burger propaganda like
typical argument anyone says when I ask them why the USA killed Ghadaffi: "He was a dictator"
It exists on the continent of nigger and I don’t give a fuck about it.
It was our best ally and we were making tons of petrolmoney with them. Fuck France.
Everything before 2011 was ok, we paid Gheddafi and he gave us hydrocarbons and kept the blacks in libya
>magic black president
>revives the slave trade.
Eh, at least incels have no excuse anymore.
based af
based, Takbir!
It was pretty comfy
Remember when Hillary laughed about his corpse being sodomized