Is China colonizing Africa?

Is China colonizing Africa?

Attached: chinaafrica.png (465x667, 153K)

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I sincerely hope the chinks will chop and eat all the niggers


>China takes control
>China-tier population control happens

10/10 saves the planet.

yes and they're going to fuck over the blacks the likes of which we haven't seen since Leopold II

There used to be open-air human meat markets in China during the 19th century. Human buttocks were considered to be the most tender and tasty part and commanded a premium.

I'm sure that human meat markets continue to exist in China, but they're hiding them away to seem more respectable to white people.

In the future Chinese may begin to harvest niggers in large numbers. Nigger could become a staple of the Chinese diet.

Would you be sad if China colonize white women?


Attached: Wa802X4.jpg (487x524, 137K)

>this is the future niggers chose

>canned negro meat, soon in your supermarket

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unironically this. If China were to take this seriously they would be the optimal people to force the nigs to conform and evolve one step close to human; but they will be like any other foreign investor who sees this investment as temporary and the people as a short means.

yes full scale , china has a surplus of 300 million male (one child politic) who are now send to Africa
and they sand the niggers to Europe.

Chinks have zero influence in Somalia.

Somalia doesn't have influence in Somalia mate. no one does.

Great observation

yes, they are already sapping their oil for virtually nothing

Nothing too see here laowai

"A large number of Chinese men marry African women; maybe it can effectively solve the gender imbalance problem in China"

Attached: chinese-husband-Angola-wife.jpg (412x474, 55K)

>Human buttox Tender and tasty part that Commanded a premium

They say that an inch away from the crack of that ass is the sweetest part.

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Nationally the clans/states have influence over their respective regions, our foreign influences are
Turkey and Qatar in Somalia and UAE and Saudis have in Somaliland.


should be seen as a seperate country at this point, and yes foreign nations obviously abuse it for their own influental purposes.
The southern end (what remains of Somalia) is as wild west as any part on the earth is gonna get right now, and no roaches or paid oil army has influence there.

loled at the photo of the cucked chinaman raising a clearly full black daugher thinking its his.

Why JAREERS get cucked so easily?? First was whiteys and now chinks

>full black daugher
she is his wife, idiot.

lol wut? Turks have massive influence there, even a military base.

i think by photo he means the image he portrayed in his head of the kid this dude would have with the negress, and it being full black to him and no chink.

Not gonna happen.
They are non-whites.

I can't wait! We should spread rumors that Nigger testicles are good for virility so the Chinks start harvesting them like rhino horns


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this - A migrant worker from China’s Shandong province has a daughter with his African wife, his wife died when the daughter was two years old, and he himself grows vegetables on the outskirts of Nairobi to support the whole family. He is both a father and mother. Life must be very difficult for him.

Attached: Shandong-man-and-his-African-daughter.jpg (356x514, 88K)

Yes (and that's a good thing)

Yes and has been doing so for a long time.

low iq they are like farm animals, just happy to be fed and housed until they are lead to slaughter.
Bantus and servitude go together like Jews and Banking.

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>shipping routes

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They didn’t want to. They just wanted to buy resources but then had to build infrastructure cause the locals couldn’t. Then they found the locals were the shittiest workers ever so they had to Bring in workers. Now they find they have to take on ever more responsible, and keep dem gibbs flowing or else! Careful what you wish for...


Did not save the article, but in some countries you now have the thing of black women being shunned for being single moms with half-asian babies, think there was even one guy in Uganda who was concerned about race-mixing and corrupting Ugandan genetics.

Attached: Chinese mocks black man.webm (640x360, 2.47M)

I wish my country could send all the Zoomali coons home now.

Hey, I'm the user from these threads and can safely tell you that you are absolutely right in that China is colonizing Africa.

In Zambia we have about 50,000 whites - generally split between the north(the copperbelt) where they run or own mines, and the south, where most are ex-Zimbabwean farmers(like my family).

As of 2014(when we had a sellout white president), There were more chinks in Zambia than whites - and they were essentially enslaving the government with debt. They're funding roads, canals, bankrolling miners(Africans, they won't loan to whites), and essentially are trying to subvert our influence and take over for themselves.

In a couple of years you'll see that the Africans can't pay their debts, and the Chinese will start sending in their own advisers to take over the projects, essentially making these countries, including my own, Chinese satellite states.

Take it as you will but that's what's happening.

Attached: Chinese President visiting Zambia.jpg (860x483, 72K)