What is the best Mein Kampf translation?
I am considering buying the Ford one.
I can't read German, but I want to read trough the thoughts of the furer.
Mein Kampf
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Let me offer a summary of the book. Batshit crazy douche hates people because he couldn't hack it as an artist.
You didn't answer my question, faggot.
And no, I have read about half of the book in pdf form, and it is amazingly insightful. I just want a physical copy now.
I have both the Ford Translation and the Stalag edition.
I rather favor the Stalag edition, as it was the official version the National Socialist wanted English speakers to read.
How do they differ?
To my understanding, Ford translation has added bits that explain the parts where Hitler refers to things that contemporary people and non germans might not understand, like locations, specific people and events etc.
Do they not have the book in Finnish?
Oh, and don't forget to ignore the Jew hiding behind the meme flag.
Some comments: Hitler is addressing a German audience of 1925, it is difficult for non Germans who weren't alive in that era to understand the context. It needs some history to go with it.
For example, Hitler talks about how the 25 points was well received, but doesn't tell you what the 25 points are...
They do, but the translation is old as shit and I don't really trust it's quality. Besides, I understand English basically just as well as my mother tongue, thus it is no problem to me to read the book in English.
But keep in mind, There are "Nazis" and National Socialist. The Former being a jewish meme.
Among the National Socialist, there are two flavors again - those influenced by the Nazi meme (they're big on hate and the book "Seige", and those who are not. )
I prefer official sources because National Socialism has been forbidden and smeared for so long, it seems impossible to get at the truth otherwise. I've been fooled by their memes of national socialism before.
Oh, I am aware of the siegetards, and I don't care about their bs.
I am interested in reading shit from the original third reich.
Fantaistic version sounds like Hitler reading it in english. Audio book:
Thanks for this
Hell, he really sounds like English speaking Hitler.
I am loving this.
read the Ford one to have cool annotations about the historical context
no need to buy it though
I want a physical copy tho.
ded :/
yeah you're probably right, it's muych more pleasant to read
get zweites buch while you're at it ( haven't read it yet though)
Try if you can find a proxy site that works for you. It took me a while.
You've obviously never read it
I just got it to work
should be the same one
look up
>zweites buch
Literally a shill/troll.
150 pages in, it has exceeded my expectations to this point for sure. I don't know why I didn't expect him to be as relatively eloquent of a writer as he was, but it's pretty well written.
And done.
Also, any tips to what to ad to my shopping list?
>tfw finally found a good motivator to go to work and earn tons of emone, so I can buy more redpilled books.
it is
and the Vienna part is fascinating
noice, idk what zweited buch is worth but from reading MK I think it should be good
You guys should check out this site.
bell curve too but you probably already know what it's going to say
Fucking Barnes & Noble doesn't ship to EU nations anymore, I can't buy one of Dugins books.
The book is overhyped. Read it, had nothing unique or insightful about it.
>Barnes & Noble
who now?
Any, book is sort of dull rubish, btw. I've never finished it. Better read some gud stuff like Mussolini's "The Doctrine of Fascism".