We post flags of meme countries

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Belgium.svg.png (2000x1733, 7K)

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Switzerland_(Pantone).svg.png (2000x2000, 20K)

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_New_Zealand.svg.png (1200x600, 20K)

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (1280x674, 29K)

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg.png (2000x1333, 35K)

Attached: kp.png (2560x1280, 42K)

Prove me wrong

Come at me faggs!

Attached: memecountry.png (2000x1000, 683)

me me!


Oh wow how orginal and totaly unexpected of you.

Anyhow Latvia has its own uniq Language and culture, we even had our own religion Baltic remova, paganism, my country is more real than most of new world nations so fuck off frenchie, go keep watching your gf beeing fucked by Algerian imigrant.

Attached: mexico.png (2000x1143, 190K)

Actualy Australia itself is a meme country, you should be part of Britain along side of Canada and NZ.

Agreed, South American spics should be part of one country, they all speak spanish and have simmilar genetic makeup there is no reson for them to be seperate states.

Should have posted the CANZUK image in that case

Attached: b77.png (850x750, 161K)

Attached: Saudi Arabian flag.png (1280x812, 97K)

Same as American spics, Arabs should be part of one country Arabia.

the only thing notable about your country is how most of its history was spent getting raped by superior countries. How are you less of a meme country than all the ones you’ve listed?

Sad but true, New Munster when?

Attached: 1507364657065.jpg (1676x1912, 315K)

Because we actualy have ethnic peoples, language and culture, Belgium for example is a country made off of French and Dutch, and there is no souch a thing as Belgan language, same with swiss, country made off of French Germans and Italians.


Taiwan=Mini China with no real reson to be seperate except political and historical resons.

Attached: 15B6CDF5-16DA-44FA-8E92-D47F9CA535CA.png (580x387, 16K)

Ohh by the way you Brits got raped by saxons and Swedes, and Romans, so don't even give me this ''but u wuz raped n sheeit'' argument.

aren’t half of you Russian rape babies?

All countries are memes. How could they not be? They're all about narratives, symbols and shit like that - a 'social construct' that is so powerful that people cannot distinguish between the institutions and the lands they govern.
There are exceptions, however. Latvia, for example isn't even a meme country, it's just nothing. A vacuum.

You're right, your country IS respectable I was just playing with you

ur gay

still whiter than you Muhammad

Aren't half of you Swedish rape babies?

Attached: 1076gkx.jpg (800x545, 98K)

Thank you.

If that were true wouldn't Britain be white in your map? Anyway we weren't even conquered by swedes, we were conquered by danes.

Latvian is one of the oldest languages

Attached: ca-flag.jpg (480x259, 7K)

It's always a weeb english teacher.

Attached: 1791-004-1998D4C6.jpg (375x250, 21K)

Attached: 1200px-Estelada_blava.svg.png (1200x800, 7K)

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Ukraine.svg.png (2000x1333, 1K)

the dumbest flag in the world

Attached: Nepali.jpg (1140x766, 541K)

The only reason this country isn't being assfucked by Russia is because the US exists.

Attached: pllarge.gif (482x302, 2K)

>American education

Meme country but the most badass flag out there

Attached: Moldova_flag.png (739x379, 38K)

What is "meme-country" even supposed to mean? Do you need to have a homogenous ethnicity and more than a couple centuries of history and sovereignty, or how does this work?

It's so easy to trigger Polish alcoholics. Go take your pitbull for a walk, Jakub.

Any country that's not Wakanda

The rape-babies thing is seriously overstated both for Germany and Austria, often enough it was not rape but some girl and some soldier having a thing and people who casually throw that word around like they do here on Jow Forums should be hanged.

if you know you know

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Zimbabwe.svg.png (2000x1000, 43K)

Here's the correct flag.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Rhodesia.svg.png (1200x600, 117K)
