WTF Norway

There was some news that in Norway in the slightest suspicion the goverment can take away your child and give them to adoption or for some other retarded shit like having small bruises. Is this for real? Even if it is, why is this acceptable in society? How do you Norwegians deal with this crap?

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Leafs lead the way:
>Ontario passes ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing gov’t to take kids from Christian homes

Jesus Christ this is insane. Are the majority of people supporting this or are there some who still have common sense and oppose this?

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people were largely unaware of the changes, as usual, but thankfully the newest generation isn't happy about the gender bullshit so their complaints raised the alarm.
Then you have kids being taken to hospitals to start hormone replacement therapy or the school administration threatens to have the child(ren) taken away from the parent(s).
This is why Catherine Wynne is no longer in the race, she is a disgrace

>sending your children to public school

Found the mistake. I'm NEVER sending my kids to public school, EVER. Even if it wasn't because they would likely be taken for hating faggots and niggers or being Christians, it would still subject them to 10+ years of "Muh Holocaust" "Muh Feminism" "Muh Slavery" white guilt bullshit brainwashing until they had to submit. Nope. Fuck that. Homeschooling my kids because public school would only make them dumber. They will thank me when they didn't have to sit in a classroom with 30 Hectors and Jamals all day. Wonder why you don't see many white kids in public schools as you once did? It's because good parents home school their kids. No question about what they are learning. No question about how they are performing in their grades. No worrying if their teacher is a sick pervert or just a flat out retard, both are extremely likely. No school psychologist calling you up to inform you your son identifies as a girl because he used a pink crayon and needs hormone treatments ASAP, don't worry they already chopped his dick off!!

funny, i had the displeasure of going back to college to complete something and I was the only white guy in the class. Over 90% were foreign students who were going deep into debt just taking classes that were largely out of date.
It was so bizarre.
I do understand the point of homeschooling but i believe Canada has rules about keeping kids in the industrial indoctrination camps for life.

>Then you have kids being taken to hospitals to begin hormone replacement
Is it really that bad when it comes to schools in the USA? I thought the majority of schools were at least 95% white with some exceptions.
>subject them to "Muh Holocaust" "Muh Feminism" "Muh Slavery"

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It's truly sad. Public school was okay when I was a pupil, but the leftists force me to send my children to private schools. I don't want my offspring to sit in a class where 3/4 is named Mutombo or Muhammad while a fat feminist teach them about gender bullshit. Fuck that.

If you can afford it, send your kids to private school you know and trust.

If you can't afford it, research homeschool options. Some states offer fairly generous stipends for home schooled students (a few thousand dollars a year/student). If you find a few like-minded families and pool your kids together (6 kids x $6k = $36k), you can easily hire a private tutor. You also rotate parents through to act as additional teachers. This gives you complete control over the curriculum, avoids the lowest-common-denominator style of teaching inherent to large classes, socializes your kids, and protects them from the mind-numbing classroom environment.

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Nothing surprises me anymore.
& is now normal
I don't even care anymore. They've won, let them have it.

The moment homeschooling would start picking up they'll pull a Sweden and ban home schooling, you'll see.

>Is this for real?
No. We have about the same cps laws as the rest of the west and the same ratio of kids winding up there. These stories come from butthurt slavs who come here and sperg out, and then the media in their countries pick up on it. Personally I don't care that they abuse their kids and think the state should deport parent and child together, but what can you do with marxists?

That said, our cps is completely degenerate. As degenerate as the rest of the west.

It's not true, it's just retarded parents who beat and dont feed their kids who sperg out when they inevitably get their kids taken away from them. Cps is bound by confidentiality anyway so you only ever hear one side of the story.

It's even more tragic when you realise that in the past public schools were places that required students to be disciplined and use their brains instead of just acting like brainless retards. Nowadays they are a living nightmare where autistic teenagers act like raging gypsies (or niggers same thing really) because they're bored and have nothing significant going in their miserable lifes. Fuck this generation I hope they suffer greatly in the future.

>95% white

Probably 20 years ago, but the number of private schools and homeschooled kids that are white is now in the millions as the middle class pulls away from public schools and the sheer number of immigrants legal and illegal have changed middle class white suburban demographics so there are huge numbers of poos and chinks anywhere the average income is high.

>muh holocaust

Don't really remember this in my school, pretty sure being in AP/IB courses resulted in them going in depth on other historical aspects while the holocaust is for the goyim in the normal history classes. People on this board always say history and other non-STEM education is too easy, so why have none of them ever attended any AP history courses in highschool?

Not in America. As many as 10% of students in this country are enrolled in private schools or being homeschooled, which is why white kids are now a minority in public schools.

check out the 6 functions schooling from the century old Inglis lecture:
1. Adjusted function - Schools are to establish fixed habits of reactions to authority
2. Integrating/Conformity function - Make children as alike as possible, gifted and stupid kids are grouped together
3. Directive function - School is to diagnose your proper social role, log the evidence so that people can restrict your growth in the future
4. Differentiating function - Layers do not intermingle, teach only the requirement of that layer and restrict the flow of information
5. Selective function - Assessing the breeding quality of the student to prevent the poor from breeding, promote shallow thinking and consciously change the breeding stock using humiliation, lower grades, and remedial education
6. Propedeutic function - A Roman function that assigns a leadership role to a small select group of students like the honor roll

>while a fat feminist teach them about gender bullshit
Srs question, wouldn't that happen in a private school too? This shit is pervasive

We can thank creationist Christians for that. They got out early and pioneered the legislation and accreditation framework. The tools are there, all we have to do is find and use them.

I see. Though it wouldn't suprise me if such things were true. Also are there a lot of slavs there? Are they like filthy parasites to you?

>more than 90% of Americans graduate highschool now, compared to only like 70% 40 years ago
>but highschool degrees are considered nearly worthless now despite this

Free market, or is it that niggers being fasttracked to graduation has resulted in devalued standards?

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Yes, they are our biggest immigrant group by far. I think something like 50% of our immigrants are Poles. Most of them aren't too bad as far as I'm concerned. The Polaks, who are most of them, don't do much crime and work hard. They ruin the economy with their undercutting of prices, but that's not their fault, it's the boomers who hire them and the government who don't hold them accountable to tariffs and the like. Most of the other ones are somewhat shady, and then there's the gypsies who are complete nigger-tier. But I don't hold the slavs accountable for them either.

All in all they should go back as far as I'm concerned, but it's our governments fault they are here.

My school is easily 98% white with about 800 kids here. I live in Indiana

I want to believe OP's pic is Faith Goldy

I think slavs make up the biggest immigrant group here in Norway. They're usually either low wage workers or thieves.

Kill the ones Responsible. No talk. Kill them. And then no one will dare try this again.

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Is that Faith Goldy?

Ontario is so shit that they might elect the commie party into power, no one is killing anyone in that province because the people are just plain retarded

Canada is a divide and conquer through multiculturalism meme. Everyone is living happily as a slave to a system that wants them dead and replaced, and the incoming people really don't give a fuck about assimilating.
These laws will continue to break the backs of those who are supporting a system that hates them.

No. Some escort from New York. Pretty close though

It might be in Norway, but we hear that all the time in the US too
>dey gubbermint took my kids cause I spanked dem in Walmart!
when really all of the power resides with judges who hardly ever do anything even when kids are being horribly abused and neglected

Note: there are isolated cases of renegade judges and incompetent county officials "removing" kids from homes where it is unjustified, and there are a lot of worthless investigations that take up time and make people mad, but after 10 years working in family courts I think this is just child abusing scum trying to deflect from their own shitty behavior

It's about the same here.

Every Nation Deserves amendment. You don't debate Tyranny. You remove it with violence. The Muslims killed so many journalist over Mohammed Drawings, the survivors became so traumatized they began condemning the use of the prophets image. Violence works.

A Group has to stand up and become the hated, the despised in order to save your people, to save your race. I'M a black man, call me a nigger if you like, but I'm willing to help save your people, your race.


>Probably 20 years ago
That's rough user. We have the same problem here now although kids aren't homeschooled that much.
Thanks user will look into it
I honestly think it's because of the niggers. Think about it - if the most powerful country in the world with it's vast resources can't make niggas more civilized than that clearly speaks volume.
You are completely right about being sent back. They have no place in your homeland. Not to mention that you're justified of being cautious around them. Sure maybe a little can stay but beyond that is unacceptable. Some of the immigrants from Bulgaria for an example are just low-life gypsie thieves or the worst of bulgarians. Even the ones who are integrated should feel shame for abandoning their own country.
Good for you. Hope it stays that in the future.

Brainwashing your children into a cult that tells them that the earth is 6000 years old is child abuse.

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See How did everything go so unbelievably fucking WRONG??? All of this angers me to the bottom of my soul.

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somebody nuke that fucking useless wasteland already

Maybe post a link instead of being a literal brainless faggot.

Its not real. Our child protective services are just like anyone other country. Some good, some bad.

I didn't show one because they're in bulgarian.

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*Kathleen Wynne

New generation of Canadians doesn't gaf

I fell for a lovely Bajan woman and can't hate. The isolationism is the key to the government control. Families spread thin, and alliances with neighbors only go so far. Natural clumps of like-cultured people form enclaves in large cities yet every small town is quiet and sublime with satisfied folks. The fight to win has to come from within and you'd be throwing your life away to protect people that want to be enslaved. Live a better life

nice ID: KEKEK

every time i think of her name a new one comes out, it's a filter I've developed out of disdain

Oh look, only 3 days in a row has this been posted by a Bulgarian.


homeschooling is illegal in germany

I don't follow. Care to elaborate?

This, punishments range from fines in the thousands/ten thousands all the way to 3 years of prison for the parents.

It's unbelievably strict here, homeschooling is a death sentence, no matter the reason.

yes can confirm

though if your child is in any actual trouble like drugs, crime, illness
ive seen the same social workers looking the other way because fucked up kids are expensive to help and hard to adopt
it's just a store front for kidnapping children and placing them with foster parents or institutions for money
the unofficial slogan amongst social workers is that children belong to the state and you as parents are only borrowing them

How horrifying. What about private schools or religious schools? Over here, a lot of whites flee into Catholic schools.

>private schools
Too expensive to have any experienced that.

>religious schools
Don't know either.
However, there are schools with "episcopal" in their title, at first glance it provides no difference when compared to other schools.
Though I have been to these schools for several times while working part-time at an independent IT-Service to change out PCs, install servers, help teachers in the schools.
When I first arrived there I was stunned because I came North Rhine-Westphalia is the Turkish capital of Germany.

Saw only blonde people, with the occasional white outlier with brown hair.
There were golden crosses over each doorway, children were always smiling and wearing tidy clothes and not a single Turk in sight.
That being said, I have no actual clue about their ways of teaching, but I always assumed that they weren't illed by infections like feminism, as the teachers had no clue on how to handle a computer.

There's a lot of small organizations dealing with this, and it has had international attention.
Also, people flee abroad.

Are the police aware of this? Someone must have reported to them about such incidents unless they're covering it up. What about the people in general?

>Saw only blonde people, with the occasional white outlier with brown hair.
>There were golden crosses over each doorway, children were always smiling and wearing tidy clothes and not a single Turk in sight.

kek, my gf used to work in NJ publuc schools (ie: all black students, all black staff), and would always tell horror stories of the classrooms. Then she moved out to PA. She was stunned by how happy and well behaved the students and staff were. She would also comment (separately) that everyone was white.
It seemed like she was unable or unwilling to see a connection.