Brit/pol/ - Antidisestablishmentarianism edition

>Sadiq Khan faces prospect of Tory rival amid growing pressure

>‘Their DUPLICITY is apparent’ MEP accuses EU of trying to ‘LOCK’ UK into the customs union

>Lord David Steel on Jeremy Thorpe: ‘Quite likely’ there was establishment cover-up

>Manchester United star Paul Pogba hits back at critics blasting ‘you don’t criticise Lionel Messi for walking on pitch’

>Police admits mistakes in arrest of Rashan Charles who died in custody

> Michael McIntyre and his son attacked by moped gang in London

>Chris Grayling's response to the rail fiasco could decide the next election

>'Conveyor belt' of ministers in Equalities Office risk undermining progress, warn MPs

>Heathrow Airport: Cabinet set for new runway decision

>Scottish government urged to back workplace parking tax

>Northern Ireland abortion law debate backed by MPs

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Other urls found in this thread:

>seeing your city turn more and more brown

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feels bad man

>>Sadiq Khan faces prospect of Tory rival amid growing pressure
>tories winning in london
george galloway will before him
but the north london jews have 50 kids each so zac golsmith might have a chance

>George Galloway for London mayor

Unironically want this.

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Is tedposter here?
is jewflix documentry on him any good?

>Unironically want this.
inshallah brother
we will all be shia

>had to go to dentist and just missed the school kids out for lunch

close one desu

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>Is tedposter here?

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is it any good?

what one

There is one good ted poster and about 5 shit LARPers who either haven't read or don't understand the source material. You're probably talking to the latter

manhunt unabomber

Ted himself has said it's very inaccurate so make of that what you will.

>who either haven't read or don't understand the source material.

shut the fuck up you smug retard you think you know everything

he hasn't seen it he only had it described to him

Kek yeah he refuses a TV in his cell doesn't he, liking the idea of someone reading him a transcript or something.

fucking state of the BBC, using the word "briton" which means native brit to describe some paki

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fucking state of this faggot
i bet he would tell you not race mix them out of existence as well

whatever you do
make sure the coloureds only breed with each other
that way they can be here forever

Why has the snek kicked off again?

good tedposter is an oxymoron
teddy bears have the same lack of fucks for reality as communists and tories

>tfw happy and content, and therefore worried something will go terribly wrong
Good afternoon.

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Because the comedian pill can't be ignored

So you were being a mouthy cunt?

Ted is mostly right

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cool id

so you harassed her basically, how fat is she anyway, are you embarassed to be seen in public with her

I watched that film. Thought it was shite.

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what's statistically safer, driving a car as a protective anti-chav bubble, or risking it and walking and taking public transport?

his solutions are retarded which makes him redundant
people only give a fuck because of the romance of him
(he got a B at undergrad 3.1 gpa)

t. garry bazzer the white van man who plays fifa with the lads

this is reality

yeah but what specifically.

The comic is a bit shit as well, most of the arcs make no sense
She looks fine in clothes, but I'm not attracted to her.

She said I've been off with her, which is true, she's had this sort of attitude recently that's involved her bragging about how big of a group of slags her mates were back in the day, obviously implementing herself into that. And she's also taken great humour in loudly farting and burping at every opportunity. I've tolerated it, thinly. But she was a lazy cunt last night and left me to deal with a screaming baby while she found excuse to fuck off. So I told her I wasn't happy with it

Actually agree, there is no solution

Ted can be summed up in one line of his (pic related)
do you understand how dumb that quote is

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People who disagree with Karl Marx for pragmatic reasons and follow Ted Kaczynski are small

>also taken great humour in loudly farting and burping

christ that is revolting, but stop avoiding my question, is she fat or not

What was the kill dozer guy even mad about?
Some lad in my battalion nicked two tanks to run over some bouncer in town, crashed both times

only learned about this killdozer madman a few weeks ago and now he keeps popping up everywhere

She's chubby

He always pops up on those "WORLD'S WILDEST POLICE CHASES" type shows on channel 5

i was watching a documentary about the aryan brotherhood prison gang, fell asleep and woke up to killdozer

whats her face like, why the fuck would you put up with some ugly cow farting and burping, its disgusting, do you even fuck her anymore

>And she's also taken great humour in loudly farting and burping at every opportunity.
>Eddie's titsnake is a braphog

I'm fucking dying lads

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glad im not you mate

She's attractive, blonde curly hair, nice smile, decent rack. I only got with her for a mattress. I rarely fuck her anymore, only with her for the kids sake really and I'm a bit dependant on her for storage atm.
She didn't act like this until recently, I think she has an act on most of the time with me, like we used to go to all these castles and stately homes and she seemed interested, but the other week she was explaining what she was doing on a cottage holiday to her mate
"Oh eddie is coming down one day as well, we'll be doing eddie things lol"
"Eddie things?"
"Yeah he wants to see (it was her fucking idea) this roman castle thi-"

Fucking slags

You should start hitting her or just abandon her.

>I only got with her for a mattress.

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i FUCKING HATE things like that
stop using me for WEIRD power games
have some INTEGRITY

Is Galloway redpilled on (((them)))

ive been doing different things today, like sleeping, drinking coffee, trying to make money in work.
then i come on britpol and achieve even less

thank you OP for links, i clicked most of them, i have no comments

Assert dominance by giving her a Dutch oven.

Why do you think I want the comedian pill?
I want to stop giving a fuck

cool id

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>I want to stop giving a fuck

never lasts unless its done naturally, some people are not capable of not giving a fuck

>finally got back into the swing of reading loads
I'm just doing 30 pages every week days. That's about 25 books per year and so far it's been working out for me pretty well the past month.

What are your reading habits?

I just read the story, holy shit, that was badass.
>got a bulldozer
>made it heavily armored
>attacked guns
>added cameras and protected them with bulletproof glass
>had monitors inside so that he can see where he's going
>took cops 2 hours to take him down
>already caused 7 million dollar damage
>added fans inside to keep him cool
>when he got stuck, he committed suicide
>he shut the door locked so that there was no way getting back in or out, he knew it was the point of no return
>hurt no one only attacked the fucks who fucked him over for his land

That's some action movie, GTA mission shit right here

Shitty government taking away his land

london is 'lowdown' now
get with the times

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When I'm drunk I don't give a fuck because I'm not worried about maintaining appearances or consequences.
If I minimise potential consequence and isolate myself from being dependent on her or her immediate circle, I can break free. It's just the little one that makes it difficult

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Fart in her face. She's changed the rules of warfare, it's time to use chemical weapons. Fuck the Geneva Convention.

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Hello Mo

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Bit slow here.

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When did he say that?

wtf is corned beef anyway

>Implying that is a bad grade
>implying grades matter as much as raw IQ
Ted had an IQ of 167.

God bless these men’s souls and the souls of their descendants

If someone with 167 iq gets a b grade what does that tell you about that person

>"Targets innocents"
>implying they were innocent


Someone slag off your boyfriend again?

Not concerned with uni, has his mind in other places, maybe he is procrastinating, I don't really see what you're getting at. There are tons of people that get shitty grades in school and that are otherwise bright.

there is a myth that he's some sort of infallible mastermind when the reality is he's not

>Corned beef is a salt-cured beef product. The term comes from the treatment of the meat with large grained rock salt, also called "corns" of salt. It is featured as an ingredient in many cuisines.

Pretty sure there are a few of us that think the manifesto is valid but believe Ted wasn't this infallible mastermind. It's not like I put him on a pedestal.

the romance is most of the attraction i'd say

and in terms of ted...



The White Nationalist Entertainment Phenomenon


The White Nationalist Entertainment Phenomenon


oh fuck


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He's also re-enabled his old videos.

I'm downloading them

>search 'BBC London' on google
>this is the result

It's like a joke which never ends and isn't remotely funny.

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bet old michael is glad of the material
can't really make jokes about being a multimillionaire touring sold out arenas

It's organised by time you brainlet

good vid. joe should make a video like this about yank politics too.

Any of you lads like Branston Pickle?


>joe should make a video like this about yank politics too.

>london is 'lowdown' now
i dont get it?

New Arctic Monkeys album is wank

because this point of view is not represented by anyone i know in the united states. trump is actually a pretty good example of joe owens message though and i think joe is trying to emulate that success. trump was all about the rallies and joe is all about the doors.