Asking a Texan

hei we got a whole gipsy village trespassing and camping on private property here. Could you legally terminate the whole village in texas?

Attached: EE5820A4-5E26-4619-A629-DF22C79B8B4D.jpg (1037x616, 77K)

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Legally? No. Extra-legally? Considering you're posting with a Swiss IP/VPN, you might have the money to spend on some homemade ELF weaponry.

They might be too dumb to get the point but throbbing headaches and voices in their head might eventually get them to pack up and move

Just call the cops?

Criminal trespass is just a misdemeanor, so no... you couldn't go in guns blazing. However, the cops would happily do their jobs removing a tribe of human filth off your ranch because if any of them get violent you're then perfectly legally in the clear to start putting holes in them.

aren’t you guys allowed to shoot trespassers?

That's how you get them to leave, legally.

No, you call the cops on them. You can shoot the fuck out of them if you fear for your life, but if the reason you fear for your life is they fought back while you were trying to physically evict them, you'd face charges.

You CAN display a firearm while trying to evict them, and if they trespass into your house you can shoot, esp at night.

Pretty sure you can open fire on them if they're in the act of destroying crops, but that wouldn't transfer to anyone except the driver of the vehicle.


It isn't THAT gun crazy.

You're supposed to demand that they leave the property first or let the police deal with it. Now if they're stealing a felony's worth of stuff, or threaten you, when you ask what the fuck they're doing on your property, THEN it's game time.

just strap up and go to their camp and tell them to leave your land. let the niggers escalate until you have to Stand Your Ground and gun down some slimy subhumans in self defense

Release your tiger on them friend.

> gipsy village

Fake and gay.
Where are the burning tires? and the mountain of trash? and the pile of stolen copper and metal?
These are just tourists, not gyppos.

>aren’t you guys allowed to shoot trespassers?
Under the right circumstances. If it's dark, and you feel threatened, you're allowed to blast away. But in your scenario, these aren't just trespassers, they're squatters. In this scenario you'd call the cops and they'd be physically removed/charged.

All i can think about when I see american posters is how they screamed and wailed and struggled when they were mutilated by their doctors with their parents approval. When that first incision was made, forever destroying your genitals, your face turned beet red and you began screaming as hard as your little lungs could for air out of your mouth. You violently protested as you were held down by creatures many times your size and were violated. Mutilated. Made lesser. Your penis was destroyed. You were subjected to one of the most painful, humiliating ,and emasculating procedures known to man and I'm supposed to take you seriously? All I feel is pity.


You couldn't park on private property for very long.
You can park at rivers and such. During the Obama years there were tent cities popping up around rivers and the cops cleared them out. Also, that image looks like a trailer park OP.

Attached: 1524897498134.png (492x500, 347K)

Hypothetically, if you were to send them an invoice for their stay, which would be high enough to make it felony theft, would that give you a right to start shooting them?

yes if they agree'd

Wait, what? So you can just steal something, then not agree on the price, and make it not-theft?

Yes, you could open fire on them without so much as a warning.

>drive to camp at 3 AM
>shoot out the tires and windows of every vehicle on the property

If they don't leave after that, just start shooting to kill. Easy.

Texan here. Yes you could. Especailly if you had purple markings put up. Local sheriff would show up, ask what the fuck these niggers were doing on your land in the first place, then critique your shot placement. You'd proceed to joke about it after church on sunday.

a yo my nigga right here is rinposting
god-tier waifu right there

Private transactions are private transactions. ultimately the owner of the property has the say on whether or not its trespassing and charges will be filed with the police. People dont really do whats in OPs pic though, unless its a rent disagreement or some dick knob parking a vehicle on a private lot.

CCL Texan, here... No!

All I can think about when I see a meme flag is that it’s some American pretending to be European

(a)Except as provided in Subsection (b), a person is justified in using force against another when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to protect the actor against the other's use or attempted use of unlawful force. The actor's belief that the force was immediately necessary as described by this subsection is presumed to be reasonable if the actor:

(1)knew or had reason to believe that the person against whom the force was used:

(A)unlawfully and with force entered, or was attempting to enter unlawfully and with force, the actor's occupied habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment;

(B)unlawfully and with force removed, or was attempting to remove unlawfully and with force, the actor from the actor's habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment; or

(C)was committing or attempting to commit aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery;

(2)did not provoke the person against whom the force was used; and

(3)was not otherwise engaged in criminal activity, other than a Class C misdemeanor that is a violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic at the time the force was used.

Critique your shot placement LULZ!!

>Ueli is mad cause they're shitting on his land for free
lel, just extort them like a good jew

Under certain circumstances; someone otherwise minding their own business in daylight is only committing a misdemeanor and not giving you an even remotely plausible reason to fear for your life.

The biggest legal differences in Texas from the other states are: use of deadly force is authorized to protect property (without going into how "property" is defined misdemeanor trespass doesn't count) and to prevent fleeing from commission of a felony (the latter is pretty much an automatic 2nd-degree murder charge in every other state).

Texas has a strong "castle doctrine" (man's home is his castle, which he has every right to defend). The presumption in Texas law is that if a person breaches the walls of your domicile without invitation, he intends to do you lethal harm and you have the right to stand your ground and defend your life. The simple fact that he breached your walls uninvited makes it automatically self-defense, it's a presumption of self-defense that favors the person whose home has been breached. However, this does not apply to someone simply breaching your property line. They have to actually be attempting to break into the house or have already done so.

That's the cleanest gipsy camp I've ever seen.
So I don't believe you.

If I steal a tissue, it isn't a felony just because the owner claims it is worth a million dollars. I don't know how it works if you have an agreement, but absent one criminal theft is certainly based on fair market value. That said, the price of rent can be pretty high depending on where they are, and you have to pay double per diem if you fail to vacate a property after your move out date.

Texas protects property owners from criminal liability against trespassers in certain circumstances. The Texas Penal Code provides that Gail Derrnit is justified in using force to remove a trespasser if he believes the force is immediately necessary to prevent or terminate the trespass.

T. a Texan

Hire some thugs to beat the hell out of them and if the cops show up actike you have no idea wtf is going on just gypsies being gypsies.

I take it you've never heard of squatters

>People dont really do whats in OPs pic though
Oh yes they do a lot in Europe

I thought Texas didn't have squatters rights.
That's mostly a Californian thing.

>thinking about american dicks
kek what a fag

>and to prevent fleeing from commission of a felony (the latter is pretty much an automatic 2nd-degree murder charge in every other state).

That's pretty great. All 49 states literally do not have this provision? Not even other deep south/pro-gun/strong R states like Arizona and Kentucky?

Gas these fuckers, what the fuck. Cause a goddamn natural gas "leak" and call the gas company and the cops. Cause an ammonia spill and then use bleach to clean it up -- you were just trying to clean it up!


No, lethal force is not generally permissible against trespassers in any state unless they are threatening your life or the life of another.

Source: I'm a fucking lawyer.

Gypsy camps are just 1 molotov away from relocation.

>break into house
>kick out squatters

I am the squatter now

In Texas you can legally violate tresspassers on sight

>All 49 states literally do not have this provision?
Absolutely not. Interestingly enough, in Texas, it doesn't even need to be your home the felon is fleeing from. We made national news for months because of this:

>man sees criminals breaking into his neighbors house
>calls 911 says he's going to blast them
>911 says "no! don't plzplz!"
>he goes outside anyway
>they ran onto his property with the loot in hand
>he said "don't move"
>the criminals moved
>they died from their shotgun wounds
>man was found innocent

>threatening your life or the life of another.
Texas is different. You have the right to defend your property using lethal force under many circumstances.

sneak out there at night with a roll of about a thousand feet of electrical wire

connect it to all the trailers

hook it to a car battery


Actually he could just connect it in his backyard and they'll come get it on their own. They're gypsies.

>I obsess over men's genitals and can't concentrate on anything else.

what is it with you laywer guys? you always have to brag about being a lawyer and you are all coked up all the time. goddamn.

feel good story of the day. damn o boy i wanna move there when im big

>make their caravans immobile
>expect them to leave


Likely some sort of squatters rights. Highly unlikely you could shoot them. Call the cops. Fence in the area except an exit towards public land. Use a generator to power yuge speakers. Play ww2 bombing sounds, gunshots, rabid dogs, or German singing.

Only if they occupy a school

If you've got a sign up that says tresspassors will be shot yes.

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If youve already got up a no trespassing sign that acts as a first warning to them. If the trespass afterbseeing the sign you are legally allowed to shoot.

That's pretty gay