Election 2024: Jesus vs Hitler

The ultimate test of the Jow Forumsack


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Hitler was the second coming though?

>electing an immortal jew

Jesus as the leader hitler as VP

both of them will rekt the kikes and moslems
i prefer jesus though

wrong question
you'll get 50/50

Jesus is GAY

Jesus is a fictional character but I still voted for him.

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Just watched a few WWII IN COLOR episodes, thoughts on historical truth the production general thoughts in all? i think it was pretty well done. hitler did some fucked up shit. although after seeing europe and the u.s become what it is today, what was the point ...?

>All these people voting Jesus over Hitler
You disappoint me Jow Forums

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Not Hitler

>Unironically getting your information of WWII from the History Channel
That was your first mistake.

no im staying open minded here. are you going to argue the events in those episodes did not happen ?

The board is dead, Jow Forums is voting for the same faggot your boomer grandma would.

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No point in voting, they're the same person.

Keeping your mind open to thinly veiled propaganda wrapped up in shiny production value isn't a good way to learn about history.

wtf i love work camps now


and yet you still bring nothing to the table...

>actually picking a kike over based Hitler
americans did this

I'd tell you to read books instead. But even those are littered with unnecessary and often times odd dispersions cast towards Hitler randomly but that's to be expected I suppose. Still, reading books if infinitely better than watching any kind of 'documentary'.

ive read plenty so if there is a certain point you want to make, go right ahead...

I don’t know what this question is. Who would you vote for? Jesus wouldn’t run for office.

I think my point throughout this thread has been consistent. Books are better than 'documentaries'. Read lots of them. From all sides. From all perspectives. That's the only point I feel like making.

> implying they are two different people?

I’m confused

This too

Why cucks vote for Jesus? WTF?

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I see that it says election 2024. Jesus wouldn’t run for office, so the choice is obvious

Clericalism for the win

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jesus would unironically stop degeneracy, homosexuals, communism and islam better than hitler

hitler would just send degenerates to jesus to get judged and cast into hell. cut out the middleman.

Why are people voting for a Jew??

yeah, hitler had jewish blood you know

Jesus was a cuck.

says the nordnigger

>mutt insulting his racial superior

Hitler because the boer's ruined Christian image With their zefness.

Says who? (((studies)))?

youre american too dude

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>only 54%

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They were the same person.
No other human being is capable of staying relevant through the ages.
Not even the literal who Islamic prophet or Obongo stand a chance.

Suicide doesn't count as immortality dudes.

Before I vote, is this second coming Jesus or is this Jesus before he got nailed up to the cross?

Jesus abandoned Hitler when he started to hear the men behind his back youtube.com/watch?v=T2e_XYWepJA

Don't you get it ? There has been a recent influx of amerimutt cuckservatives from Reddit and the christcuck shilling has been unprecedented since then. Put two and two together.

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Why do you watch Secular Talk. Are you some sort of nigger lover?

>Jesus is a fucking a communist, well the closest you could be to one in 1st century AD.
>Hitler is a dictator that allowed for a pretty violent government.
That's a pretty tough choice.

Cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck

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