How big is the threat of STD really?

How much in danger is the average person? how dangerous is meeting with a random persom from tinder for sex? Is the bible correct after all or is it just typical panic from the media and religious fun killers?

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For you? I wouldnt worry.

It's a lottery, how do you know that cute virgin didn't catch aids at the dentists office because they have bad disinfecting procedures?

I sucked off some random dick 9 months ago and still extremely scared. I will buy rapid tests for HIV and syphilis in a week.

This is one of the main stories in the UK at the moment. There must be some coordinated health authority movement happening.
If you are a straight white male you don't have much too worry about. if you are a black gay there is a 50% chance you have hiv.

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hiv is rampant in Ukraine, why would you do that. Why do you people take so many sexual risks?

if your both virgins who cares?

I think the scariest thing for me is herpes. Something that is literally with you for the rest of your life with no cure sounds absolutely horrible.

are you a nigger? do you fuck niggers?

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I'd been a virgin before that. Plus, there is very little risk without anal penetrative sex.

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lol what's up with all this std threads lately. Is it some low key sliding. It reminds me on sex ed. This is all I was taught. Some pics on how your dick can fall off if you put it in the pink.

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>not doing anal
What are you, a faggot?

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Yeah. I've only sucked one cock in my entire life. He also fingered me, licked my asshole and pumped me between thighs.

underrated post

the bigger the better, hopefully they all become immune to antibiotics

Being an incel has never been so awesome in SoCal. All this “not having” of disease kicks ass.

>between thighs.
I thought you guys hate russian

Most stds are borderline harmless, The biggest side effects of them being a result of complications that dont happen to most people.

The worst stds, like aids and hep b, are almost all blood borne diseases, aka aggressively more common in the gay community. Syphilis is the major straight person killer, but even that can take decades to kick in.

STD is a meme to scare virgins and betas away from hyper sexual sluts, thus reducing competition for a Chad to dick all of them for himself

This is the same with MGTOW or any coping movement, it’s all about reducing competition. Weaponized cope

God. Incels are just like vegans now. No one ever asks but you always hear them talking about how they're incels anyway. Neck yourself or shut the fuck up

t. gonorrhea carrier

most STDs increase cancer rates. Like all inflammations anyway. So even if their symptoms are just inconvenient having an ass cancer would suck, I guess.

they mostly infect niggers and sodomites so i dont care desu senpai

yowza! i need to buy some condoms for my wife's boyfriend.

you're not gonna get aids from a blowjob.

what pleasure do you even get out of that?
it sounds like you got used

my cousin fooled around with a girl he met while camping. He got a powerful case of herpes that covered his entire face. i guess he ate her out.

are there any dangers for the one getting it?

The risk is low but it's still a risk.

Maybe it helps not to be a fucking degenerate so you don't have to suck "random dick",

>if you are a black gay there is a 50% chance you have hiv.

A shame. It doesnt even kill anymore, just healtcare expenses.

Stop posting dicks you jidf faggot, you did it twice already now. Sage

Well, I sucked his dick for ten seconds and he didn't cum in my mouth. I thing the risk is lower. Anyway, I will do a rapid test in a week. I will never have sex again. I just didn't want to turn old without even touching anyone. I am not really gay, but it's extremely easy to find a fuckbuddy with the help of Grindr. Hope that this one misstep won't cost me life. I am especially afraid of syphilis.

>The average American has just a 1 percent risk of ever being infected with the AIDS

Those healthcare costs are a lot in Europe though

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>Well, I sucked his dick
>I am not really gay

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>. I am not really gay
>I sucked his dick

I don't know lad, that sounds pretty gay

She knows whats up.

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just use a condom you goddamn faggot

im incel , dont give a fuck

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AIDS is the terminal stage of HIV, it's not an infection, but I agree that HIV is almost unheard of among straight people. This virus is pretty hard to get, so anal sex and drug needles are the only transmittable ways. And Hep B isn't really scary, I think you meant Hep C which almost inevitably results in liver cancer. As for syphilis, it is extremely rare among straights, so only fags and niggers are at risk.

More like bi.

Most STDs are spread through oral sex. How the fuck do you use condoms during oral sex?

Dude just depends on your immune system; I've been with damn near 100 women and never gotten so much as crabs

Sounds gay to me.

you suck a dick with a condom on, where's the problem?

By putting it on your dick.

Did you have oral sex? Did you wear a condom every time?

What's the point of sucking rubber? It's better not to have oral sex at all.

Condoms do not always protect you from disease

Now you got it.

Fornicating is a sin for many a reason.

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I wonder what is doing this?hmmmmmm

Bisexual guy here. Stick with women unless you find a guy who you know is certainly clean(and maybe if you’re still in the closet, keep things hush hush. I know that’s the scariest thing.)

It’s easier hooking up with men but it is so much more worth it if you find a good woman.

Remember, guys are just for quickies but women are for keeps.

Who would of known allowing a millions illegal immigrants with high drug use and all manners of sexual deviants that refuse to use condoms would ever have a negative impact on America?

I fucked like 20 girls in high school and college never got anything. Just stick to white chicks and Asians and everything is good.

I know the guy I hooked up with. He works as an air traffic controller and claims that he does a regular medical check-up. Well, they indeed have medical check-up every 6 months that includes some STDs, but I suspect that he is a huge whore. Plus, he a bisexual guy who does only anonymous sex. But the fact that he only tops kind of reduces the risk, since bottoms and versatiles mainly spread diseases when it comes to the gay community.

How to avoid STD's:
1. Don't be a minority or fuck them (California)
2. Don't eat thots out (HPV)
3. Don't shove things up your ass ( Rectal Cancer)

Literally not that difficult.

The stats show that Asians who fuck white guys (in the the US) have high levels of STDs

Untreatable gonorrhea and syphilis exist in 2018 after cures for previous strains existed.
I'm not some incel or straight edge faggot, but this is partially from people being massive whores over the years and spreading the disease multiple times, many times from reinfections among people, and causing mutations like this.
>It's all harmless!
Untreated gonorrhea dramatically increases your risk for cancers, and syphilis literally degrades your brain.

4. Don't have sex outside of marriage.

but the hpv article literally says, (straight) men are more in danger from HPV than women

This is why there is rampant HIV in ukraine

Only if the one giving is bleeding from his mouth for some reason (cuts)

Yeah that's the best option. Unfortunately people are so damaged by the culture and the freedom to pursue their cummies that it's not very realistic.

Men are more in danger of HPV because it's more difficult to see on women. Men can carry it and not even know it. Also, there are some new cases of HPV in the throat which leads to throat cancer, from eating women out. It used to be believed HPV was only a cancer risk for women (cervical) but lo and behold, there's a cancer risk for men, too.

>If you are a straight white male you don't have much too worry about.

See, that's where you are wrong. It seems to be safer, but it is still a big chance. Every girl you meet on Tinder could have just had sex with a guy who also has sex with guys or another person in a high-risk category. Then you get it.

>if you are a black gay there is a 50% chance you have hiv.

Unless there was a huge spike I think it is in the 30% area which is still insanely high. However, 80 some percent of black women over 45 have herpes according to the CDC.

In a nutshell, you aren't safe and any sense of safety you feel is an illusion based on your assumptions that the person you are hooking up with isn't hooking up with others all the time.

If sex is going to happen always use a condom, but best to refrain from casual sex, get tested every 6 months if you are active or yearly if you aren't, and make sure your partner does. Things can lay dormant so even then there is risk. If she refuses to test before sex then she isn't worth it.

Stop hooking up with manwhores. People you find on Grindr, heck even alter-Twitter, should be very carefully considered.

That’s the thing with the guys though. It’s always a huge risk when you play around with people who change partners often. I’ve been so paranoid about catching HIV, I can still count the men I’ve been with with my fingers.

Stay safe man.

[citation needed]

go back to r/asianmasculinity

Literally just use a fucking condom and don't fuck dumpster sluts and you won't get an STD

>Men are more in danger of HPV because it's more difficult to see on women.

This is not correct. There are so many different kinds of HPV. The ones you can see present themselves in the form of warts and are the least risk. It's unsightly bumps that you can spread. No risk of death.

The HPV you can't see consist of the strains that can cause cancer. Cervical cancer or precancerous cells in women are the most common. Penile cancer and throat cancer in men are possible, but not as likely. It's rare. Luckily, most men and women will have HPV clear up on its own. Your body still holds the virus, but it is dormant.


Condoms don't stop herpes, HPV, anything you can get from kissing such as gonorrhea and chlamydia in the throat, and syphilis in the mouth. Staph infections too.

Very fucking high if you're gay.
I was curious so i let a guy fuck me. I ended up with a bad STD and tried to take my life. That resulted in me being in a coma for 2 weeks.
Don't have gay sex kids.

rise of grindr, pof etc mean that promiscuous people are even more promiscuous and stds spread even easier

>I sucked off some random dick
wait are you a guy?

that video is cringey as fuck

>Very fucking high if you're gay.

Only if you are gay and you don't medically screen before sex. One has to note that only the gay community are taking things such as Truvada coupled with condoms to virtually remove the risk of contracting HIV. If both people use condoms and take that pill then the risk is lower than a woman getting pregnant on the pill. While I wouldn't advise without consulting a doctor, if one partner has HIV and is on antivirals, condoms are used, and Truvada is used as instructed then the risk of infection is under 1%.

While the gay community is the most at risk it is only the gay community that are utilizing the most protection. When surveyed the amount of gay couples that refrain from anal intercourse for whatever reason are much higher than one would expect.


Gay men don't use condoms. They're degenerate sex addicts

Yes they do. Herpes has to infect a mucus membrane. You don't get herpes from shaft or scrotum skin contact. You get it from a lesion contacting the head of your cock. Same with bacterials, they cant infect if they don't enter your urethra.

If a man uses a condom correctly and a woman with HSV2 is asymptomatic, the odds of female-to-male transmission are around 1 in 3000 per sex act. Even less if she's on an antiviral like Valtrex

Then they would all have full-blown AIDS and be dead by now, wouldn't they? The mere existence of any gay man over 40 shows how incorrect you are. Gays use condoms more than straight people do. Ask a condom manufacturer. If gays didn't use condoms then they wouldn't target the gay community because it would be poor for business.

Jesus Christ. I'm going to assume you are all infected.

Herpes is contracted by skin-to-skin contact. Anywhere that swim trunks cover is where you can get genital herpes. You don't have mucous membranes on your waist or inner thigh, but you can get herpes there. One can contract herpes simply from spooning. Do you have mucous membranes on the outside of your mouth? No, and that's where Hsv-1 is the most common. Most people with HSV-1 contract the virus as a baby thanks to kissing relatives. Are you telling me people are out there tongue kissing babies?

90 some percent of those with HSV-2 will show no signs. However, even without any symptoms HSV-2 can still spread. This information is all readily available from the CDC and has been for decades.

Condoms will stop genital bacterial infections, but most people kiss during sex and a lot of those bacterial infections can be spread through the mouth.

Only play with couples. And no barebacking. Dick sucking only, no anal. Simple as that.

Well, at least he's bi and has a job. But I will never have sex partners again.

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Says the guy who has an itchy cock all the time and secretly wants others to know his pain.

People who get STDs deserve them. Sex before marriage is wrong.

This, STD is literally God's wrath

we don't need to do anything. std is god's way of killing off the fags.

K try not to suck any random dicks on your way to the pharmacy :^)

I'm going to be a virgin for a little longer, and that's a good thing.

I've only sucked one dick in my entire life. It's not life I have triple digits of sexual partners.

You know how they say, you can build 1000 bridges and suck one dick and you wouldnt be called a bridge builder thats for sure.

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>more than 1/4 of cases are white

Still too fucking high.

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Dude, got myself case of Chlamidia, it isnt much of a deal but when you have to go for check ups, buy stuff for it its very,very annoying.
Not to mention i have to tell everyone i meet i have it, imagine the buzz kill.

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why are slavshits so fucking degenerate? I mean you larp as Christians and being true Christians at that but then you turn around and are major faggots and dirty degenerate fuckers. Your women are all whores and you're the only countries in europe with HIV/AIDS pandemic. You're all fucking animals i swear....

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says the north american equivalent