Low voter turnout being reported in California

Low voter turnout being reported in California.

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What is it again? Senate or Governor?

Senate, Governor, House races, everything.

It's really uninteresting, since it's just going to be Democrat vs. Democrat.

They’re probably busy sucking nigger dicks and smoking weed

That's a good thing for Little

Nothing really, just the primary. These retards think this is the real election, and don't know that primaries are always low turnout events.

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ignore shills


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Well said

Yeah he's just about the only candidate whose motivating turnout.

Here's the updated list of U.S. Senate candidates /rsg/ has endorsed, last updated on June 3, 2018:
AZ: Kelli Ward
CA: Erin Cruz (some of us support Patrick Little, others are concerned about downballot Republicans being affected)
CT: Matthew Corey
DE: Chuck Boyce
FL: Rick Scott
IN: Mike Braun*
MA: V.A. Shiva (I)
ME: Eric Brakey
MI: John James
MO: Josh Hawley
MN: Robert Barnheiser
MN Special: Karin Housley
MS: Roger Wicker
MS Special: Chris McDaniel
MT: Matt Rosendale
ND: Kevin Cramer
NM: Mick Rich
OH: Jim Renacci*
PA: Lou Barletta*
TN: Marsha Blackburn
TX: Ted Cruz*
VA: Corey Stewart
WI: Kevin Nicholson
WV: Patrick Morrisey*
WY: Dave Dodson

Here is a list of candidates for Governor we're getting behind in each and every state that comes up in 2018:
AK: Mike Dunleavy
AL: Kay Ivey
AR: Asa Hutchinson
AZ: Doug Ducey
CA: Travis Allen
CO: Walker Stapleton
CT: Tim Herbst
FL: Ron DeSantis
GA: Brian Kemp
HI: Andria Tupola
IA: Kim Reynolds
ID: Raúl Labrador
IL: Bruce Rauner*
KS: Kris Kobach
MA: Charlie Baker
MD: Larry Hogan
ME: Mary Mayhew
MI: Bill Schuette
MN: Tim Pawlenty
NE: Pete Ricketts
NH: Chris Sununu
NM: Steve Pearce
NV: Adam Laxalt
NY: Marc Molinaro
OH: Mike DeWine
OK: Dan Fisher
OR: Greg Wooldridge
PA: Scott Wagner*
RI: Allan Fung
SC: Henry McMaster
SD: Kristi Noem
TN: Diane Black
TX: Greg Abbott
VT: Keith Stern
WI: Scott Walker
WY: Mark Gordon

*candidate has already won the primary in their state

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Erin Cruz is a Marrano and Sayanim

pretty sure the election is today faglord

I just looked those terms up, interesting

>CA: Erin Cruz (some of us support Patrick Little, others are concerned about downballot Republicans being affected)

Sweet disinfo rabbi

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why? Because I included Erin Cruz or because I included Patrick Little ?

>CA: Erin Cruz (some of us support Patrick Little, others are concerned about downballot Republicans being affected)

Go fuck yourself. If you don't vote for Little, just stay at home.

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As a history and politik buff the jews are facisnating. No one goy knows everything about the jews, there's always something new to learn. Here's another term for you: Arendator

Did you know that the first jews in bohemia were slave traders?

>Erin Cruz
>Kelli Ward

rsg really is a reddit colony

what did Macron do today to make you so upset Pierre ?

what's wrong with those two

>tfw the only energized voters are for Little


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For going on a tangent about Little when that complaint could work for anyone

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Also indicative of low voter enthusiasm. The Blue Wave will be a double edged sword and lead to massive chimpouts.

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Gas yourself.

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Already signed up to volunteer with my local /ourgal/'s campaign. Everyone with agency, it behooves you to get involved with your local normie Republicans..

Cruz is jewish. Ever heard of a sayanim?

Basically though, based on how liberal California is and the jungle primary they have (top 2 candidates regardless of party compete), this is the election.

>GA: Brian Kemp

You'd have to be absolutely retarded

I can confirm. Went to Polling Center at 830 AM expecting long lines with people right before going to work. But nah, it was empty. There were twice as many lesbian/retired poll workers as actual voters.

I live in San Francisco btw.

Vote by mail is a thing
A very big thing
t. USPS employee

you vote for Pat?

some of us liked his ads

we agree that Cagle seems pretty decent too though

I'm so sorry my friend.

Cali cucks so used to getting their way without even voting. I hope Little wins just for the the tears, the rest will be a bonus

How much fuckery happens with mail in ballots, do you think its overall pretty secure?

Due to the top-two primary system, there's actually a chance that a few House races could be Republican vs. Republican due to multiple Democratic candidates splitting the leftist vote.

I hope Jow Forums rightfully split their ballots among the democrats in the house (so 2 GOP members end up on the ballot).

low turnout = populist victory

Nobody cares about your black cock sucking candidate, faggot. Anyone who actually votes in this clown needs to go back to Jow Forumseddit where they belong.

>pawlenty over Parrish
What are you smoking? Tpaw is a massive cuck and always will be.

>CA: Erin Cruz (some of us support Patrick Little, others are concerned about downballot Republicans being affected)

Why do you think pol gives a shit about the republican party. Jow Forums only supported trump because he was anti immigration and protectionist. The rest of the party are good goyim.

>Bruce Rauner
Fuck this RINO. I hope Pritzker wins so this ship finally sinks and hopefully starts waking people up to liberal failures. IL is a shithole.

>20 minutes
The fuck you in there so long for?

I am in and out of my polling place in 5 minutes or less.

it's always like this. California has an excess amount of polling stations.

>Diane Feinstein
>June 22, 1933 (age 84)

Rawling for her death before election day.

And an incredibly low turnout during midterms

His ads were moronic durr hurr i liek guns while vaguely threatening entire segments of the state. He's a raging fucking retard hurting everyone in his desperate attempt to steal the nomination from Cagle who was always going to win it as Deal's right-hand man. Cagle's practically already picking out the drapes of the governor's mansion and that retard is just hurting the party and it's future because he doesn't get to take over. Fuck Kemp.

t. Georgian closely following politics

>Little and Jewstein in the general election
>She gets RICO'd
>Little is the only candidate


>TN: Marsha Blackburn
>TN: Diane Black
Blackburn would be better than Bredesen, but I still have my problems with her.
Diane Black I would rather vote for Randy Boyd. He is doing what I wish every god damn politican would do, visit every county. I don't understand why a senator cannot visit the 95 counties in TN once a year with their 200 days off. Diane Black is the representative for my district yet she never comes to do town halls and talk to the people here. I've called her office and they don't even keep public events history on record. Pathetic.


pic needs to be updated with Cali winning the "lowest quality of life in the US" award recently

Our boy Patrick will win

>Rick Scott
Fuck Rick Scott and his bullshit rifle age increase. Saved up to buy an AR-15 in .500 Beowulf and when I went to get it i was turned back and told to wait another year

You expect me to trust this?

This. Voting in California is futile since the state is so deeply blue, but I did it anyway.

good. I voted straight republican down the line.
fuck the democrats
They are responsible for how the state is now

It's happening. They've given up on Cali and are going to spread to the rest of the US and try to "do it right" thus destroying it all.
Civil war now before they're too spread out to be stopped.

>this is the election hurr

According to stats on registered voters in california there are 5 million registered republicans, 500 thousand American Independents registered and at least another half million belonging to other right-wing third parties.

That's 6 million people belonging to the right wing parties in California. Then you have to consider people not affiliated with either party who may be receptive to the Republicans if only the Republicans bothered doing fucking anything in California.

California is only a deep blue state because Republicans and people like you are unbelievably cucked and allow Democrats to run the table. There is a right-wing giant sleeping in the Golden State.

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It wouldn't "work for anyone". Fuck off you transparent lefty/pol/ nigger.

>get involved with your local normie Republicans..

This is a LOW turnout election. Any candidate who can motivate a base to go to the polls has a better chance.

Your vote for Pat today counts twice as much!

The commies arent going to have a full turnout at the voting booths, get your asses down there we can actually win this one!

Don’t let let the shills dissuade you go out and vote CA!

The majority of the people who make these lists appear to be underagers who just want memes rather than people who are actually serious about winning.

I wish I saw this earlier I went with Cox

JIDF on suicide watch

John Cox, patric little is a correct the record psyop Jew bag.

Connecticuck here, all of the republicans in the primaries are establishment plus we're a solid blue state. I don't see what's so different with Tim Herbst or Mathew Corey

I meant to say all the republicans in *our state are establishment cuckservatives

>(((some of us fellow whites support patrick little)))

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Can't fulfill Trump's promises with a blue Congress you retard.

Because most republicans are out working right now.

>Erin Cruz
This neocon spic cunt unironically referred to Jews as 'God's chosen people'. CAfags better all vote for Patrick Little and unfuck their state

He had a red congress and he did nothing but cuck for Israel and bloviate like a retarded child.

>red Congress
I mean if you want to call Corker, McCain, Flake and several others in the Senate Republican..

I hope she gets 2nd place so Republicans have someone on the ticket.

God work, user. Im voting after work today. Nothing will change if we dont try.

I will call them red because they are exactly what the republican party is. A bunch of worthless politicians who take a moderate position on things they should be absolutely against just so they can line their own pockets.

This. It's so blue here that these idiots all want a piece of the pie and it may backfire.

t. DNC operative

>hes just a shill
Well what are you but a useful idiot who uses his time to help candidates who will inevitably stab him in the back.


Maybe USPS is better (doubt it) but Canada post hadn't delivered half a million registration ballots in Ontario with less than a week to the provincial election.

Come on, at least help make California red at least. Faggots like you are going to be the reason why Cali will stay blue and I have to suffer living in this shithole state.

I voted for Patrick Little. I live in a very diverse area in Sacramento and the poll place was 80% old white people

Big shocker people don't vote in midterms.