Any new insights or theories about him?
Any new insights or theories about him?
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He bad
Something more substancial?
not really. same old shit. Only new thing that is interesting was they found 3 women in the room that were never mentioned
thanks, ill look into that
Probably a leftist.
The obvious: race-mixing leftist goes on Trump-supporters hunt and offs himself. Rented a room, brought ammo and guns to his room every day until the day arrived. Left a note saying something like ''resist the Trump'' or ''Ban all guns, I'm doing this for freedoms''
Or you could go with theories like he was selling guns, was killed and they framed him. It was a CIA psyop. He was a converted Muslim. He hated country music
pretty clear it was a cia nigger OP to mkultra this guy into killing the saudi prince who was there but he went rogue before the gun sale
Super human. Despite losing his pilot license due to poor eyesight and having a hard time walking around due to his old age & previously damaged feet/ankles, he could run from window to window in 9 seconds in the dark wearing carpet slippers while eating comped sushi firing 1000's of rounds of ammo. He could do complex trigonometric in his head to calculate bullet trajectories without the use of a protractor or calculator, because gosh forbid, you waste a single bullet when firing 1000's of them in to a 5 acre field packed full of 1000's of people.
He was basically Flash Gordon combined with GI Joe & Super man. Based on the FBI reports, one must conclude he could turn himself invisible and walk through locked doors.
And in now way was the government involved and the MSM never makes Freudian slips:
Newsweak? You might as well quote snopes fucktard!
He allegedly made a purchase from a Dixie store not too far from here.
He could've been. Perhaps he came to a realization he made the biggest mistake in his life, because prior to this the entire country was obsessed with marching and protesting, people were actually in shock Trump got elected. Perhaps he saw the pussy march and thought, I'm gonna set shit right by killing a lot of 'm
And in no way did he make over 10 million dollars by trafficking in children despite his one brother being found with child porn, he was a pilot, spent time in Tucson (think Cemex), and sold his plane to Ush Inc that chauffeured students around the world.
how long has it been? Still no official motive
LMAO. Nothing says Trump supporter by shooting up country music fans. You common core idiots are so misled it is almost entertaining. You think Newsweek is real news. Reeeeee!
That is a picture of a cadaver. Every single picture of him "alive" has him looking not so alive.
>Still no official motive
Which makes it even more unlikely it was a government operation.
>this just happened
>dont question it
>details? you cant handle the details!
>not a false flag
After shooting himself dead he managed to put his foot under the bipod.
Gun running spook sent to Vegas to facilitate an exchange with a hit team that was there to eliminate a VIP, probably the Saudi Prince. Something went wrong, paddock gets clipped, assassins fire indiscriminately into the crowd for a few mins to create a distraction while they escaped
Previous threads on document releases:
>it had to be super man
sometimes all it needs is a carpet cutter and a few dedicated people no?
everyone has forgot, all the leftists are worried about snatching away our guns, when this dude probably wanted to kill trump supporters
Whatever narrative helps you sleep at night
He’s a smart motherfucker. Notice that’s not a white woman next to him. Do you see what I’m talking about? This is a man who really enjoyed life.
Paddocks FBI backups got the assinins They were in ajoining rooms
I heard Paddock didn't drink.
mass murder by proxy, his job
everyone paid off
big bux in vegas bitch
anyone can hire shitty shooters these days
you got bank they got guys
i only heard this about drinking
>EXCLUSIVE: Las Vegas shooter gambled $100,000 an hour in video poker with 'constant stream of booze' and was VIP guest at tournaments with free rooms and shopping sprees
Fox or Faux news?
He finds a role in Westworld.
watching body cam footage inside the room, it looks like someone placed the gun there. I didnt see it over him leg in the vid
He was an illegal arms dealer. They're not going to reveal the true motive.
if they dont release a motive we cant tear it to shreds, which we would. everything so far has been such obvious bullshit theyre gonna be as hush hush as possible.
remember people, oct 1 very likely did not go as was planned
also, show flag you god damn palestinian
we know the room was tampered with; the window wasn't broken when they breached and in the photos it was.
it seems his body is in the same position, but just without the rile. it was probably by the window or something and they moved it out of the way when checking the window.
whats interesting is, in the photos that leaked the night of the shooting we saw the note with the tape on top of it. in the report photos, its gone and it was said to have "blown off the table" despite the tape on top of it. then the photo of the note is some retardedly easy ballistics notes that you wouldn't need to write down anyway