Hey Stop harassing Actresses

It's not their fault that your nerd movies suck, it's the writers and producers fault, go hate on katherine kennedy not this ugly beast of a woman, she has it harder as it is, she's just triying to make a living

Attached: 220px-Rose_Tico_Star_Wars.png (220x305, 100K)

better yet stop watching the electric Jew and learn a skill

that's what I say, how many times can you watch two faggots figthing with sticks

>electric jew

Learn to tame it as a lion tamer tames a lion.

Use the e-webs as a tool for the mind, but be vigilant at all times intellectually and spiritually.

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Wrong Asian died.

I personally like harassing actresses.

This /thread

all power to you

oh, then have a good day sir

We'll hate them all, meme flaggot retard

>ugly beast
ok retard

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Ok, I won’t harass the actress in OP’s pic. I’ll just harass the hair dresser, the costume designer, the makeup artist, and everyone who thought this character was a good idea.
Happy now?

shes a tranny?

white/jew roasties cast ugly asians cause they cant handle their men going yellow

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>It's not their fault
they are explicitly at fault for taking the role

Asians have a total of four facial expressions... Happy- smiling; Sad- looking down; Angry- eyebrows; Everything else- spoonface...

Did she get hired by BLACKED.COM yet?

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I was thinking about this earlier. Is this why they tend to be emotionally developmentally challenged, because they were raised by and grew up with people who all could not display facial expressions? Is this the reason for their soullessness?

Who is that? I dont watch (((movies)))

She’s not that pretty (nice tits desu) but it’s fair to ask why the (((producers))) of the movie made her look so dumpy and unattractive. But SJWs always make women look dumpy and unattractive.


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better with long hair desu, she was starting to rook rike bobby reeeeeee

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unbelievable what a SJW shitshow that movie was
I don\t know if I should laugh or cry

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Learn a skill like being a creepy anti jew on an anime website?

She’s fucking hideous you yellow fever having cuck.

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Why do you have to harass anyone? Is your life this pathetic?


This just looks like a typical Chinese road accident video.

Because we can and they deserve dipshit. Why do you have to legalize bestiality? Is your life that pathetic?

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I’m not harassing anyone. But if you give me contact information for this actress’ hairdresser, costume designer, etc, I promise I won’t harass anyone.

And TLJ was so bad someone deserves to suffer for what the audiences were put thru.

What kind faggoty picture is that, americuck?

You realize that they didn't actually legalize beastiality, right?

literally all (((female))) actresses are trannies user, haven't you gotten the memo?

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I do what I want, ya memeflag nonce

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So what were they going for with the film's costuming? Because if this is the same person it's night and day.

desu you're right, actors and actresses mostly just do what they're told, almost every time there's a bad performance by an experienced actor it's weird scripting or direction issues rather than their fault.

It wasn’t very good in angeneral sense but what really made it a terrible movie was it went into a denouement cycle that just isn’t very comfortable in story telling. It is usually used (once) in horror movies explicitly to produce this discomfort while the Star was movie did two or three cycles. Blade runner had a similar problem (again only doing it once though) and it didn’t mesh well with the genre. Star Wars went all out and it was really off-putting.

Wtf hhgnnn!

Agree. Their picks is also shit tier. Every fucking thing is infected by their cancer, even if they pick an ordinary asian chick like here they have to fuck it up with their political grotesqueries.

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Eurasinatiger makes them. A butt blasted hapa. I feel for the chap. Tough spot to be in, for many male hapas. If you're a cute nuke chick like Roaming Millennial life is easy street. Not so much for the in between whites and asians as a man child.

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Ramz is solid. :)

Not her fault that the directors wanted her to look uglier than she actually is. I couldn't even tell that picture of her as Rose and herself were the same people.

>this ugly beast of a woman, she has it harder as it is, she's just triying to make a living
brety guud.