Tick-tick Trumptards

Get ready to get BTFO by a Jewish Democrat in 2020


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>greatest threat
>...and that's a good thing.

Didn't it double from $10 gorillion under Brobama?

Obama trippled the debt.
Where was (((schultz))) then?

NESARA incoming

It means nothing. Who is coming to collect? Who is going to stop dealing with us?

1. debt ballooned because of bush/cheney shenanigans
2. can't wait to see the vaguely anti-semetic attack ads for bernie

niggers and spics won't turn out for (((fellow whites)))

Also can't wait.

they dont want to collect
they just want those interest payments, forever

This. They have no choice. They have to find another negroid to get the pocs to vote and fill the void left by the white working class who have seen through their shenanigans.

Can someone explain why I should be scared of debt? It just seems like this insurmountable number that's constantly increasing and politicians have been kvetching about it forever. What's the big consequence? Is there some limit? What if we just let the number keep raising and just carry on?

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He's a joke of a businessman, and a SJW. kek

Didn't Trump run on that too?

So what does he plan on doing to fix the problem? More taxes? More welfare and gibs for niggers? You think that's gonna win him an election?

kek, Joe Biden won't even register on the polls as a full percentage point.

He is a revolting, slope-headed kike with serious Jew credentials. If they are playing this man they are getting scared.

Did Schultz say one word about the debt under Obama? Or ever?


the (((Starcucks))) guy?

this is going to be interesting

But he added that "systemic problems in the country," including mental health and opioid crises, racial tensions and income inequality, are at levels "the likes of which we have not had in a long time."

Better yet, why not just have a violent uprising and cancel our own debt and never pay it. We can burn all of the bankers alive in a big BBQ. Who gives a fuck? We could get rid of them tomorrow if we wanted to and hit the reset button. It's all an illusion.

He said the ballooning national debt could be hugely consequential to future generations — especially when coupled with rising interest rates.

"I think the greatest threat domestically to the country is this $21 trillion debt hanging over the cloud of America and future generations," Schultz said.

Schultz had previously slammed Trump's tax law, which slashed the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent, calling it "fool's gold" that wouldn't help "create a level playing field and more compassionate society."

Starbucks attempted to do just that by giving employees raises in light of the company's tax windfall from the new law. But Schultz said his previous criticism — that most companies would forward the majority of the benefits to their shareholders — still held water.

"I didn't give the administration credit" for the bonuses, "I gave credit to the fact the leadership of Starbucks did the right thing," Schultz said.

tick tock faggot. Obama helped make 9 trillion of that debt. He doubled the national debt from 8 tril to 16 tril in just 3 years.

>including mental health and opioid crises, racial tensions and income inequality
I'm sure there's (((a new government program))) that will cure all this wrongthink. We can even get faceberg and jewgle to design it.

Dude I dream for this every day no joke

I like what Schultz is saying.
He wants low taxes and less government spending and less entitlements.

He is a very smart, very gentle guy who carries himself in a civilized and dignified manner. I would love it if he became president.

Yes, but trump said being famous would let you touch women's vaginas in private. checkmate trumpilstilskin.

Despite his criticism for the corporate tax cuts, Schultz also had choice words for what he characterized as the increasingly left-leaning economic policies of the Democratic Party.

"I will say that it concerns me that so many voices within the Democratic Party are going so far to the left, and I ask myself how are we going to pay for all these things in terms of things like single payer [health care]," he said.

"I don't think that's realistic," Schultz added.

He also cautioned that the current levels of growth in the stock market should not be viewed as a barometer for the health of the entire economy.

"I don't believe that the stock market is going to continue to grow at the level it has between now and 2020," Schultz said.

"You're going to see a sea change."

tl;dr, he's a dirty jew mostly, believes in raising taxes on the rich (which will also mean raising taxes on everyone else, as it always does)

but for some reason claims to dislike entitlements (welfare), not sure I actually believe him.

But the nail in the coffin is his message of doom and gloom for the economy.
For once we may have two candidates that actually agree with each other in 2020, if he isn't just lying like Obama did.

>welfare is bad
>taxes are bad
>Democrat party is far too left

Trump has experience with bankruptcies. Just walk away. Debt is imaginary, just like our currency. Drop it and hop back on one of the gold standard currencies and you'd never hear the end of the the kvetching.

I don't think his message on those matters is going to be realistic to voters though, if there is an actual solution President Trump is probably already doing it via providing law enforcement substantial support from the administration to streamline their operations.

>"create a level playing field and more compassionate society."
>aka "kill whitey"

Well we need to do it. We're trading in our gold, our houses, our land and our time for worthless imaginary money not backed by anything. The biggest redpill of all time is that we don't need these people and we can get rid of them.

>Despite his criticism for the corporate tax cuts
He didn't criticize the tax cuts. He criticized how the tax cuts would be used by businesses, namely, they would be used primarily for stock buy backs. He's not against tax cuts at all, he simply had to talk about tax cuts in a way that would be appealing to democrats, because democrats are largely moronic socialists.
I think Schultz is strongly in favor of low taxes, he is a world class businessman, after all. And he's willing to speak out against single payer healthcare and 'jobs for all' which is pretty bold for a democrat.

fuck off shill, the guy's a hypocrite and an asshole

It's like Trump is begging us to get the ball rolling. He can't do everything.

>fuck off shill, the guy's a hypocrite and an asshole
Starbucks' stock has returned 21000%. That's real excellence right there. We need a guy like this.

>Where was (((schultz))) then?
selling low grade coffee to halfwits at a markup that was obscene even for a Jew.

The most sure fire way to guarantee a fascist uprising in the US would be bringing down the debt. Go for it.

Because the only way to pay it off if it keeps increasing is to print more dollars which would lead to inflation.

the thing you need to watch is liquidity cover
i took my data just ignore the UK number. liquidity cover is falling because of rising interest rates. as long as you can have a 10x or more liq. cover you are basically fine, if it drops too much you can get in trouble with public spending which will have to be cut.

but you don't really have to worry because investors will always buy US treasuries simply because you can rely on them the most. even if they would have a negative yield they would still get bought because then, at least you don't lose money.

there's a lot of shit coming economically in the medium to long term. everything is bubbled thanks to the fed. but it's basically human nature to follow the money, especially if it's guaranteed by officials. but the free money is over, the fed is tightening their balance sheet (that is what propped up the S&P500 in the first place) it's going to be a fun ride

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>debt is an issue
>so let's vote for the JEWISH DEMOCRAT candidate
>dems are so good at cutting back deficit spending, right goys?

It's just a propaganda weapon, it's completely meaningless. It could be 1000%, but as long as it's in your own fiat and mostly owned domestically it's nothing.

Current account deficits bring down nations. Not the US, because the official deficit doesn't take into account that the US sells protection services with it's army. Budget deficits are only relevant in as far they affect the current account deficit, which they don't necessarily do.

It leads to inflation, it doesn't in and of itself lead to hyperinflation. It is not runaway process. This is because the interest rates the central bank sets can go to zero or even negative.

Why didn’t they raise their voices during the last admin? Hillary said she wouldn’t add a penny to the national debt, though! Oh, and I’m sure single payer of a very sick nation, won’t add anything else, either....

Is (((Shultz))), dare I say, /#ourDemocrat/ ?

Has there ever been a democrat in the last 20 years who cut government and welfare spending?

Schultz is based. Put sbux to the top. 10x'd my money. Coffee is pretty good too.

By design. Thanks for yesterdays news. Kys

And (for once), this guy is absolutely right.

The debt is by far the biggest issue in the US, since it's debt that drove Weimar Germany to the ground (and led to the hyperinflation, homelessness and starvation epidemic of the early 1930s in Germany)

Gold debt drove Weimar Germany into the ground. Printing money out of thin air and cancelling gold debt almost made Germany able to win a world war single handed.


The entire debt is die to republucans cutting taxes and old people on social / medicare

When republucans vaguely talks out welfare..its a dog whistle to racists and because they are afraid to actually talk about cutting Medicare and social security anymore.

The only other large poor person program is medicaid and even that 40 percent of money goes entirely to nursing homes

Foot stamps are only 88 billion Medicare and social security is 2 trillion almost

No amount of cutting that doesn't drastically cut these old people profrans can balance the budget and that's why it's disgusting that republucans keep cutting taxes to run up the defecit

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Doubt it, and I seriously doubt (((Schultz))) will do it either.

I think he's lying to us like Obama so he gets some low information voters (retards) to vote for him.

>not mentioning the 7.3 trillion dollar increase under Obama

As if the fed will even be a thing in 5 years

It is just words and mind games. Might makes right. The end.

The consequence is seen best in Weimar Germany.
The country decides to print bills to pay the debt back (hyperinflation), which means you salary stays the same but the price of everything else (food, rent, everything) goes up by 10,000+% every year, which is what happened in the 1930s and what is happening in Venezuela today (Source: bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-25/imf-sees-venezuela-inflation-soaring-to-13-000-percent-in-2018)

For reference, if inflation increases by 13,000 % in one year (as is the case in Venezuela), then that means that if rent costs you $1,000 per month in year 0, then it will cost you $130,000 per month in year (and keep increasing by similar amounts every year), while your salary remains at whatever it is at year 0

as if the U.S. will be a thing in 5 years.

Expanding the money supply creates debt. Printing money is "monetizing debt". The debt is an illusion.

>The truth is out: money is just an IOU, and the banks are rolling in it
>The Bank of England's dose of honesty throws the theoretical basis for austerity out the window

Republicans have been running a dishonest con with tax cuts that pay for themselves bdvause they need to pay back donors and need old people to get elected (this is the KOCH bros prediction btw so the ACA represented is probally as high as they could make it}

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Why wouldn't your salary increase?

Another problem is that 50+% of all US federal debt is owned by the public (namely 401k), which means that if the gov't chooses not to pay it back, then every cent you've got saved in that 401k disappears. No retirement for you.

>8 years of spending more money then anyone before combined
>we care now, please vote for us and we'll fix it
Democrats are such losers

>debt is the greatest threat
>but we need to bring in more 3rd world immigrants
>and we need to give them more gibs
>this will fix our economy
>plz disregard what I said about debt

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Because salary doesn't follow inflation. I'm not an economist so I can't really say why, but I just know it to be true.

The best example of this is when boomers tell you that they went to college and paid back their student loans working 9 - 5 minimum wage jobs part time. There is no way that you can do that today with current wages and current college tuition prices.

Here's an article showing my point: money.cnn.com/2018/02/09/news/economy/wage-growth-inflation/index.html

>Because salary doesn't follow inflation
It does for rent prices. Google has to pay workers enough to cover rent, otherwise they can't work there.
That also means tech workers competing for rent drive prices up (inflation), since Google can foot the higher rent bill.

>Peter Thiel: The vast majority of the capital I give companies is just going to landlords

Oh suddenly the left is worried about the national debt. Adorable.

>The country decides to print bills to pay the debt back (hyperinflation),
They printed bills to buy gold. If they could have printed bills to pay back debt denominated in bills it would have been far less damaging. At most a short period of hyper inflation and then debt free.

Then again the Japanese Central Bank managed to print and pay off most of the Japanese debt without even having inflation (the central bank is part of the government, you don't owe debt to yourself).

Let those who can't buy food starve and those that can't afford medicine die. Pretty straight forward.

PL is running for Senate in CA. He basically just dog whistled for him. We need to kick kikes out of power, and that also means in media and journalism.

Attached: 6-5-18 Dog Whistle for PL.png (908x231, 42K)

Yeah I mean that's a thing. But since it's not a winning voting issue republicams instead act like if they could just cut out these silly wasteful expenditures that add up to irrelevant amounts.. That they could balance the budget

And that tax cuts pay for themselves