Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race

Daily reminder that if you're white and you don't plan on having kids you're CONTRIBUTING to the end of the white race.

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this. m.youtube.com/watch?v=jCWsTYC4Gyk

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Good thing I'm not white

Good thing I don't plan on having kids.

i have the schizophrenia genes though

I plan on impregnating negresses to lower their race

Remember fellas, dysgenics can be weaponized, if you're a low tier white like me with shit genes spread it to the lower races to undermine them even more


Au revoir you anglo of faggots

I'm trying, I'm starting to date a girl who's family moved to the US from Poland in 2011

I do plan on having kids but my wife is asian

sauce on cute blonde?

Daily reminder that the majority of modern "white" wamen are degenerate whores that just conceal their urges to fool brainlet whiteknights like you.

It doesn't matter anymore.

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Sorry friend. No sauce. Got it from Jow Forums. Reverse image search brings up nothing.

Oh wow! I needed that good laugh. I was worried I had schizophrenia in my family tree (sister has it) so I was not going to have any kids to stop that from spreading. Now I think I am going to bring some of that craziness to the masses! thanks user! I am laughing about that now. Time to go to walmart and pick up some blacks and mexicans and make them even crazier!

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If you want to save the white race then you should take work up at the sperm banks and replace all shitskin sperm with your own.

Making kids will not save us and anyone who says otherwise is trying to stop you from doing what you have to.

Wife is 10 weeks preggo. You are welcome. It's not brown or chink. All white and we both have blue eyes.

I'm having children with a beautiful ching chong ding dong

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Oh ok.

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My Grandparents had 5 and 8 kids
My parents had 6 kids
I plan on having just as many

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>this is why leafs need to be banned
You dont know what you talk about and would instead make white men more docile and dependent on stability.

Oh ok.


congratulations brother. I wish her an easy pregnancy/birth and many blessings for the entire family.

The white race already nuked itself. Your just in denial.

Thousand Cock Stare/10

My mother was a Greek Rhodesian. Are there Rhodesian American communities around?

>Oh ok.
>Yeah go have children and get forced to have a job and sustain the current zionist rule because the alternative its your kids starving and dying.
Truly I hate you retarded for not understanding what needs to be done, if you think a bunch of men with kids will be willing to start a revolution or to fight the government and elite I dont know what to say.

My dog is a Rhodesian ridgeback boxer mix. Does that count?

never change Jow Forums

Good thing I'm contributing.

Oh ok.

Not my fault all the white women are blue haired liberal nigger lovers

Docile and dependent on stability?
If you don't have children you have no reason to make a better world for the next generation. Men with children fight much harder.
Your nephew doesn't count, user.

you're just coping by creating a false sense of inevitability.

Is it better to have a 10 95% white 5% black babies or 5 100% white babies?

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The most beautiful part is white people killing themselves off, its almost poetic

Men with children go to war all the time, Idiot.
Because men with kids have a reason to.. What else would you be fighting for? The constitution? Your values? Just how stupid is that?

I'm not too sure user. I go to university in Florida and yet to meet another rhodesian, though I've met two black zimbabweans who are close friends. they're teaching me Shona and I'm jokingly called their "token african"

I am white and have two kids to a black girl

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Men with children dont fight against the system because that means their kids will starve, so they need stability, do you really think that revolutions are made by men with families or men with nothing to lose? Do you think we will be able to break the jewish control over our society if you are forced to be part of it since the alternative is you lose the people you love?

Daily reminder that the white race is fucked anyways and I don't need a screeming child to fuck my life up for 30 years.

(1) 100% is better than (100) 95%

I will have kids, I just won't marry

I can live with that.

Tell me how often you have seen revolutions made by men with kids you brain dead danish, who do you think pushed for the change of lords,kings and dictators? Do you think men that need to feed their families or men with no one to be dependent on?


>Come on goys... ahem. i mean guys... we already lost... we might as well just give up.

Nobody is going to fight the government. Citizens have pea shooters, the government has tanks and attack choppers. The worst that would happen is a few cities would burn down and there would be even more rules against us.

What do you think you meme flag faggot? Kill yourself and have none

>because the army is some kind of AI entity that has no other loyalties
Sure leaf go suck the jewish and chinese dick and leave real men talk.

If you don't have children, what do you stand to win? As a father, i can tell you that you severely underestimate our willingness to lay down our lives for our next generation. Especially if you are 1488.


As a father will you go out and destroy the stability of your country because you dont like the government and make sure your family and kids will starve and suffer?

what are you gonna do, when you are 50? Still be a bachelor, playing videogames and hanging out with your loser friends who never grew into adulthood... Good luck with that dude... Toys cannot replace a family.

Am I white?

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Daily reminder that microchimerism in the female brain is real and that all you really need to do is ejaculate inside of as many females as possible to propagate your genes. Even in their mouth or ass works. As long as sperm gets into mucous membranes, you win.

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îți pierzi timpul cu ăștia, ce știu ei despre revoluții

Should be telling white women this you dumb fuck.

I'm gonna have kids with a black woman. is that still okay?

Name a revolution, where men with children didn't participate? Do you think the farmers in the french revolution were all bachelors?

Not having children makes you not care. You'll see once you have your own. And men who do not care, are not gonna fight a system.. And if they will, they are not gonna reerect a better one.

White people aren't going anywhere.

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You are whiter than me Joao probably because i have a tan though.

A family is to be made when ready. You are setting yourself up for poverty.

It's like honestly do you believe Mexicans and black people are going to team up together?

Why would you believe this despite the complete lack of evidence?

I'm not saying it doesn't exist because the scientific material on this is scarce, but believing something that has no real scientific backing is foolish, user.

Tell me one started by men with kids, just fucking one, it doesnt matter what happen later once factions were made but who started it.
Also not having children and no perspective for reproduction makes you willing to topple governments because the current structure doesnt work for you.Open a fucking history book for once and read who starts revolutions by masses.

the good thing is they don't know their ancestor's mistakes because we didn't leave them any behind to warn them. they march with the confidence of a newborn.

Only if we stand to win more, than we will lose.
If there is an invasion from an enemy, i will lay down my life down and destroy the world for my family, if i have to. My kids will suffer as much as they need to, if it seems to be worth it on the other side.

Poverty? Get a job then. Kids don't cost very much, if you don't throw your money away.

>yada yada invasions
I talk about revolutions retard, no white man with a family will join any paramilitary group to topple the current government and political structure, you talk out of your ass like you have until now.

I think it's ethically reprehensible to encourage people to have children, to stave off loneliness. I think that is a an unbelievably self centred reason for having children.

You seem to be trying to use the fear of loneliness to motivate someone to have children. Whilst knowing nothing about the person's character, mental health, or financial circumstances.

Why? To 'win' a breeding race?

Quality > Quantity IMO.

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CRISPR and test tube babies will prevent any race from going extinct.
If you mean the end of white majority countries, just look at how awful they all turned out.

I bet tons of white want kids and all but today women are trash and princess who won't settle with anyone who aren't hot tall and rich. All thanks to tinder, instagram and all the beta who lick their feet

This is exactly what I talk about, you continue the current structure because you need to feed your kids, so you will fight to maintain this structure because if you dont they starve.

The french revolution.

Georges Danton - 3 kids


"White" is not a race dumbshit, it's a phenotype that covers Europe and some parts of Asia. Then there is the cultural whiteness e.g. westernization, which is even less restricted to European heritage.

shit, good idea

Well i would, if i wanted to topple the current government and political structure, but i don't?


Bringing down the current political structure (ie. Jewish Supremicists, The Deep State, Corporations, etc) would literally mean an economic collapse, and a radical return to more simpler living and temporary (though we may be talking years) chaos.

Very few people would want to bring up children in those circumstances where food and shortages, along with an increase in violence (even in white majority areas) would be a problem.

Just look at what happened to Argentina when their economy bottomed out in 2001. It was fucking chaos before things became more stable.

Radically changing the society to what Jow Forums wants would mean massive political change. Dismantling bureaucracies and other power structures that keep society economically functional.

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esti primul user Roman de mult timp pe pol sa stii despre ce vorbesti bravo frate

Indian or Pakistani?


Staving off loneliness is one of the benefits of having children, but definitely not the only one.

I want to appeal to selfish people, because Jow Forums is absolutely filled to the brim with them. And children will give them a purpose in life they can get nowhere else.

>he points me to a political leader
So what you are saying is that the political leaders fought the army and got shot or were behind giving speeches? I give go have your kids and maintain the current zionist debt based society you people deserve to be replaced and control by the elite.

Ayyy caramba la creatura

Brown and black people are dependent on a system that is welfare. Once this system collapses and it will they are fucked and they will not only turn on whites but most importantly each other. They will then be put down by armed whites nationwide. Welfare needs to be destroyed.

It is not a good point. It would require great political change, but even people without children would not want to live in a collapsed society. You are talking out of your own ass.

I give up*

Nothing would change then.

The EU, and feminist and liberal government of Denmark would continue their policies and trajectory. Having white babies would not change anything. Despite what Jow Forums thinks, the leaders of the EU (and your country) are not '90% jews'.

Europeans themselves are carrying out a lot of the policies. Merkel is not Jewish.

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This is what I keep telling him but he like a retard believes that a revolution will be made by voting and not war, he doesnt understand many factions will join to capitalize and profit and the jews will most likely try to put in power one of their puppets.But hey lets all have kids so then we can never be able to be willing to die to destroy the system.

Well they didn't keep count of the farmers children did they, you inbred mongoloid. But do you think that a farmer, living at times without condoms didn't have kids? None of them? You are just dreaming now, kid.

White women who aren't massively obese are too busy riding the best cocks to worry about giving me an children. The absolute state of whitey, sorry.

Go have children and keep voting, but when the muslims invade or the economic crisis that is being made in US as we speak hit I hope you and your entire family starves to death because you are a retard and the europeans will do better because of it.

Hard to believe Sven. It's nearly winter here, so I'd look darker during other times of the year(not brown though)

i'm only half white and half honduran. Too late for me to have white babies. I'm gonna mix with an asian and have glorious golden babies

Why does it matter if they are jewish or not? Tyrants are tyrants no matter the size of their noses.

I don't want things to radically change. I want this to change a bit. I want to get rid of the EU, NWO, feminists and all that. But that is a very very small part of the political structure. Toppling all of society, killing your brothers and sisters, creating mass turmoil to get rid of feminists? No... Bad idea.

And what then? How do you rebuild? and into what? See... you don't really care about your country. You just hate the way things are, and want the world to burn... If you had kids, you might think a step further.

And now you start talking about an invasion... Idiot.. I am saying a want to fight for my country. How are you not getting this, you dense motherfucker.

Oh my god, you are right, I will go and make a child, because RACE is so important. Thats what I leave for!

As white as I am. I’m Swedish, Italian, old stock and Spanish(not Hispanic but from northern Spain). You?