How was this not terrorism? He even said “God built me for this”

How was this not terrorism? He even said “God built me for this”
Youre all a bunch of hippocrites.

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Terrorism is where you do violence short of war to effect a political objective.
What was his political objective?

It was a personal vendetta that was not politically motivated also daily reminder he did nothing wrong

So when muslims do it in the name of god its political but when a white guy does it in the name of god its not. Gotcha. No double standard there. Nope. None at all.

Not all mudnigger violence is terrorism, but most of it is. They are attacking specifically for political purposes when they do it for jihad.

Correct. It's called a dictionary, you fucking kike. Try reading one instead of just re-defining the words you don't like.

He didn't kill anyone except himself.

Terrorism is anything they want it to be. You can thank legislature like the Patriot act for that.

Moslems do terrorism to get you to convert.

Possibly.... I do note that the liberal dictionaries have changed the definition from the original.

If your home country is a theocracy then killing for your God is political you double nigger.

I don't kow what I am!

Attached: look up the spelling of that word.jpg (1280x759, 267K)

terrorism is the use of violence to archive political goals
what are you on about, faggot?

Ignorant OP doesn't know the story.
The mans driveway was going to be blocked by a new cement company, he offered to dig a new road, the city said no.
The city disconnected his sewer system and charged him for the disconnection and slapped on dumping fines on top of it.
tell me where you live so i can seal you in your room, make sure you shit the bed, then take your money because i find shitting the bed offensive.

haha wow you come in hear whining about kill dozer? you fucking little baby boy don't wet ur diapers bitch baby

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>me no undurstand sykologee
Slide thread or retarded OP. Don't forget to sage.

Because it was righteous violence.

Muslims do terrorism to terrorize americans and bring awareness that they're a threat to american national security, What kind of retarded white people logic does it make it you think that it makes you convert to islam?

What he fuck I literally looked up the story about this dude yesterday after seeing the new killdozer video by dopethrone and now there's multiple threads on Jow Forums.
Starting to think this place is just bots serving me a virtual image board experience just to shill a (((narrative))).

>How was this not terrorism?
Because he was getting revenge against some (((leftists))) who used the state's monopoly on violence for personal gain...
Are you retarded for something? In what world is "these people have caused deliberate and personal harm against me, I will cause deliberate harm to those same people in response" terrorism?

Terrorism=anti zionist


Killdoser best doser best spree

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
>Gov fucks guy over in blatant corruption
>guy responds by destroying gov buildings
>gets killed by Police

>Hate western values
>Blow up unarmed civilians

It wasn't terrorism because there was no political motive and the targets were not random people.
This was vandalism if anything.

Man. He wasn't going around shooting innocent civilians or blowing up crowded public spaces

Convert or die is literally their message. For crying out loud do you even pay attention when they issue statements??? Their literal, stated objective,as in what they write down and send to us via letters to our media is that they want the violemt destruction of western spciety and to convert through force all of us to Islam. Fucking pay attention! They actually tell us that! Why do you think they yell "allah Akbar!" (God is great) when they suicide bomb? Because they believe if they kill enough of us we will give in and become Muslims and live under Sharia law.

it is, but terrorism is good

Terrorism comes with demands: Convert or, get out of my county or and so on. This guy did no such thing he just wanted revenge.
He also didn't kill anyone but himself, what he did was advanced vandalism.

fuck you he is completely based.
if we had more people like him maybe the governments would actually fear backlash from the citizens and we wouldn't live in this mess.

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He was a Minuteman rising against Tyrants, not a terrorist.

Faggots like you need to learn the distinction, faggot.

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He didn't kill anyone nor he planned to. He was just a man pushed too far.

>terrorism is ok if it goes against HURR (((LEFTISTS)))
unironically kys terrorist apologist SCUM.

Also it wasn't terrorism because he didn't kill anybody, nor to instill random terror within the populace (you know, terror as in TERRORism? derp)


Terrorism works. The American Revolution is proof.

Woah, that's actually a good point

Do you even know what terrorism means? They do terror attacks to prove a point to american national security, you unironic dumb fag

What is this?
Never seen it.

To send a warning to the corrupt everywhere that a house that is built on sand can be killdozed

You dumb dick terrorism is a movement with ann ideology shared by the many that make up that movement.
Not just one individual doing crazy shit things.

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>0 deaths
That is why. He took his revenge on the people who fucked him over completely without killing any innocent people. That ladies and gentleman is why White people are superior. Even when we are pieces of shit, we are better than you.

Terrorists don't make killdozers and make it look awesome. Your argument is invalid.

I mean, I like the patina of Mill Scale but a couple of cans of Krylon in a nice Royal Blue will really have tied the whole thing together.

He didn't kill anyone to further a political goal. He was just a reasonable man that was pushed to do very unreasonable things.

When I was active duty the military defined terrorism as and act designed to inflict terror in a person/population. wtf has the world come to when basic definitions are so easily changed. Fuck it.

>terrorist apologist SCUM
all "terrorism" is not the same. everything is hierarchical and has nuance - domestic acts of war, by patriotic americans, against tyranny, is legally defined as domestic terrorism - but it is anything but. it is domestic heroism, and it is why they will always be remembered in history as american heroes even if reactionaries like you say otherwise.

killdozer didn't even kill anyone btw

Why can't spics read?

That's an interesting way to carry out a grudge. It ain't at all right to destroy people's property, but it's also not right - I think - to be entirely willing to murder a guy who's just doing property damage, which it sounds like was the case.

>2 posts by this ID, without a solid argument
Stop it

He was committing property damage against those who wronged him and used the state's power to do so deliberately.
It was wrong, but he did the right thing.


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It isn't the right thing, but as far as the literal political goonery which it sounds might have been used against them, the thugs in question were hardly undeserving of misfortune.
There's a difference between whether people deserve misfortune and whether it's right to be an intentional deliverer of misfortune to others - "two wrongs don't make a right" is an ever-relevant phrase.

>terrorism is ok if it goes against (((LEFTISTS)))
Yes, and?

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Terrorism is a meme word.

If it's related to jihad it's political.

He didn't do it in the name of God you fucking heeb he did it to BTFO the crypto kikes who fucked him. Mentioning God once in you pre-rampage manifesto doesn't mean the rampage orbits around religion

No you ignorant pig fucking faggot. Theu aren't trying to prove a point. They are trying to bleed us to death slowly. Death by a thousand cuts,
One pissed off guy with a gun, or bomb or bullfozer and a poorly thought out idea is not a terrorist. He is just a bad guy. The same guy with any of that and the idea of changing policy or the destruction of the country is a terrorist. That same guy again with any of that trying to right an injustice is a vigilante (like Batman or the Punisher).
Killdozer was a vigilante.

Killdozer is a hero. Thats all there is to it.


impeach drumpf

Its totally fucking awesome terrorism, learn the difference.

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Isn't that a guy in Carmageddon?

thats not what defines terrorism, dumbfuck

because killdozer was fighting the government who denied him basic human decency.
left or right views aside everybody should view this man as a hero,
martin deserved better.

It was motivated by revenge, not politics, religion, or other such ideals. Just a pissed off man trying to give one giant fuck-you to his community.

You sound like a cucked retard who bends over and takes it up the ass when told to, you will never understand faggot

If morality was based only on my sentiment then torturous death would be what I think all people willing to use violence against others deserves.
It's too bad for my sentiments that moral principles aren't determined by them.

I find something about the story really sad.